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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.


The Offspring


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Album Summary

Smash is the third studio album by American rock band the Offspring, released on April 5, 1994, by Epitaph Records. After touring in support of their previous album Ignition (1992), the band recorded their next album over two months at Track Record in North Hollywood, California. Smash was the band's final studio album to be produced by Thom Wilson, who had worked with them since their 1989 eponymous debut. This also marks the first album where Dexter Holland is credited with playing the guitar as opposed to vocals only. Smash was the Offspring's introduction into worldwide popularity, and produced a number of hit singles, including "Come Out and Play", "Self Esteem", and "Gotta Get Away". Along with Green Day's Dookie, Smash was responsible for bringing punk rock into the mainstream, and helped pave the way for the emerging pop punk scene of the 1990s. As a fan favorite, the album received generally positive reviews from critics and garnered attention from major labels, including Columbia Records, with whom the band would sign in 1996. Peaking at number four on the US Billboard 200, Smash has sold over eleven million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling album released by an independent record label; it was also the first Epitaph release to obtain gold and platinum status. In the United States, Smash has sold over six million copies and has been certified six times platinum by the RIAA.







  • Punk
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Jun 02 2022
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Offspring is like Taco Bell for Punk. If someone said "I want Mexican food" it isn't my recommendation, but it deserves it own category for just how tasty it can be, ya dig?

Nov 01 2022
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It’s been nearly 30 years since I listened to this album. I remember sitting on the bus down to Washington DC for my 8th Grade class trip and playing this on my Walkman. As an angsty 14 year old, this album was the shit. In my 40’s it just reminds me of being an angsty teenager. Musically, it’s aggressive pop-punk of its time, and more enjoyable than the music The Offspring would later have hits with, they still had a bit of indie cred on this one, if you will. Damn you, generator, for reminding me of the unstoppable passage of time. I still can’t believe 1994 was almost 30 years ago. Oooh…and it’s got a secret song. How 90’s is that?

Mar 08 2021
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super nostalgic crazy taxi tony hawk's pro skater vibes. I can smell the round table pizza, and these songs are catchy gritty fun. a simpler time

Jun 29 2021
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I forget how good this is. Messy mid-90's skate punk, the stuff that got me properly into exploring music

Jan 27 2021
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This came out when I was 13-14 years old. I was pretty much the target audience for this and it never really grabbed me back then. Still doesn't. I have a certain nostalgic thing for "Self Esteem" but that's about it. That one in particular has a more Nirvana like feel which is probably why I'm more attracted to it. Oh man the "secret track" at the end - forgot about those and how they'd translate to modern streaming. So of it's time.

