
At Budokan

Cheap Trick

Group Rating: 3
Global Rating: 3.1
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MetalheadClub Reviews

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I might not have been in the right mood to listen to this record, but it really feels like an anecdotical live album from a dad rock band in the seventies. Nothing is particularly good or outstanding -- it's not really bad either, but I don't see the point of such an album here. Everyone seems pretty happy (band and crowd) in this record, but that was boring to listen to.

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I think that every rock contract in the 70s must have had a clause that the band were obliged to record at least one live album in Japan. Thus we get Cheap Trick, in front of thousands of screaming Japanese fans, plodding through a competent but pedestrian set list. I always assumed that they were hard rock, but apart from the opening track this is closer to glam/pop. The highlight is a Chuck Berry cover where they somehow shoehorn in a drum solo.
