Two reviews ago, during my 532nd review, I wrote a little statement about it finally "clicking" for me and how I only just now understood the reason for all of these albums having been included on the list, even the ones I did not personally like and I was able to understand the cultural impact that some albums have had on musical culture as a whole. I rescind my statement. Since that far gone time (yesterday evening) I have listened to yet two more albums on this list of 1001 albums you MUST hear before you die. Those albums were *Bringing It All Back Home' by Bob Dylan and this album that I am reviewing right now. I no longer understand why any of these two horrendous albums are on any list of albums someone ought to have heard according to the music critics and authors of the book(s). I only now realize that it was specifically Elvis Presley that I could understand the cultural importance of; almost all of the other worthless albums on this long list of sonic torture carry no importance and are only there because the author heard these albums once upon a time at a friend's brother's girlfriend's nephew's party that he had attended at the time and the memory of ingesting his first shot of alcohol (4,2% ABV Coors Lite) and getting "totally wicked!!" during the 80s imprinted the names of these groups and their songs into his mind. For my review of this album in particular, the only song I kind of "liked" (very loosely stated) was the one where they weren't trying to sing properly, which somehow made it the most well-sung