PixiesThis slays. The opening riffs/bass lines to each song was soooo good and made me think oh hell yeah this is it each time. Super solid rock album also oh boy the drums!!
This slays. The opening riffs/bass lines to each song was soooo good and made me think oh hell yeah this is it each time. Super solid rock album also oh boy the drums!!
REALLY liked this. All the soaring sections, the riffs to songs that though I’d not heard before I listened to with a shiver thinking, this is iconic. Feel like this one will be listened to again
ah this didn’t really hit. i liked clint eastwood and the songs with the rapping but i found myself just getting annoyed at the long instrumentals and looping vocals. probably closer to a 2.5
This was really cool to listen to in that its influences on a lot of the music I love is so clear to hear and it’s amazing I didn’t listen to it sooner. That style of not-singing bleh bleh almost bratty singing. This sense of taking the instruments to their maximum and playing them HARD. It would have been so sick to hear this in 1970s England all disillusioned at a kind of bleak grey landscape - like this would have so captured the exasperation and fury at the state of the country? Super cool, loved it
wow. i did not like this at all. maybe listening to it while walking to work on the first day was a bad idea but i had no patience for anything it was attempting. before this i was like i like all rock music but now i’m like ok no to prog rock….
i didn’t mind it but i think two new genres back to back that are instrumental heavy was a little much. but this was fun! groovy! i see why the word groove was used to describe this haha
I liked it :) in a haze of super strong cough medicine
Very good even if the songs blended into each other. This had soul man gah damn
Ok i have one more song to go but i don’t mind this. It was nice to hear a feminine voice
Love qotsa i feel the desert!!!
Got two more songs to go but i’ll just go ahead and say this isn’t really my cup of tea. I won’t listen to it again but I appreciate what it was trying to do? I can imagine enjoying it in a different context
Them’s fighting words