
The Stone Roses

The Stone Roses

Group Rating: 3.09
Global Rating: 3.63
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MetalheadClub Reviews

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I had never knowingly heard this band before, but this album sounds like when you buy a new pair of jeans and they’re already broken in, with some tasteful little rips, a bit of fraying at the hem.

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I like the general sound, but some of the songs were very similar to each other. This way it became more and more boring. Honestly, fewer songs and some of them shorter would have been better …

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I knew them by name but I could not really remember anything I've listen from them. This is OK but not memorable, the album is far too long and lacks coherence. Which is also kind of its strength, exploring different paths in almost opposite directions. Some paths were worth taken, some much less. It's more a 2.5 for me but I'm in a good mood, let's round it to 3.

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I didn’t really get the Madchester sound first time around, but now with a greater appreciation of 60s music I find I’m enjoying it more, oddly enough. I really enjoy this indie guitar sound that is firmly rooted in the 60s psychedelic tradition with some epic drums holding it all together.

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I only have a passing knowledge of The Stone Roses' existence, though I did recognize Fools Gold (which IMO's the stand-out track). The albums was fine, but nothing more than that.
