
Group Info

Being in a group means you will get the same album generated as other people in the same group.
Perfect for if you want to have an album club with friends, colleagues or family.
You will also get a group specific statistics page.

Create group

Enter a name for your group above. This name is not to be confused with your project name.
If checked: Albums you have had generated wont be generated again for the group. Group members can catch up and rate those albums from their history tab. If not checked: You will still keep your history, but the albums can be generated again for the group.

Join group

Enter the name of an existing group you want to join.
If checked: You will keep your history but also earn the groups history of listened albums. That way you can catch up on what the group has listened to, but depending on how many albums that is it may be a lot of work! If not checked: You will keep your history as is and not earn the groups history. You will have no way of catching up on the groups listened albums.