Apr 04 2023
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The mere fact that The Offspring is in this list and NOFX isn't perfectly encapsulates what's so goddamn wrong with Dimery's book sometimes. Commercial success is definitely favored over artistic merits once in a while. Usually, punk rock isn't too plagued with that sort of 'commercial concern', which makes a lot of punk albums in the list relevant. But here, it's pretty much the opposite that's going on... And it's quite frustrating. Just so you know, I really tried to listen to the album with fresh new ears, but this didn't really change my initial assessment of this record (and band) when it came out: because that thing's not so good, is it? To be clear, the problem is not merely that the band's music was way overrated by my generation. The problem was that as a songwriter, Dexter Holland was just a shrewd, cynical, opportunistic fox, and it shows. Never bought that pretense that the band didn't see their success coming, by the way. Everything in *Smash*'s singles is formatted so that said success could happen. And by "formatted", I mean *ripped off* from other 'trendy' bands at the time. Which gives an interesting subtext to some of Holland's lyrics. Are his claim that he's not a "trendy asshole" on the song "Smash" to be taken ironically, for instance? You tell me. I mean, how can you listen to *Self-Esteem* and *Gotta Get Away* and NOT see that it's a soulless attempt to replicate's Nirvana's formula? 'Soulless' being the key word to remember here. I know Kurt Cobain himself ripped off a few bands to create his timeless songs--so I guess there's still that to take into account--but at least he ripped off arcane stuff released by Killing Joke or Boston a decade or more before *Nevermind*. He didn't rip off a band that had a massive breakout success a couple of years ago. Well, Holland and his band did. OK, Cobain readily admitted that he also ripped off Pixies, not a breakout success into the mainstream at the time, but still a very important band. But at least Kurt brought his own subtle and elegant vocal harmonies to the whole thing. That's the reason most Nirvana songs sound great on an acoustic guitar and ones by The Offspring don't. What did Holland bring to that template, in comparison? To me, he brought a few simplistic, hackneyed melodies signalling his thing was all about style, not *substance*. And how much more cynical and opportunistic than that can you get, huh? About Dexter Holland's "opportunistic" tendencies, a quick sidenote: when the Nirvana tap petered out, The Offspring had to find other sources of inspiration, obviously. For a subsequent hit single a few years after *Smash*, Holland thus elected to rip off The Beatles' "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"! How can you rip off The Beatles and choose one of their WORST SONGS EVER??? (instead of their many marvels)... Oh I have the answer: because it annoyingly lingers in people's heads, just like most of the famous songs recorded by The Offspring. Checks out. If enough people remember said tune--even if it's annoying to an extent--a lot of folks in general audiences will buy the damn thing anyway. Simple, eh? To return to *Smash*, it's got a couple of other memorable tracks at the start of the record, "Nitro' and "Bad Habit", and they're more in line with what the Epitaph roster was doing at the time. So I guess those two tracks are less opportunistic than the singles, at least. Speaking of singles, cheek-in-tongue "Come Out And Play" is not so bad, to be honest, but it got overplayed on the radio at the time the album was released, so I can't listen to it anymore. And apart from those few highlights I've listed here, everything else is pretty lame. There's even a mandatory ska-punk track on side two. Just in case that other trend might be useful to sell a few more unit shifters to a few more 'alternative' kids out there, I imagine. Ugh. 🙄 One last thing: Dexter's voice is quite grating in many parts of the record, even in the few good tracks in it. 'Punk' means raw or rough, I get that. Yet, there's also a whiny quality to his vocals that actually goes against the intended energy he displays while singing those songs. Maybe that whiny grain made the whole thing palatable for young mainstream audiences at the time, I don't know. To be fair, those sorts of 'flat', whiny vocals were to be found in many other skate-punk albums released around those years, so this is probably only a matter of personal taste here. But mine says such vocals didn't age well anyway. Holland is still a very talented man, don't get me wrong. It takes a lot of skills to manage the sort of shrewd success he's had with The Offspring. Besides, I've just read on Wikipedia that the man has many other assets I would never have imagined from a guy like him. He's a plane pilot, an entrepreneur, a charity fundraiser, a cook, and a science researcher. The last area is the most impressive endeavor, by the way. Working in molecular biology to potentially help find a vaccine against AIDS is worthy of all the praise you can give someone. So who cares if you never wrote a *truly* essential album when you were younger (and yet had a lot of success with it)? Trying hard to end on a *positive* note here. But it's not enough to make me include this LP in my own list. 2/5 for the purposes of such a list (which means 7/10 for a more general assessment: 5+2). Next, please. Number of albums left to review: 596 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 193 Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 90 Albums from the list I will certainly *not* include in mine (many others are more essential to me): 121 (including this one)

Mar 01 2023
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Was never a fan at the time and hasn't aged any better. Barely made it to the end.

Jan 21 2021
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Great album. It really shows off the sound that is the offspring. Not a radical departure from their previous works but enough to freshen up their music. This also contains a lot of singles that were, for most people , their intro to the offspring. Well worth a listen and for anyone looking to get into some good punk rock.

Nov 19 2020
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The Offspring are a bit of a mystery to me. They're clearly capable of elevating and in some ways redefining punk, but often content to settle down and succumb to the laziest tropes of the genre. Fortunately, most of their best work is captured in one album. If you were to make a true best of compilation, you might grab one or two from elsewhere, but the collection would start and end with Smash. It's filled with allusions and wordplay that reward repeated listens, and you'll want to listen again, because it fucking rocks. I don't know if it's a shame that they couldn't replicate that success or a blessing that they did it once. Best track: Come Out and Play

Aug 31 2021
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I don't hate this, it does remind me of uni students with long greasy hair and plans to drink lots of beer once they finish studying with this blasting out and rollups filling their ashtrays. It is a big cheesy lyrically but it has great rhythms and it is really melodic vocally. I honestly am very happy to keep listening to the end.

