
Sweet Baby James

James Taylor

Group Rating: 4
Global Rating: 3.25
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Cassette Kids Uprising Reviews

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It's stating the bloody obvious but I love the simplicity of singer songwriters. No clutter, no fuss. Just the songs and a stripped down approach to music. It's a very honest way of working and shows a great belief in your own talents. James Taylor carries this off effortlessly. There's a real mix of styles here, but the singer songwriter thing holds it all together. Some of the gospel reminded me of Alabama 3 - without the drugs; there was also nursery rhyme style chants that were oddly appealing. Steamroller Blues shows that JT has a sense of humour. I had no idea this was the original. I only previously knew the Elvis cover. Four stars on the first listen, probably five once I become more familiar with the songs.

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Bland and uninteresting. Gave up after short bursts of the first two songs. Sweet baby Jesus, more like.
