

Black Sabbath

Group Rating: 3
Global Rating: 4.14
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Cassette Kids Uprising Reviews

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I came close to taking my traditional approach to metal albums: DO NOT LISTEN, or at least bail at the earliest opportunity. I was interested in War Pigs though, and so let this play out. My ears pricked up further with Paranoid. It's one of those songs that you listen and hear out of routine, rather than trying to appreciate it as a song on its own. Paranoid is everywhere. It's almost wallpaper music now, such is the familiarity. The album wasn't as heavy as I feared, and even had moments of melody. Planet Caravan stood out for the tune, if not the title. I lasted until track 6. I probably won't play this again, and certainly wouldn't buy it. But nowhere as bad as I was fearing.

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Despite not liking Metal as a genre, I do love a bit of Sabbath. They did it first, and best. Iy’s easy to forget that tis album was released in 1970. Paranoid is a fantastic tune, but I found my attention wandering after the first half of this album. War Pigs is great too, so maybe I just love the ‘hits’? Still a great album though.
