

Amy Winehouse

Group Rating: 3.4
Global Rating: 3.45
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MetalheadClub Reviews

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She did have a voice, but even if it was pretty powerful, I never really liked her inflexions, the timbre, something is off for me. Musically, I like jazz but I always prefer when it's instrumental. And when the beats start, to give the background jazz music a modern twist, I find it pretty annoying. I never really got all the fuss around Winehouse, and listening to this album did not convinced me that I am missing something.

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This is almost unbearably sad. Amy Winehouse released her debut album when she was just 19, singing about her life where the men that she craved love from were all weak, manipulative or needy. She sounds tired, cynical and world weary, and in retrospect it’s easy to see the path that she was already heading down. Nobody should be singing lines like “I’ve forgotten all of young love’s joy” when they’re not even in their twenties. Rest in peace Amy.