Mar 02 2023
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Really don’t like his voice I felt like my brain was being drilled at one point

Aug 08 2021
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Smash is definitely the right title for the album, because every song is like a smash to the face of pure punk ferocity. The Offspring walk the fine line of being tonally aware, hardcore, pissed off, and a little funny all at the same time and it’s flawlessly executed. This was the jumping off point for every 90s kid who didn’t know where to start with punk rock.

Jan 18 2021
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“You know who’s good? Nirvana, y’all should try to sound like them” It didn’t work

Mar 09 2024
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The extreme urge to start moshing

Oct 25 2022
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4.5 stars. Fantastic album. Could do with fewer "ooohhoohhh's and yeaaaheeaaahhs" but this is just a great punk rock album. Lots of energy, catchy choruses. Takes a little edge off of some of the rawer punk, but not overly pop-y. Standouts are "Bad Habit", "Gotta Get Away", and "Self Esteem".

Feb 26 2021
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"Ahh, it's time to relax." This album is amazing. I first listened to it when I was around 10, and it really got me into a lot of the rock and punk that I love now. If I could rate this album higher than 5, I would.

Jan 26 2022
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Etant un habitué des albums de musique, j'avais avant même de lancer l'album reperé le derneir son de 10mn, et savait déjà que l'objectif était de cacher une chanson, comme de nombreux illustres groupes l'ont fait par le passé. Cette pratique extrêmement chiante il faut bien le dire, permet toujours au groupe l'utilisant de caler un sample egyptien de pyramide dans la plus grande discrétion. Ici, The Offspring vont plus loin, se déguisant absolument tous en sphynx, et restant immobiles a quates pattes pendant de longues minutes. L'un des membres va même jusqu'a se couper le nez. Un spectacle original, se déroulant donc dans l'intimité la plus totale d'une fin d'album des plus secrètes. Un délice.

May 06 2021
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Come out to play and self esteem are particular highlights for me as they are more the vibe of offspring I prefer. The rest of the album is filled with the more thrashier side of punk which I'm less bothered about.

Dec 25 2023
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Not worth sitting through. No matter what the narrator says.

Mar 26 2024
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Быстро! Мощно! Драйвово! Легендарно! Это то, что было есть и будет со мной! Без лишних слов и красивых метафор)) просто идите нахуй ))

Mar 11 2022
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A dirtbag masterpiece The Offspring being one of the only groups to come out clean after that Woodstock 99 documentary

Oct 15 2024
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Hard not to enjoy this fun album. I own it. Haven’t played it in forever, but it’s solid.

Feb 12 2025
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Feel no need to listen a second time, but enjoyed it while it lasted

Apr 02 2024
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This music garners the slightest of shrugs from me, but their faithful cover of the Didjits' "Killboy Powerhead" has given the great Midwest rockers an income for life, to which I raise my beret. Otherwise, to my ignorant ears this is all “you like chicken, I like bread, yeah ya-yeah-yeah yeah-yeah yeah”.

Jan 27 2024
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I tried really hard to like this. But almost every song sounded the same.

Jan 26 2024
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For this album, The Offspring's goal was to convince everyone that they are a one trick pony. In this case, every song sounds nearly identical to the next. Each one was basically guitar banging and yelling. You only need to listen to one song, any song, to check the box for this album. Scale: 5 - My absolute favorites. 4 - Albums I like. 3 - It was ok to listen to but I wouldn't seek it out. 2 - Didn't like. 1 - Absolute shit.

Apr 19 2023
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If you're into funk and angsty rock this album is probably for you. I enjoyed a few songs but after a while, it becomes quite dull.

