
Viva Hate


Group Rating: 1.5
Global Rating: 2.98
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Cassette Kids Uprising Reviews

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Was it still acceptable to like Mozza at this point? I lose track. Bengali in Platforms in a recruitment track for the Nazis, right? How the hell did he get away with this? The singles stand out. Suedehead floats from start to finish. It's close to the perfect Mozza track. Ditto for Every Day is Like Sunday. The rest of the album is still something of a climbdown from The Smiths - although they were well past their sell by date with Strangeways. Oh well. What a talent, what a waste.

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I came to this with what I hoped was an open mind. The first couple of tracks were quite bouncy. However, I did find myself being dragged down by the mood of this album by the midway point. I don't really like Morrissey's voice, and the bleak 'humour' of the Smiths seems to have moved into 'man angry at the world for not recognising how special he is' territory. I just wish he would stop whinging and blaming everyone but himself for what is a fairly turgid set by this point of his career.
