
Strangeways, Here We Come

The Smiths

Group Rating: 1.5
Global Rating: 3.45
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Cassette Kids Uprising Reviews

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The Smiths had pretty much run out of steam by '87. There's little of the original anger passion from the first three albums here. You can see why Strangeways was the album that ended it all. Marr's music is stronger than Morrissey's lyrics. A few gems poke through - Girlfriend in a Coma is great. But otherwise it's not the first Smiths albums you reach for, if indeed you reach for any these days.

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Never really got The Smiths, and the cod-reggae opener didn't help. Chuck in the 'lyrics' to Paint and I wonder why anyone ever lauded Morrissey's way with words. Those words clearly got away from him. Apparently both Morrissey and Marr claim this is their best album, which probably tells me all I need to know about this.
