
A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector

Various Artists

Group Rating: 1.5
Global Rating: 3.29
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ttg Reviews

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Theres one thing I hate more than christmas music and it's the idea of listening to christmas music in July if I dont bite the bullet and do it now, no matter how much I really want to push this forward. Unfortunately I am unable to separate my dislike for christmas music away from the album at hand so that I am able to listen to it objectively but even when I try, this doesnt even register on the chart of listenable music.

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I wish I had a sob story to justify not reviewing this earlier, but initially I didn't listen to this because I didn't want to be a Grinch, and then I just forgot. Well, it's lunar new year now, close enough. It's easy to listen to when it's not christmas. Actually, someone should listen to this album during every holiday and make a top-10 list of holidays this album goes best with.
