

The Monkees

Group Rating: 2.75
Global Rating: 2.87
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Rating this a 4 solely based on Zilch, because that's one of the coolest songs ever (which later becomes one of the coolest samples ever).

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In an alternate universe, a band from the '60s started to play joyful pop/rock, but they were on the other side of the Pond, took another animal as a band name, and never took an experimental turn making their music remotely interesting. I prefer to stay in my very own universe with our bugs.

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When the Beatles started going weird, someone at NBC television had the bright idea of creating a family friendly boy band from scratch for a tv show, and maybe put out some records as well. The Monkees were duly assembled and released two albums, before rising up and seizing the means of production to record their own songs. This album is mostly harmless, but not particularly memorable. Highlight is a snarky song about the Beatles called “Randy Scouse Git”.
