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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.




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Album Summary

Gorillaz is the debut studio album by English virtual band Gorillaz, released on 26 March 2001 in the United Kingdom by Parlophone and in the United States by Virgin Records. The album reached number three in the UK and number fourteen in the US, and the top ten in several countries. Gorillaz has sold over seven million copies worldwide. The album's success earned the group an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records as the "Most Successful Virtual Band", and spawned the singles "Clint Eastwood", "19-2000", "Rock the House", and "Tomorrow Comes Today".







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Tue Jun 14 2022

Damon and Jamie, Jamie and Damon. Who could have thought that an agreement to live in an apartment after breakups in their relationships, ranting about the state of the music business and plasticity on TV, would lead into one of the more consequential and influential groups on music history. Never before had their been a virtual group (shrouded in mystery before the jig was up) making music as though the 22nd Century was on their front door and have it be the basis for complete and utterly eclecticism. It shouldn't have worked (in lesser hands, it wouldn't have) but, thankfully, it did and provided its creators a new springboard for their creativity after years of being acknowledged (rightfully) for who and what they were. Their albums would get more ambitious, more hit-laden, more guest-starring but this is where it starts and what a start it is.

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Fri Jan 21 2022

Tepid. Boring. Pedestrian. Damon Albarn coasting because of a post-grunge hangover?

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Tue Oct 18 2022

Wow, despite the fact that this tore through my university like norovirus on a cruise ship, I forgot just how absolutely fucking boring this trope is. The diametric opposite of what I consider to be good music.

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Tue Feb 15 2022

I was only familiar with Gorillaz hits until now. I found the LP got off to a so-so start with the first two songs, but really picked up after that. The sequence of songs that begins with New Genius (brother) is great and there’s absolutely no filler until the end of the album. I especially like Sound Check (Gravity). The cast of characters that Damon Albarn brings in keeps it fresh and you never know what to expect. Despite the high level of creativity and genre swings it all hangs together nicely (even Ibrahim Ferrer sounds like he belongs)! A great album.

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Tue May 10 2022

I think we are lucky to have Damon

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Sun Sep 18 2022

Well, I guess 13 is my lucky number since this is the 13th album I got here. Not the first time I'm listening to it. I love everything Damon Albarn - from Blur to Gorillaz. And this Gorillaz album is no exception. Re-Hash - introduces you to the fun Gorillaz-specific beat and has an almost optimistic note to it. It signals that the album is gonna sound catchy from the start. Absolutely love the work on vocals here, specifically during the "It's the money or stop" part; the way Damon ends it with "It's yeah" is simple, but it seals the deal for me. 5 / 4 - probs my favorite song in 5 / 4 time. The way Damon uses his voice here to enhance the simple lyrics is perfect. The “ She made me kill myself” part is just *a chef’s kiss* Tomorrow comes today - nice use of harmonica, a more moody, slower song. Definitely interesting, and shows the versatility of this album’s sound New Genius (Brother) & Sound Check (Gravity)- these 2 go a bit hand in hand for me and probs are my least favorite of the album, sure they still have their purpose, and even the “Dj-ing” sounds have their place here Clint Eastwood - classic. A well-balanced sound, between Damon’s melodic verse and Teren’s rap. And the beat is just perfect. Man Research (Clapper) - fun little song Punk - symbolically mixed at places with “digital” sounds Double bass - feels like an interlude for the second part of the album While I think the first half of this album is definitely stronger, I still have here some highlights: Starshine, 19-2000 All in all, not a perfect album, but still a great one. A 4 / 5 in my book.

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Sat Jan 22 2022

Garbage. Didn’t like this. Was never a fan of Blur and Damon Albarn’s voice just grates on me. Nil point. (Said in a French accent France 🇫🇷)

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Fri Jun 24 2022

Clint Eastwood is an absolute belter of a song. Gorillaz are an all time fav for me. They were so good live!!

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Fri Feb 17 2023

This was always going to be a 5. Always. Gorillaz was so... out there. Just so out there when this album dropped. "Clint Eastwood" blew my mind with its genre bending when I first heard it. I still get a tingle every time I hear that hi-hat hit. And it's not the only banger on this album. In fact, most of the album slaps. I can't listen just once. Gorillaz always gets an instant repeat.

