
Is This It

The Strokes

Group Rating: 2.4
Global Rating: 3.83
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MetalheadClub Reviews

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Isn't it the worst out of the naughties? I really disliked this pseudo-garage rock revival at that time, and it didn't age well either. It sill a music performed by a bunch of poseurs who painfuly recycle old ideas while being nonchalant to pass for the coolest kids in town.

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I missed this album at the time - I think there must have been other stuff going on in September of 2001. First impressions are of a Britpop band trying to sound American. Second impressions came during the track New York City cops (understandably dropped from later re-releases) when it turned out to be an American band doing Britpop about five years late. Not bad though, with some Stooges style vibes. Minus points for a truly awful album cover though.
