Curtis MayfieldGreat Album, song 3, 4 are just background sounds from the movie. Liked 3 Songs especially, maybe smooch material?
Great Album, song 3, 4 are just background sounds from the movie. Liked 3 Songs especially, maybe smooch material?
very nice, had some really chill songs
Very bassy and chill Awesome for 'high' setting
Classic stones, songs like paint it black. Etc. Not quite my favorite music, but has its place
hard screamo in some songs kinda liked 3 songs for the drums, rest is not quite my taste. It is one to have listened though Some fun sound experiments
Short and sweet songs. But they are a bit sad/slow for my taste. They have their spot, but I won't listen to them often
Sad country? Moody and gloomy. Somewhat nice, but would not really listen to again by myself
Billie holliday. You finally know she is a woman. Great 'sad' songs, very jazzy bluesy, some freestyle lyrics I feel (last track) and feels insightful, but not a daily listen. More if you have the blues