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Tue Feb 01 2022

The next two Gorillaz albums are better, but I guess this one's included for cultural significance. When I first heard it I remember being surprised by how many tracks seemed more like sonic experiments than fully formed songs, and I think that's true of the band as a whole at this point: an interesting experiment that would become more well-realised over time. The eclecticism was there from the start, though; I love 5/4, Tomorrow Comes Today & Slow Country for very different reasons. And I reckon Clint Eastwood remains their 'definitive' track - it still sounds fresh today. A fun, quirky listen: 3.5 stars.

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Tue Mar 29 2022

I find it doesn't achieve the same effect on me that this album used to have in its day, but it's still a great and innovative album nevertheless. It literally took me years to be able to get the klezmer inspired Clint Eastwood tune out of my head, and it's not like there is a shortage of breakthroughs in this album otherwise: M1 A1 is an all time favourite I'd gladly point a finger at.

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Tue Feb 01 2022

My dad gifted me this album after accidentally buying it for himself (he got them confused with the The Avalanches). Great album with far more big recognisable tunes than I remembered. Easy ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Wed Mar 30 2022

This is quite far from my taste, but somehow one of my favourite band and this album is a masterpiece. In my opinion the most exciting song is Double Bass, which is quite unexpected.

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Fri May 13 2022

What a debut! Gorillas bring everything into this. A decade defining single, catchy choruses everywhere and solid production. Damon Albarn has always had talent but being able to mask himself behind Jamie Hewletts animation elevated him, obviously!

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Mon Jun 06 2022

very good album, didnt love my first listen but it’s really grown on me. feels oddly similar to the avalanches

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Wed Jun 29 2022

As someone who had been a fan of both Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett for nearly a decade when this came out, I knew I would be and instant fan. I honestly thought it would be an experimental noise fest like the Blur remix album. I was wron, this was an instant classic and a soundtrack that lifted me up during some pretty rubbish times.

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Fri Jul 08 2022

A reminder both of how good Clint Eastwood is and how many other great song are on this album that got overlooked. Tomorrow comes today, sound check, so good

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Tue Jul 19 2022

Album of my childhood. The beat to 19-2000 will never cease to bring up nice memories of summer, and especially FIFA games. Singing (and rapping) parts of Clint Eastwood is an essential part of every get-together with my friends. Sound of Re-hash, when starting the vinyl puts me into a great humour straight away. This is one of those rare fully positive albums (melody, not necessarily the lyrics), that I really love. Definitely 5/5, only Demon Days would be rated higher in my humble opinion.

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Wed Aug 03 2022

Classic, brings me back to 6th grade. A complete masterpiece with unassuming twists and turns and a funky, yet storybook like sound.

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Tue Mar 07 2023

Love this album, real head bopper and brings me to a happy place

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Tue Jun 14 2022

Man, this album is just as cool today as it was when it debuted over 20 (!!!) years ago. It's easy to forget that it was so long ago because megahit Clint Eastwood STILL gets played on every alt-rock station as if it were released yesterday. As a teenager at the time when this came out, they are the first "virtual band" that I can remember taking seriously. These guys knew themselves, they knew they wanted to do something different, and they knew how they wanted to do it from the beginning of their career; with their debut album, they were not only already setting a foundation for their own signature sound, but also an eclectic alternative/trip hop/lo-fi sound that many other band would embrace in the new millennium and attempt to make their own. Speaking of eclectic, this album is all over the place, but in a good way. They don't limit themselves to any specific sound or genre from track to track, and any given one track is likely to have a mishmash of genres and musical stylings. And yet, everything they do on this album sounds intentional, cohesive, and cleanly executed. All these years later, it was fun to reexamine this album, find a new appreciation for it, and find that it has really stood the test of time.

