neither good nor bad, doesnt stand out
neither good nor bad, doesnt stand out
Round three, and I'm ready to throw in the towel. So apparently the songs are stolen and the only question I have is why out of all things on earth you would steal this. It's like shoplifting raisins - it's not the act of stealing you should be ashamed of, but your poor taste. Compared to Physical Graffiti this album is almost twice as short so I thought maybe it would end quick enough to not drive me insane. Compared to Physical Graffiti Led Zeppelin III was somewhat good so I thought maybe it's one of those cases where it goes downhill with every album. This album shatters expectations. I might be a demon, because interacting with this sacred album in any way hurts me. It hurts to listen to, it hurts to type this review because earlier I was trying to crack walnuts with my hands, it hurts to see people rating this high just because it’s Zeppelin. I'm sure if I were to look closely at the Rorschach inkblots on the cover I'd see my dead pet or Akali Bonbi. I'd call it thought-provoking.