One Nation Under A Groove
FunkadelicSometimes you just need something to bring you joy. I haven't previously listened too much funk, but this had so many layers and is incredibly fun. I'll definitely listen again when I need a pick me up.
Sometimes you just need something to bring you joy. I haven't previously listened too much funk, but this had so many layers and is incredibly fun. I'll definitely listen again when I need a pick me up.
Iconic opening track with really excellent bass diving the album throughout. I especially enjoyed the piano interlude about a third of the way through South Side of the Sky. Prog rock is always a fun game of picking out the layers of sound composed into the music. Overall, I really enjoyed the album, but the vocals aren't really my thing.
After years of hearing about PJ Harvey, this is my first actual dive in. It feels like the diet of music I would have loved in high school. As it is, there's some really enjoyable stuff to this album, but nothing that really sparks excitement or engagement. It's the type of music I might play in the background while working on something in the house.
It's like the Beatles wrote a novelty yacht rock album.
Pure nostalgia. Disarm gets credit for staying me down the road of alt rock fandom. The album gets a little sleepy at the end for me and probably actually lands closer to a 4.5 stars, but I'd still choose it front to back most days.