Wonder when Purple Rain is going to show up? Anyways it’s a solid 5 from me, not sure if it really affects anything but I listened to the 2020 remaster and found myself enjoying the ride through the entire album with it more than the original 1987 release which I listened to a while back. Eric Leeds on the Ballad of Dorothy Parker and It’s Gonna Be a Beautiful Night really impressed me, I’ve been following his work with prince for a bit but I never really had time to sit down and enjoy his efforts. Also, Prince’s voice CONSISTENTLY delivers, Starfish and Coffee in particular really struck me alongside the other female singer (I don’t know her name), it really hit all the good nails for me as a song, but maybe that’s just because of all of the Pop I’ve been listening to lately.
Thundercat is a sensational lyricist and musician that adds so many unique and unexpected factors in his music that it keeps me strapped in for the entire way, and this album is no exception. His music is not for everyone out there (Which I get) because of how it can feel more like noise than music, but he definitely proves himself as a capable musician by finding beauty in that self-imposed madness (Uh Uh, Tokyo), while also providing clear and composed tracks that are just great listens on their own (Them Changes, Friend Zone). 5 from me, you should give his live performances a shot if you read these things!