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Fri Jun 21 2024

### In-Depth Review of "Gorillaz" by Gorillaz The debut album by the virtual band Gorillaz, released in 2001, stands as a unique and influential work in the music industry. This innovative project, created by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett, blends various musical styles and genres, leading to a distinctive and memorable auditory experience. Here, we delve into the album’s lyrics, music, production, themes, and influence, while also weighing its pros and cons. #### Lyrics The lyrics in "Gorillaz" often juxtapose whimsical and dark themes, reflecting a balance between playful storytelling and serious undertones. Tracks like "Clint Eastwood" and "Tomorrow Comes Today" showcase this duality effectively. "Clint Eastwood" features lines like "I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag," which present a paradoxical mixture of optimism and melancholy. This lyricism reflects the human condition, capturing both light and dark sides. The album also explores themes of disillusionment and societal critique. In "Man Research (Clapper)," the lyrics address the absurdity of consumer culture with lines like "They thought I was a spaceman, diggin' in the moonlight." Such lines indicate a critique of how society places value on materialism and surface-level success. However, some lyrics can feel abstract and esoteric, potentially alienating listeners who prefer straightforward narratives. This abstraction, while artistically intriguing, might not resonate with all audiences. #### Music Musically, "Gorillaz" is a melting pot of genres, including alternative rock, hip-hop, dub, and electronica. This eclectic mix is one of the album's strongest points. Tracks like "19-2000" and "Rock the House" exhibit the band’s ability to blend catchy melodies with unconventional sounds. "Clint Eastwood" stands out with its fusion of hip-hop beats and reggae influences, underpinned by Del the Funky Homosapien's rap verses. This track exemplifies the band’s genre-bending approach, making it accessible yet innovative. "Tomorrow Comes Today" introduces a melancholic atmosphere with its dub influences and haunting melodies. The use of traditional and electronic instruments creates a soundscape that is both nostalgic and futuristic. However, this diversity can sometimes lead to a lack of cohesion. The album feels like a collection of disparate sounds rather than a unified whole, which might be jarring for listeners seeking a more consistent sonic experience. #### Production The production quality of "Gorillaz" is a testament to Damon Albarn’s versatility and ingenuity. The album’s sound is meticulously crafted, with layers of instrumentation and effects that create a rich, immersive experience. The use of sampling, live instruments, and electronic elements is balanced expertly. The production shines on tracks like "Clint Eastwood," where the mix of live bass, drum machines, and sampled sounds creates a dynamic and engaging listening experience. The clarity and depth of the production allow each element to stand out while contributing to the overall texture. However, the experimental nature of the production can sometimes result in uneven quality. Certain tracks might feel overproduced, with too many competing elements that obscure the core musical ideas. This issue is evident in "Man Research (Clapper)," where the complexity of sounds can overwhelm the listener. #### Themes "Gorillaz" delves into themes of modern life, alienation, and the interplay between technology and humanity. The album reflects a world where digital and real-life experiences are increasingly intertwined. "5/4" addresses themes of media consumption and its impact on society. The repetitive lines "She made me kill myself" hint at the destructive influence of media on self-perception and behavior. This theme of media critique recurs throughout the album, suggesting a skepticism towards mass communication and its effects. Environmental concerns are also touched upon in "Sound Check (Gravity)." The lyrics "Gravity on me never let me down gently" metaphorically speak to the relentless pressure of modern life and the environmental degradation caused by human activity. The virtual nature of the band itself is a commentary on the digital age, where virtual personas can have a significant impact on reality. This meta-theme adds a layer of complexity to the album, inviting listeners to consider the implications of living in a mediated world. #### Influence The influence of "Gorillaz" on the music industry is profound. It paved the way for virtual bands and projects that leverage multimedia for storytelling. The album’s success demonstrated that blending diverse genres could lead to commercial and critical acclaim. The use of animation and virtual personas in music videos and live performances was groundbreaking. It allowed for a unique form of artistic expression that transcended traditional music boundaries. This approach influenced subsequent artists and bands to experiment with multimedia and non-traditional forms of presentation. Moreover, the album’s eclectic style encouraged a more open-minded approach to genre blending in popular music. It showed that mainstream success could be achieved without adhering to conventional genre classifications, inspiring artists to explore and integrate diverse musical influences. #### Pros 1. **Innovative Blend of Genres**: The album’s fusion of rock, hip-hop, dub, and electronica offers a refreshing and unique listening experience. 2. **High Production Quality**: Meticulous production and sound design create an immersive and dynamic auditory landscape. 3. **Thought-Provoking Themes**: Lyrics explore relevant themes such as media influence, environmental concerns, and the impact of technology on society. 4. **Cultural Impact**: Pioneered the concept of virtual bands and multimedia integration in music, influencing future artists and projects. 5. **Memorable Tracks**: Songs like "Clint Eastwood" and "19-2000" stand out for their catchy hooks and innovative sound. #### Cons 1. **Lack of Cohesion**: The eclectic mix of genres and styles can lead to a disjointed listening experience. 2. **Abstract Lyrics**: Some lyrics are overly abstract and may alienate listeners who prefer more straightforward storytelling. 3. **Overproduction**: Certain tracks suffer from an overabundance of competing sounds, which can obscure the musical ideas. 4. **Inconsistent Quality**: The experimental nature of the album results in varying quality across tracks, with some songs feeling less polished than others. ### Conclusion "Gorillaz" by Gorillaz is a seminal album that challenged the conventions of the music industry. Its innovative blend of genres, high production quality, and exploration of contemporary themes set it apart as a groundbreaking work. While the lack of cohesion and abstract lyrics may be drawbacks for some listeners, the album’s impact and influence cannot be overstated. It opened new avenues for artistic expression and encouraged a more inclusive and experimental approach to music-making. "Gorillaz" remains a vital and influential album, reflecting the complexities and contradictions of modern life through its unique virtual lens.

