
Led Zeppelin III

Led Zeppelin

Group Rating: 2.67
Global Rating: 3.96
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ttg Reviews

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3,not because it was a mix of good and bad but because despite being so incredibly boring and bland, it was palatable

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Led Zeppelin is one of those bands where I think their most popular songs are often their least interesting. The highlights of this album are The Lemon Song and Ramble On. The transitions from double-time to normal time on The Lemon Song are nearly perfectly in perfect and show that LZ really understands "groove" even if they are just considered a rock band. Ramble On is one the greatest rock songs of all time. JPJ's bass line is like its own melody upon which the entire track rests. The rest of this album is basically unremarkable to me.

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Round two. Great. Wait, it's a completely different sound. While certainly more listenable, still bored me with the last two songs
