
The White Room


Group Rating: 2
Global Rating: 2.75
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Cassette Kids Uprising Reviews

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I wanted to say that this a flawless album. But it's clearly not. The White Room is disjointed, out of place and confused. But that's half the fun of The KLF. Subversion was always more exciting than playing the game. There are some absolute gems on here. The singles are all five star ratings. They sound better in a club, obvs. But I doubt I will get to experience that again. Build A Fire offers a different, darker narrative. KLF continue to fascinate me. I wish they had continued. But that would have led to disappointment. The myth grows ever more as time passes.

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I enjoyed this more with hindsight than I did at the time. This is fun, playful, inventive. It gets a little silly in places, but then it is - at its heart - pop music. Some interesting and unusual samples, and I enjoy the 'theme' (such as it is) running through the album. Brightened up a gloomy rainy Wednesday at my desk.