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Tue May 02 2023

Nice little album to turn on and chill to.

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Fri Jan 26 2024

It brings a lot to the table but does not set it. Good but messy.

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Wed Jun 26 2024

I like maybe two total songs made by them, one of which was on the album (Clint Eastwood). Otherwise I don't get the appeal of their music. Sure, they have a unique sound and they use cartoon characters to represent themselves but outside of that... this was just... meh? 6/10.

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Sat Jun 29 2024

No. 210/1001 Re-Hash 3/5 5/4 3/5 Tomorrow Comes Today 4/5 New Genius 3/5 Clint Eastwood 4/5 Man Research 3/5 Punk 3/5 Sound Check 3/5 Double Bass 2/5 Rock the House 3/5 19-2000 2/5 Latin Simone 3/5 Star Shine 2/5 Slow Country 4/5 M1 A1 2/5 Average: 2,93 Album didn't really work for me.

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Sat Jun 29 2024

Day 27 - June 28, 2024 I have no idea why this album is classified as rock lmao. Not my cup of tea, but it had catchy songs. 3/5

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Mon Feb 28 2022

If Screamdelica had been better, it would have sounded like this, which is still only okay.

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Fri Jul 07 2023

Um. This isn't a bad record, there are interesting things here and there, and it has some elements that are musically cool. That said, it makes me think of a quote from a friend of mine -- "the Black Eyed Peas are the sort of musical act you think about creating with your friends when you are nine" -- Gorillaz are basically that sort of thing, somewhat updated, less dance oriented, more of a trip hop sort of feel in places. I don't understand why this album is on this list and Digable Planets "Refutation" isn't -- hell, I'd take Beastie Boys "Check Your Head" or "Hello Nasty" over this, even with several BB albums on the list already. (I discovered later that this seems to have been removed from more recent editions of the list LOL)

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Mon Jul 22 2024

Rock Recipes, Installment Two: “Ape Juice” Ingredients: -One part Deltron 3030 -One part Beck -One part leftover animations picked up from the UPA cutting room floor -16 oz. room temperature tap water -3 oz. Gran Marnier -3 oz. Sambuca Instructions: -Combine ingredients into a large glass pitcher. -Stir gently, while mindlessly staring out your kitchen window, for 30 minutes. -Pour contents of pitcher down your sink drain -Open your streaming platform of choice -Search for Deltron 3030 -Select their 2000 album, “Deltron 3030” -Enjoy.

