The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Questa true beginning for a tribe that had its eyes set on being the one rap group to be preachy as hell but also really cool at the same time . experience flows here and is conveyed with a degree of mastery in terms of flow and beat making that is virtually impossible to match . a collection of songs trying to stop the descent of a sub culture set to exclude every one except the ones who match the people who popularized it and pleaded for life above anything . i could talk at length about the idea that some of the ways its worded are out dated but its undeniable these 20 year old dudes probably know better than other 20 year old dudes and will continue their excursion . the title implies a continuing quest rather than one with a set destination . pretty sure this is a 9 !! won me over seeing in all of its totalities . casually has the best beats of all time probably