May 16 2022
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Yikes 90s American skate punk is not really me. Bit like Green Day. Bit angry and sweary and shouty. Gonna try my best bit may not last tbe whole album. Ok got to track 8 then gave up because I'm not enjoying it and lm a bit tired tbh..Hard to compare i know but I prefer it to that Slice in Chains album..

Apr 02 2024
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I would avoid this kind of thing when it came out, how right I was. Boring, tuneless and juvenile; dreadful from top to bottom. Lowlights are the appaling vocals and the rhythm section - simultaneously amateur and unmusical, whilst timid and tedious. This is punk in the way LOL dolls are Simone de Beauvoir

Mar 26 2024
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Never really got into this band. Too metal for my taste. Too Midwest college frat bitch. I dont like spending time with the people who listen to this.

Jan 05 2022
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Just a regular Offspring album, in other words, horrible

Jan 31 2021
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In "Gotta Get Away", Dexter Holland shouts "Life is like a riddle and I'm really stumped". Replace life with music, songwriting, or art and you get the thesis of this album: a group of guys stumped about making music, but for some God-forsaken reason trying to do it anyways. Sometimes the songs aren't half bad ("Come Out and Play (Keep 'em Separated)"; "What Happened to You?"). But, those songs hardly redeem this album. "Bad Habit" sounds like a Bleach C-side where Holland has a quarter of Cobain's charisma and none of his songwriting ability. I assume "Genocide" was some sort of protest against the Rwandan Genocide, but it is filled with trite cliches and meaningless words that are supposed to convince the listener of what exactly? If it wasn't meant as a protest song to the Rwandan Genocide, then these guys are fucking tone deaf idiots. Judging from "It'll Be a Long Time", they probably are. The song says nothing meaningful, and is filled with truly poetic lines like "Superpowers flex their wings/Hold the world on puppet strings". Someone should tell Holland that protest songs are supposed to say something meaningful about the present day (a la System of a Down) and that sarcasm is only effective if the writer has an interesting point to drive home (a la Green Day).

Mar 04 2025
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A favorite of mine from my high school days. From start to finish I was jamming out to this one singing along.

Mar 03 2025
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One of the very first albums i even listened too

Feb 28 2025
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A lot of nostalgia points here, but i'm not ashamed to admit it.

Feb 20 2025
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reminds me of high school and summer time

Feb 18 2025
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Here we go! One of the monster albums of my youth. Skater punk, lets go. I was a teenage white boy when this came out into punk rock and new wave, I could not be any more target audience. Self Esteem was everywhere with that awesome bass riff. Songs about being angry and frustrations of all kinds. Furious drumming. Catchy riffs exploding everywhere. Throw in a song decrying gun violence that was also everywhere in the clubs. Plus some really great punk ska (which I was also heavily into). Songs so fast that they come out fully formed and last just 1:17. Round it off with the title track which is just brilliant. Yep. Sign me up. They didn't do a great deal good after this, basically just Ixnay and The Kids Aren't Alright. But this record and Ignition stand up to their best attempts to piss all over their legacy since. In my heart of hearts I know there's a lot to criticise, and it's dumb, and I don't disagree with some of the negative comments, however this simply got it's hooks into me before I conceived of those notions, and well, job done basically.

Feb 18 2025
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I’m definitely biased because I love Dexter Holland. You’d think his voice would become grating after a while, but it doesn’t for me. Angsty lyrics with a touch of wit. Love it.

Feb 14 2025
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I hadn't thought about this album in a long time. I was honestly shocked when I saw that it was the album of the day. There's soemthing about this album that really transports me back to this time frame. Waiting to hear Keep em seperated on the radio, or seeing them perform Self Esteem at the X-games. it's also amazing that this album really holds up. I listened to it, 2 times yesterday and didn't feel like it was dated or anything.

Feb 13 2025
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Great punk album. No skip songs and no rest throughout.

Feb 05 2025
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You stupid dumb shit god damn motherfucker!

