Feb 11 2025
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The Stone Roses
The Stone Roses
Some pre-listen thoughts, the first track “I Wanna Be Adored” is probably one of my favorite songs oat, so I have pretty high expectations going into this one.
The Stone Roses’s self titled record is, in short, nothing fantastic, but pretty consistent in quality with someone generally good vibes throughout the entire project. Most songs follow the same tempo which does make some portions of the album feel a bit sluggish, but that just allows the songs that stick out to be even more special. Instrumentally, it’s about as 80’s and 90’s as it gets, although I do wish the lead vocalist had a little bit more variation in his vocal style. Overall, it was an enjoyable listen that was interesting enough to not make me want to skip songs.
Favorite tracks: I Wanna Be Adored, Bye Bye Bad Man, Made Of Stone (I really really really like this one)
Feb 12 2025
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Bayou Country
Creedence Clearwater Revival
I honestly thought I was crazy reading the reviews for this album. Creedence Clearwater Revival's second studio record, "Bayou Country" seems to be beloved by a lot of people, but after listening to this album I just can't seem to grasp the appeal. Tracks like Graveyard Train feel incredibly sluggish and overall the project just lacks that special feeling that keeps me coming back to other forms of music. "Good Golly Miss Molly" was among the few moments that I actually did enjoy the music quite a lot as I could appreciate how the drive of the song and the awesome lead guitar work. I also appreciated "Proud Mary" for it's melodic take on the style this album takes on. Overall, it's not terrible, but I do not get the appeal for these guys, although part of that may just be because I can't appreciate the release of this album during it's era or the genres it defined.
Favorite Tracks: Proud Mary, Good Golly Miss Molly
Feb 13 2025
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The xx
xx’s self-titled album is an attempt at a minimalist project. I’d say that i’m usually a fan of the genre, but this album was just extremely boring. The singing is pretty mediocre from both vocalists and the male vocalist sounds like he’s doing a bad Måneskin impersonation. The production is surprisingly really good, which just makes me so much more disappointed that it was wasted on such a lowkey attempt. If I’m being fair, there’s nothing incredibly offensive about this project, it’s just so boring. Every song is trying too hard to create a minimal scene, but failing horribly and just creating what could easily be mistaken for as “lazy” music. The one song I did thoroughly enjoy was “Basic Space”, as it finally adds the extra piece to the atmosphere this project attempts to foster, genuinely resembling a complete song.
Feb 14 2025
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
everything there is to say about this album has already been said