
Exit Planet Dust

The Chemical Brothers

Group Rating: 2.5
Global Rating: 3.17
Global Reviews

Cassette Kids Uprising Reviews

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This wasn't the thrill ride that it used to be back in the day. Disclaimer: I revisited this at 9am on a February morning in 2023, and not in a club whilst feeling tired and emotional. That probably explains the downgrading. It's still decent with some great samples. But not a record to listen to at home alone.

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Repetitive beats indeed. This has not aged well - the style and sound both feel dated. There isn't much to focus on here (although admittedly I was at my desk wfh on a Friday morning, not jumping around in a club) and my attention quickly drifted off. It got a bit more interesting with the addition of vocals on the last few tracks, but this was too late for me.