Feb 04 2025
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This album came out a few years before I got into “secular” music when I was in middle school in the late 90’s (raised super conservatively). Songs from The Offspring’s 1998 album Americana were all over hit radio, and they were some of my early favorites. I didn’t discover Smash until many years later. What a great album from start to finish. It’s pretty much perfectly executed, and there’s really no filler in its 46 minutes except for the silence before the bonus track. The welcoming radio host reminds me of Songs for the Deaf by QOTSA a decade later. I thought I was going to give this 4 stars, but it’s perfect for what it tries to be.

Feb 03 2025
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At the age of 12 I was in the back of mom's car with my best buddy listening to this album on cassette with a portable boom box. Bad Habit starts playing with nervous excitement and anticipation. The breakdown starts and we turn it up knowing what the result will be. Mom grounded me for a week and took my tape away. Luckily it was only a copy of the original I hid in my bedroom.

Nov 11 2024
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I love me some 80s-90’s west coast garage/punk/rock. Great live in the early 90’s

Jan 30 2025
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A classic of mid-90s punk. A lot of people looking at this album, and probably Dookie by Green Day, may blame them for the subsequent watering down and pop-ification of punk. In other words, would there be any Blink 182 if it wasn't for these albums? I'm not sure what the answer to that is, but the answer doesn't change the fact that this album is rock solid, with banger after banger. It holds up from my teenage years--I've actually listened to it quite often in recent months after probably a big break. I'm not as familiar with their albums after this one, but none of the Offspring stuff I've heard gets near this album as a complete package. Raw energy, great melodies, social commentary.

Jan 27 2025
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Is this album really well put together and fun? Absolutely. Am I tinted by nostalgia? Absolutely. Is the fact I played this on stage a fair bit stroking an ego I didn't know I even had? Probably. 5* it made me learn something about myself.

Jan 15 2025
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I don't think anything else quite sounds like the Offspring. They're societal critique is so well delivered with the wall of sound and distortion they delivery. They rock hard and insult harder.

Jan 14 2025
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I like the mainstream punk of The Offspring. It's fast and dirty. But you can still recognize melodies and rhythm. It's just fun. This album is no exception. The track Self Esteem finds its place in my list of favorites. After listening to the album, I played The Offspring for quite a while. That was great. 5/5

Jan 07 2025
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Ahh... Nothing like kicking back to a little pop punk. Putting my feet up, sipping a diet Canada Dry that I wish wasn't a diet... These are the good times, people. For real, though, I do really love pop punk a lot. Which, OK, there was a part of me that hesitated on saying "love," 'coz I don't normally listen to much outside of Green Day, blink-182 and Sunrise Skater Kids — but I wanna emphasize how much I do truly love pop punk. It's a genre I could swear by, truly. Even the worst stuff, that was trying way too hard to relate to "the youths" — see stuff like Simple Plan or Good Charlotte — heck, it's still pop punk. As if I haven't spun Simple Plan's "Grow Up" more than once. So, what about The Offspring specifically, then? Despite being one of the Big 4 of pop punk in my mind (don't ask me who the other two are), I actually haven't listened to them much. Of course there's songs from them I play regularly, mostly singles: "Come Out And Play" (no duh), "Pretty Fly" ('cuz Weird Al parodied it), "Why Don't You Get A Job" ('cuz it's an "Ob-La-Di, "Ob-La Da" parody), "The Kids Aren't Alright" (that one's just awesome)... But I haven't played any of their albums like I have DOOKIE or ENEMEA OF THE STATE or... Goodness, even Sum 41's ALL KILLER NO FILLER. For the longest time I wasn't able to place my finger on why exactly, but I think after re-listening to SMASH I finally understand. Let's get this out of the way before anything else: SMASH is good. Amazing, even, actually. Top-tier pop punk, 5/5, no notes. It goes as hard as any of the other three albums I mentioned above. But if there's any reason why I don't reach for this first, honestly... It's the snot and attitude. Neither of those elements are entirely absent, but you just compare Dexter Holland's voice to Billie Joe's, or Tom's or Mark's, or Deryck's — you get it, right? The Offspring strike me as being way similar to, like, NOFX or Bad Religion. Those are bands I love, too, but I'm not sure if I'd call either of them "pop punk." Y'know, it's melodic hardcore, skate punk... Good stuff all; I'm just not as into as I am regular ol' pop punk. I think the short version of what I'm tryna explain here is "The Offspring are often more serious than I prefer." Just being 100 about my tastes. All said, though, of course, like I said above, I'm still giving this a 5/5. It rocks too hard and I had too much of a good time not to, even if it's not usually my thing. After all, punk, poppy or melodically hardcore, soothes even the most savage of beasts. (Hidden tracks don't, though. I can appreciate them in a pre-streaming age, but these days, unless they're split up like "Her Majesty"? Just a hassle, goodness.)

