Gang Of FourA great head-bopper - love the call and response of the guitar in lots of the tracks. Riffs are catchy as hell too and the off-beat strumming makes things interesting but can feel a bit same-y after a while.
A great head-bopper - love the call and response of the guitar in lots of the tracks. Riffs are catchy as hell too and the off-beat strumming makes things interesting but can feel a bit same-y after a while.
I like the discordant stuff esp on Mildred Pierce and towards the end of Cinderella's Big Score
Pretty catchy but ain't a fan of thorn of crowns
Ehhh it's like King Crimson without the interesting riffs
Not bad but sounds like a lot of other country stuff in the 60s
Inoffensive dance music - compared to the likes of Justice and Daft Punk it ain't as catchy / experimental but it ain't bad
A great head-bopper - love the call and response of the guitar in lots of the tracks. Riffs are catchy as hell too and the off-beat strumming makes things interesting but can feel a bit same-y after a while.
The orchestral arrangements are a nice touch. DK if I'm not in the mood or not cuz I'm usually a fan of the shoegaze sorta style but I thought it was kinda same-y after a while.
Standard 80s pop - though some are catchy
Was probably seen as a seminal dance album - I could see their impact on Daft Punk et al. but seems rather tame by today's standards