
Beyond Skin

Nitin Sawhney

Group Rating: 3.5
Global Rating: 2.8
Global Reviews

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this album was sick, liked every part im on listen 4 in a row, both having listened to it standalone and whilst doing other stuff and man... its so good some stagnant moments in songs such as Nadia and Anthem without Nation but songs like Nostalgia and Tides more than make up for it hoooooly, Tides is such a beautiful song will need to relisten to this tomorrow again before rating just to be sure, preliminary rating is 5 despite the few less interesting tracks just because the rest carries it to those heights but this might change to a 4 after the honey moon phase has passed its a 4, Nadia and AwN take up too much of the runtime unfortunately but still a great album

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Mostly enjoyable (especially The Pilgrim and Nostalgia) but also sometimes annoying, and sometimes made me feel nothing at all