Jan 07 2025
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The 90s gave us plenty of excellent punk albums, and this one is certainly no exception. Solid 5 Stars.

Jan 07 2025
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I’m at a 5. Before listening, the only tracks by The Offspring I really knew were “Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)”, and their contributions to the Crazy Taxi soundtrack. I'm glad they've got more than that in their bag. In a weird way, I suppose I’m listening to the birth of the soundtrack of the late 90s at play here – not necessarily as impactful or as timeless as Nirvana, but just as important. Nirvana might’ve captured a post-Reagan anger across the entire U.S., but this feels like it’s capturing a more youthful side of that population – college kids, high schoolers & the like. It’s the sort of music that endured well into the mid-2000s, to match a sort of juvenile swagger of the time, tinged with just a hint of regret. I should know, because I sort of grew up on it. It’s reflected in the music too – a little messier, a little more unpolished, a bit over-the-top at times, certainly a bit cheesier & really in your face. I don’t think I’d have it any other way. The ancestors of punk rock are all present here (The Clash, Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols, etc), but with a grunge-infused 90s flair that’s somehow both trapped within its time and nostalgic all the same. The guitar riffs are loud and booming, the percussion a little crazy and manic, and the energy is simply undeniable from track to track. Sure, a few of them suffer from the whole “first minute is the whole track” syndrome that will end up plaguing the “pop punk” era as a whole, but for the most part, I think a lot of these tracks miraculously avoid sounding too similar. I dunno, perhaps I’m just a bit overstimulated and impressed by how much I enjoyed this (or how much of a throwback it is for me), but for my tastes, I think I have to give this a 5. It’s definitely not perfect, but it’s a pretty damn good 40+ minutes, and while it’s absolutely going to bounce off of other people, I’m more than willing to lean into this style and embrace it, however flawed it is. It’s my type of 90s cheesy punk rock, and I really, really liked it. No shame in a 5 – certainly no less than a 3.

Jan 03 2025
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I don't know how they blend punk and alt rock so well, but it just works

Jan 03 2025
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Just awesome. Again and always. They’re the voice of my generation, and we’re not alright.

Dec 17 2024
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Amazing album. Has aged well over 30 years. Love the energy and guitars. 9/10 for me.

Dec 14 2024
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Ouch! Une tonne de brique tout du long, mais dans la nostalgie. Je ne me rappelle pas d’avoir écouté cet album au complet en une fois, mais je me rappelle du 3/4 des chansons, un hit après l’autre. Ça déménage, c’est bon, c’est punk, c’est limite grunge. J’ai eu besoin de respirer profondément après pour revenir sur Terre. Je ne peux plus écouter cela trop souvent, la patate ne tiendra pas, mais j’ai eu un grand plaisir en lavant mon four. Il est très propre 😎🤟😜

Dec 12 2024
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This album was one of the first punk albums I owned and I still enjoy it to this day.

Dec 10 2024
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not a big offspring girl but this album slapped

Nov 29 2024
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Ingrained in my mind for so many years now feels like a comfortable old blanket, I can't look at this record critically so I won't even try!

Nov 25 2024
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Smash is a stone cold classic, there's not a bad song on there but loads of good ones, and the standard is so high throughout. The singles are all obviously strong but Genocide has always been my favourite off the album, it's original and authentic and accessible as anything, this is a 5/5 and makes for a great start to a Sunday.