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Mon Jul 11 2022

2001 - 64 mins. Clint Eastwood and 19-2000 are the hits. First few were ok, clint and 19-2000 weren't as good as I remembered. Didn't like falsetto, couple cringe songs. Towards the end 4 skips in a row. 1.5/5

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Tue Oct 11 2022

Vaguely interesting in places but for the most part horrific. Every track a slog to get through. The concept always sounded a bit wanky. At least I now know the music itself is no better. Prime cut: Double Bass

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Sun Dec 25 2022

Gorillaz was one of those bands that was everywhere when it came out, and I fucking hated it. I thought the half-anime look was stupid, I thought their music was piddle for idiots who didn't have distinctive taste, I thought the whole vibe surrounding them sucked. I also thought it was funny that Noel Gallagher said he hopes Damon Albarn gets AIDS. I still think that's funny. I still think Gorillaz is an insult to decent music and its popularity a good indication of just how retarded far too many people are. I still have no interest in this whatsoever and I'm gonna struggle to get through the whole thing. 1/5.

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Fri May 24 2024

Not sure what’s going on with the Gorillaz album, as it was all over the place – and much of it was forgettable… There were a couple of rap songs that were pretty pedestrian… There was a Latin song on the album – but if I want to listen to something like that, I’ll listen to an artist who excels in that genre… The 2 most listenable songs for me were “Tomorrow Comes Today” & “Dracula” – though neither of them are anything to write home about… The musical core for “M1 A1” sounded pretty much like U2’s “Zoo Station” – only not nearly as interesting, and “Man Research” MAY indeed be the worst freakin’ song that I’ve ever heard… Seriously – it’s an absolute abomination… I continue to be amazed by how l lame the albums released in the 2000’s have been so far on the 1,001 list… So far, maybe 1 out of 10 of the 2000’s albums have been decent – but what has been held up as an example of musical excellence from the 2000’s, has been shocking to say the least… A solid 1 in my book, and I find it completely mindboggling, that there are folks who think this album is a 4 or 5…

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Fri Feb 11 2022

Also really mfing good and interesting

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Mon Jun 06 2022

I initially was not excited for this album but it really grew on me.

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Tue Jun 28 2022

Ahh back when CDs were still a thing this was such an exciting release and we played it to death. My kid got into Gorillaz a few years ago and this got a lot of airplay on car trips (the car being the only cd player we had!). It's hard to pick a favourite song for me, all of the songs are like your favourite pieces of clothing, well worn and very comfortable.

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Tue Jul 05 2022

one of my favorite albums of all times. so...

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Mon Jul 11 2022

Have this album on vinyl already so I'll listen to it on that. Gorillaz are one of my favorite acts and I already know this album is 5/5!

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Fri Aug 05 2022

Just sick. People ubiquitously respond well to the gorillaz.

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Wed Aug 17 2022

I mean, this album is a phenomenal debut. Although I grew up on Demon Dayz, I can see a version of myself considering this to be one of the most iconic albums ever.

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Wed Aug 17 2022

I cannot come to this album without bias. Honestly, it’s among my least favorite of their works. But… god damn… I just fucking love the Gorillaz. It’s like a blended smoothie if everything I want in a group and I’ll drink it up every time.

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Sat Aug 27 2022

This band made something new happen in a super-funky and rocking way. 6 stars.

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Thu Aug 25 2022

m1a1 going thousand miles an hour

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Tue Aug 30 2022

Det här var en positiv överraskning. Hört några av singlarna förut men hela plattan var ju bra.

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Fri Sep 02 2022

Classic album I grew up with. The sound of going to the mall with your friends to piss off the shop workers.

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Mon Sep 05 2022

Genre bending album that kicks

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Wed Sep 14 2022

One of my most listened to albums of all time. I wore this CD out in Middle School/High School, had a giant 2D poster on my wall (it was about the size of the entire wall), played the geep driving game, and worshiped the Gorillaz lore like it was gospel. I may be a bit bias on this one is what I'm saying.

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Thu Sep 15 2022

A classic from Woolworths... 👌

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Mon Sep 19 2022

Amazing blend of indie sounds and hip hop beats. It sounded so fresh at the time.

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Tue Sep 27 2022

5/5. This album is not only one of the best Gorillaz albums and debut albums in general, it is also a modern classic and I'm glad that it has a place in this list.

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Sun Oct 09 2022

Whole album is a vibe. What an incredible debut that holds up 21 years later.

