The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet UndergroundNot really a fan of this, but would listen again
Not really a fan of this, but would listen again
Had heard it before and will probably listen again. Need to be in the right mood as it gets a bit monotone
Not really for me. Have tried them before and it hasn't clicked
Surprised how much I liked this. Will listen again and to other PubliC Enemy albums
Didn't mind it, which surprised me as I expected not to. Might listen again
Didn't dislike it, but a bit too monotone and downbeat for me to choose it
Good stuff, altough not sure I would choose it
Had heard this before and liked Fat of the Land 20 years ago, but this was not for me
Really liked it - listened twice and will lok for more by her
Liked it
Fun songs but the male singer's voice is annoying
Quite like it - will listen again and to other albums by them
An old favourite!
Nice enough without being very interesting. Listened a few times but didn't really click for me
Didn't like it
It's good. Very laid back
Very different to their later albums. Liked it more than I thought but not sure I will listen again
I like it!
Some songs were ok, didn't like it on the whole
Not for me
Nice enough, might listen again