Nov 19 2024
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You'll either love it or hate it, but I LOVE IT

Nov 18 2024
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The sound of my childhood. I just remembered the hits bit the rest of the album is also so good. Nice to have it pop up here.

Nov 16 2024
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it's really not my style, i don't really bond with straightforward punk that much but there's no fear or disdain of actual songcraft which is nice. has a few bangers. some of the songs are samey, but the singles especially have really unusual melodic bits (at least for hardcore) that satisfy my ears. and i think the vocals give it a nice edge that the contemporary pop punk bands of the day didn't have. not bad!

Nov 11 2024
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An essential to punk as a genre and a visualization of the essence of rock in the 90s. Plenty of other great albums came out in the decade, but I don't think this is one to sleep on. Love the opening intro too, it's something I always strive to do after a long day and some good tunes helps me relax.

Nov 11 2024
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1994 was the year that defined my taste in music for the next decades. Punk in Drublic, Dookie, Stranger than Fiction and Smash. Can’t believe it’s been 30 years already! This is the album that broke punk, along with Dookie, and it’s still The Offspring’s best album. So many bangers, but also a little filler. Genocide, Killboy Powerhead and So Alone don’t reach the heights of the other songs. But none of them are bad, so I guess the 5 stars are warranted

Nov 09 2024
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IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I am so going to listen to them more. I listened to another album of theirs and I love their style

Nov 08 2024
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Hard-charging pogo pop-punk mosh pit killer album. I'm amped!

Oct 31 2024
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Lekker rauw, energiek, en goede nummers, pop-punk op z’n best.

Oct 30 2024
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Banger han das als chind aafange lose und gotta get away au uf de drums gspielt insanes album The offspring crazy geil

Oct 30 2024
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Confession time. I love me some pop punk and this album may be in the Mount Rushmore of pop punk albums. Does it deserve a 5*? Probably not. But nostalgia factor is huge and oh boy did I have a blast revisiting it. 4.5/5

Oct 19 2024
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Haven't heard this album since I was a teenager, it brought me back many years.

Oct 14 2024
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Lol love the spoken word parts at the beginning and end of a fast-paced punk album. Oh hell yeah.

Oct 14 2024
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Amazing album! Love The Offispring. I loved the radio voice over for the beginning and end of the album.

Oct 11 2024
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Ahh the return of the hidden tracks! This sounded like my childhood and reminds me of car rides with my dad. Cannot believe it’s been 30 years since it was released.

Oct 11 2024
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Just good old classic punk that became a staple in HS from 101X

Oct 11 2024
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I don't think I've ever listened to this record straight through, so was excited for the opportunity. It did not disappoint (like the previous two records we had to slog through). Highlights: the mention of "compact disc" on track 1, Genocide - what an absolute banger. This is technically 4.5 stars because I really don't enjoy Dexter's voice but I appreciate how this record made music like this more accessible to the general public.

Oct 04 2024
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Absolutely brutal lyrics combined with a defined punk sound that really aggravates me in the right way. I could imagine myself moshing like a madman to this. I absolutely love the genre and feel like they might not have adhered to the true nature of punk, but damn they made it worth it.

Oct 03 2024
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And just like that I’m 16 again, on a school bus for an excursion to somewhere and my mate passes me his Discman and says, “listen to this”. It was my intro to punk, I learned the riff to “Cone Out and Play” - it opened the door for me to Green Day, which brought me to Bad Religion and then Propagandhi. A love affair to be sure. I didn’t keep up with the Offspring, but I appreciate what they did for me. 5 stars - less for the album than what it meant to my future life.

Sep 21 2024
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Good album, took me back to my youth

Sep 10 2024
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Damn I friggin love this album. This whole album was a nostalgic trip and I'm so grateful I've seen The Offspring live. Favourites were Come Out and Play, Self Esteem, and What Happened To You. In particular with WHTY I'm obsessed with the change of pace throughout the song, and love how the beat was super funky. Overall the album was just fantastic. It's one of my go tos for when I need something fast paced and high energy because I'll never not want to start moshing when The Offspring come on

Sep 03 2024
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This just continues with catchy songs and high energy from start to finish: I love it.

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