The Modern Lovers
The Modern Loversis it over?
is it over?
Like Ramones but worse and also the singer is the Tasmanian devil
Really good album throughout. There were a couple of songs here and there that didn’t really click with me but Elton just has that certain sound that’s just special 4 Jamaicans out of 5
I'm not the target audience for this album so I can't really say much. If somebody had the aux and played this album I wouldn't mind, but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to it on my own.
Makes me want to drive through the streets of Italy in a comedy movie 4 baguettes
I like reggae but nothing stood out, a coworker with more knowledge said its one of the worse albums, so im staying level
I was 10 minutes into Desolation Row when I realized I was still listening to Desolation Row Didn’t hate it, didn’t love it, just an album I can turn my brain off and listen to bob strum and rhyme Rating this a casual 3
I went into this album expecting to be bored. The first few songs weren’t all that special to me but the further down the list I went, the more I really enjoyed it! True love travels on a gravel road was when the album really started to pick up for me, perhaps it’s the slower songs that stand out.
Hmmmmmm idk the album didn’t feel that special to me. I don’t have anything transformative to say The average 3 for thee!
Hearing this album was outstanding. This was right up my alley! Going down the list I was adding every single song to my liked playlist. That hasn’t happened before since I joined this project. Chefs kiss 🤌 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
✋Absolute Cinema🤚 I’m surprised I haven’t listened to this album sooner 4.7
Throughout the album I kept teetering between 2 and 3, I didn’t hate the album per se, but the rhythms of each song were just so tame and uninteresting. It just wasn’t really pulling me in ‘Nothing can stop us’ was such a breath of fresh air after listening to 7 long minutes of ‘Stoned to say the least’ but everything after that was back to tame and uninteresting At the end I’m sitting at a drowsy 2