
Rip It Up

Orange Juice

Group Rating: 3.5
Global Rating: 2.89
Global Reviews

Cassette Kids Uprising Reviews

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I love the innocence of this album. The medium really is the message with Rip It Up; just start something new... It could almost be Nile Rodgers on production for some of the tracks. The rhythms are so strong. Add in Edwyn's almost crooning like vocals and you get a very, very decent album.

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Slightly disappointing. I expect so much of OJ based on the excellent singles on here.I also really enjoyed the Highlife-y second track and the one that sounds like Josef K, but this album seems to lurch from style to style and the production of each song sounds different. And none are as polished as the two singles on here (which are two of the greatest pop songs ever created). So 3/5 for the two singles, but this is a very inconsistent collection of songs.
