


Group Rating: 3.5
Global Rating: 3.71
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MetalheadClub Reviews

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I was ready to hate it at worst or be indifferent about it at best. I live in a tight enough music bubble that I never ever heard a song from her (or none that I could identify as being from her) and I was expecting way worst seing her popularity. And... I must say she's got a great voice (and pretty well-used) and the music backing her is decent. I can't say I'll listen to her again willingly, but it was not unpleasant.

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Somehow I had avoided listening to the biggest selling UK album of the 21st century until now, and it’s a remarkable piece of work. Written by Adele when she was just 21 (hence the title) in the aftermath of what sounds like a toxic relationship with a much older man, it naturally deals with pain, heartache and redemption. Musically, it’s a mix of genres but I found that I preferred the simpler tracks with the highpoint for me being ‘I Found a Boy’