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Tue Oct 11 2022

Had never listened to this album/band/group. Love it. Will be adding to my rotation.

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Thu Oct 20 2022

Oh, hell yeah, dude, I love this album. The future sucks, and Damien Albarn knew it back in 2001.

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Wed Nov 02 2022

Noo gorillaz, llegue justo para el momento edgy - perfecto para ingles 2 - soundcheck bien epico

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Mon Nov 07 2022

Very unique album blending rock, hip/hop, electronic, and country sounds.

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Sat Nov 12 2022

i forgot how much i listened to this album when it came out. this is possibly the second best character played by all bran, after the africa express one, that character is still one of my favourites, it's like something straight off fonejacker. anyway, yeah this album is really good, the second one was a bit arse and you only ever hear the shaun ryder one on the radio which is a bit of a joke, but such is advertised radio.

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Mon Nov 14 2022

золото как мне нравится написанная музыка

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Thu Nov 17 2022

Сначала хотела поставить 4 с целью оставить высший балл для других работ, но потом подумала, что мне некого обманывать, и альбом-то суперский

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Tue Nov 22 2022

no doubt about it, a childhood classic

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Fri Nov 25 2022

Their 1st was their best. Trippy, Blurry, sunny, funny, freaky like Happy Mondays, bit of all good things UK music had to offer those days. Clint Eastwood true classic

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Tue Nov 29 2022

masterfully produced really enjoyed love Damon albarn will definitely be listening again

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Wed Nov 30 2022

Oh man, childhood. It's been so, so long. Old heads will hate this, probably complaining that it's all electronic and the beeps and boops aren't that interesting to listen to. You're more than welcome to hold that opinion, much like how I hold that Neil Young isn't Good or Interesting. The entire album is endlessly creative, especially for the early 2000's. Damon and Jamie are ruthlessly interesting with novel hooks, beats, and sounds, creating whatever the hell they like and making it all sound good. Such a phenomenal album, such a great debut. Love.

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Sat Dec 17 2022

SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! uno de mis álbumes preferidos de la lista y el único que tengo en físico (creo). Muy buen debut álbum. 19-2000 el soundtrack de mi infancia<3

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Mon Dec 19 2022

Such a vibe, love the harmonica

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Mon Dec 19 2022

Love this album and have done since it came out. Listening back it is noticeably an infant version of gorillaz sound with tracks like Punk having more in common with Blur than gorillaz later stuff. Interesting to listen alongside tracks like Tender on Blur’s 1999 “13” (two years earlier) to hear the transition between the two groups. Tender could easily sit on this album and fit in as much as it does on the Blur album. I like Damon’s locals on this album, they’re really sad and childlike. I hope other Gorillaz albums make it into the book as I def don’t think this is there best. But still a fave. First edition of this book came out in 2005 so some of gorillaz best stuff might not make it. This album has some really danceable tracks that are just good fun, ultimately I love gorillaz for the sense of weird fantasy storytelling which I don’t think is present on this album as much. So still a 5. Top track: probably tomorrow comes today. I also love Man Research.

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Thu Jan 05 2023

One of my favorites from my teenage years, I have so many memories tied to this album.

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Wed Jan 11 2023

Way, way, better than I thought it was going to be

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Wed Jan 18 2023

It's silly how much Gorillaz I've listened to. I've been hooked on Gorillaz since I first saw Clint Eastwood on MTV and later when they won best song on the MTV Europe Music Awards with Ali G as the host. It was a silly time. Being a virtual band with distinct band members it's hard not to be intrigued. Gorillaz music is hard to define. It leans towards hip-hop but stretches to alternative rock. It's the perfect blend between Damon Albarns Blur roots and the production from Dan the Automator which the latter did the awesome collaboration Deltron 3030 with Del the funky homosapien that did the rapping on the song "Clint Eastwood" and "Rock the House". I would say that Gorillaz is in the Gorillaz genre. I've yet listened to something as diverse but still having a coherent sound. Every song is splendid and the creativity and uniqueness is the reason I still listen to Gorillaz. Their debut album is no exception even though their subsequent albums are better.

