The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob DylanDifficult to actually hear as I know the album so well, for so many years. Struck by the skillful way he uses his voice - variety of accents, young/old, the rhythm, the poetry.
Difficult to actually hear as I know the album so well, for so many years. Struck by the skillful way he uses his voice - variety of accents, young/old, the rhythm, the poetry.
Really enjoyable for the youthful energy, swagger and playfulness. You can feel the enjoyment in the band playing together. Ambitious, provocative, shocking and vigorous, but doesn't seem to take itself too seriously. Don't like the mix on the vocals on the first few tracks, especially Gimme Shelter - it sounds like Mick Jagger is at the far side of the room.
Difficult to actually hear as I know the album so well, for so many years. Struck by the skillful way he uses his voice - variety of accents, young/old, the rhythm, the poetry.
I disliked most things about this album: the rhythm, the feel, the mix, but most of all the lyrics. I found them trite and forced; I didn't feel the same flow as with all the other Paul Simon albums I know.
Interesting sound, but didn't do much to grab me after the first couple of tracks. Need to listen again though
Interesting and worth further listening. Feels a bit light at times, but probably because I wasn't listening in a focused way. Zappa sounds and an interesting concept.
Fun, but I eventually got bored of the repetitive rhythms and was waiting for the album to end. Would go back to this for a bit of energising. Liked it more than I thought I would.
Really like this album. Uplifting, interesting
First time I've heard this band, and I really like them.