
Master Of Puppets


Group Rating: 4
Global Rating: 3.73
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When I was 18 to 20, I was going every saturday to music shops in my hometown, spending whole afternoons listening to music, and buying more or less random stuff, partly because I was eager to build my musical culture. Master of Puppets is one of these albums I knew about but never listen to, and that I decided to buy. I loved the stark, raw and stripped down sound (especially compared to what I was listening to at that time -- way too much symphonic metal). It's fast but not overly technical, it's kind of harsh but every track is actually pretty long and takes it time to develop. I did not listen to this album for quite some time and I still love it to the bone. I've never dug too much what they did afterward, but this album is gold.

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80’s thrash metal passed me by at the time - I always preferred British metal bands like Iron Maiden or Motörhead or the occasional bit of cheeky hair metal, and thought that thrash wasn’t for me. I was expecting this album to be hard work, but it turned out to be surprisingly accessible, with some interesting songs and allusions to the Cthulhu mythos. The whole thing is technically brilliant but it still didn’t completely grab me for some reason.

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I really want to give this 5 stars, but Disposable Heroes and Leper Messiah are overly-long fillers, particularly by comparison to some of the other pure brilliance on here.