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Sat Jan 21 2023

Super album de tout genre, c'estvraimemt rafraichissant et ca vaut le detour meme si on connait seulememt clint eastwood. Le reste esr vraimemt super bon aussi 5

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Sat Jan 21 2023

9/10 - Brilliant album, was a really enjoyable experience and introduced me to the Gorrilaz better

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Tue Jan 24 2023

first album i ever owned and fell in love with its a masterpiece 100/10

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Wed Jan 25 2023

After thoroughly enjoying "Gorillaz," I stalled on writing the review until the prodding came four days later in the form of Blur's "Parklife." Because Blur and Gorillaz are opposite ends of the Damon Albarn spectrum - the Blur end of gross Britpop (why couldn't anything else they did sound like "Song 2") and the Gorillaz end of genre-defying cartoon brilliance. "Gorillaz" was such a refreshing and much-needed debut when it came out in 2001. "Tank Girl" creator Jamie Hewlett's art and the musical assistance and influence of Dan the Automator and many other collaborators made Gorillaz something that had never been seen or heard before. I listened to this album a lot when it came out, and was happy it held up to my musical taste (aided by nostalgia) more than 20 years later. I've listened to Gorillaz in bits and pieces since then, and know most of their most popular songs from later albums, but I don't know any the way I know their debut. Listening to "Gorillaz" again made me want to delve back in, and the more I consider the concept, the more I adore it. The cartoon characters and their world allow us to hold up a twisted mirror to our own in a way other music can never quite manage, and now that I know there is a detailed fictional history of the band members I'm intrigued to seek out the scattered source material in addition to the albums.

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Sat Jan 28 2023

Hierop kan je onmogelijk een genre plakken. het is enorm gevarieerd, dansbaar, meezingbaar. Topplaat

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Sat Feb 25 2023

They put out several several albums after this that I prefer but this is still really good. I remember seeing the Clint Eastwood video on MTV2 and being really intrigued. I'd definitely put Demon Days and Plastic Beach on this list over it, but I guess the impact of its release counts for something too. Cracker Island dropped the same day I got this. Interesting coincidence. More of a 4 star album but giving a 5 because I like the discography so much

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Mon Feb 27 2023

Блин, ребятыыыы, как же я обожаю такое, когда и все вроде знакомое, а целиком не слушал и вот это все вместе собирается и такая конфэта. Сразу говорю, что ставлю 4+1 за влияние. По восприятию мне было на том же уровне приятно (эмоционально другая приятность, конечно). Песенки вы все уже за меня повыделяли, а я хочу отметить экспериментальную темку (sound check и man research) в особенности. Неожиданно приятное

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Mon Feb 27 2023

Обожаю этот дебютный альбом. Дальше гориллаз будут больше уходить в эксперименты + набирать популярность в фитах, но уже здесь чувствуется напор на флоу и любовь к электронщине вкупе с джазом (вот такая ассоциация, да) Если не слышали, то очень зря)

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Mon Feb 27 2023

Apparently a new Gorillaz album came out two days ago? What the hell, where was I? Ah, Gorillaz. When I first listened to you, I didn't get you. I didn't like you. It took me, what, a decade for me to give you another chance? And man, am I glad I did. Gorillaz is one of those bands that I think hit for a lot of people in their teens, but that wasn't the case for me. I was musically stunted during my teens, and only remedied that several years later. The idea really shouldn't have worked. A virtual band? Who in their right mind would listen to that? As it turned out, a lot of people would, and for good reason. The music, just fundamentally, is catchy. Now, this isn't my favorite album by the band, 'Plastic Beach' holding that title, but you can't deny the sheer enjoyability of the music. The beats seem effortlessly catchy, the instrumentals mixed together in a super satisfying way and lyrics that sometimes seem weird, and sometimes seem profound. Depends on the mood and the song, I guess. Speaking of mood, I'm in a terrible one today that doesnt fit this album and it still hits. Impressive. Final thoughts: I guess I should go listen to that new Gorillaz album, maybe?

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Mon Mar 06 2023

I remember when I first heard Clint Eastwood and it blew me away! Definitely the highlight of the album but the rest is solid too. This is a tough one for me. It has enough to be a 4.5 for sure but was torn if I could round it up.

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