I'm not fully objective on this one since it's an important record for me, discovered at the beginning of my teenage years, that started to open me to rock, punk, metal. The truth is it's not a bad album, it's even a really good one in its own genre. And it is sufficiently diversed, with faster songs (most of them), some more down tempo, some almost surf (What happened to you?), some almost metal (the Smash riff). It's production is much rougher than what they did afterwards and I kinda like it better that way.
To a teenage pop-punk fan in 1994, this probably sounded like the most important album in the history of the world, ever! In retrospect, it’s full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, sung by people whose greatest fear was that someone might call them a trendy asshole. It’s at its most fun on the middle eastern themed ‘Come Out and Play’ and the bouncy ska of ‘What Happened to You?’