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Siamese Dream

The Smashing Pumpkins


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Siamese Dream
Album Summary

Siamese Dream is the second studio album by American alternative rock band the Smashing Pumpkins, released on July 27, 1993, on Virgin Records. The album has received widespread acclaim by audiences and critics alike, with the album's musical influences and lyrical material standing out compared to other alternative records released during its time. The album has since been considered "one of the finest alt-rock albums of all time".Despite recording sessions fraught with difficulties and tensions, Siamese Dream debuted at number ten on the Billboard charts, and eventually was certified 4× Platinum, with the album selling over six million copies worldwide, cementing the Smashing Pumpkins as an important group in alternative rock music. Four singles were released in support of Siamese Dream: "Cherub Rock", "Today", "Disarm", and "Rocket". In addition to receiving widespread critical acclaim upon its release, Siamese Dream has widely been regarded as one of the greatest albums of the 1990s, and one of the greatest albums of all time. Rolling Stone magazine has ranked it between numbers 341 - 362 on various versions of their 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list.







  • Grunge


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Mar 13 2021
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Epic album from the Pumpkins. Not only one of their best pieces of work, but I feel it's one of the greatest rock records in existence. Packed full of killer writing and musicianship, emotional Siamese Dreams blows my mind on so many levels from beginning to end. I am so grateful to have gotten to see them perform many of these songs live on 3 occasions. Zowie!

Jul 06 2021
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"Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins." "Homer Simpson, nodding politely." This is the best album that Smashing Pumpkins made and one of the most iconic albums in alternative rock history and a relic of the 90s.

Aug 17 2021
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"Siamese Dream" is pretty tortured. I'm not tortured now, and don't think I was in the 90s (although most teens feel tortured to some extent?), certainly not like Corgan (with abuse during his childhood and recent relationship issues framing much of early Pumpkins), but damned if this album doesn't just do it for me anyway. I really like this album, maybe even more than I did in the 90s. It is intense and filled with agonized passion - it's raw and exposed and vulnerable and electric - both in subject matter and musical vibe. Like a lot of 90s alt-rock and grunge, the lyrics are poetic and often indecipherable, but it doesn't matter (to me). Breathy when it needs to be breathy, screaming earnestly at just the right peaks. James Iha's guitar (though apparently Corgan was super controlling in the studio and recorded everyone's parts himself) is alternatingly crunchy, soaring, soft - for some tracks they apparently layered and overdubbed the guitar parts dozens of times. Whatever that means, they get an amazing rich sound out of it. Pretty sure back in the day I put on my headphones and zoned out to this album like Mitch at the end of "Dazed and Confused." (This is not the album on this list that I would have expected to be the first to make me think of that top 5 of all-time movie, but I am sure it won't be the last.) The first half of the album is filled with gems, hitting a crescendo with "Disarm," brilliant and haunting with its orchestral build hinting at the softer direction for parts of "Mellon Collie." But they interweave hard-edged rage with soft emotional rawness seamlessly in numerous places, even better on "Siamese Dream" than on "Mellon Collie." Smashing Pumpkins stands out sonically from other early 90s alt-rock - it doesn't really fit with the Northwest grunge sound, doesn't fit with punk rock, doesn't fit with lo-fi shoegaze, Smashing Pumpkins really carved their own unique space.

Jan 03 2023
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I just can't enjoy the monotonous sludge of distorted guitars and Corgan's petulant whine.

Jun 22 2021
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This one held up really well. Just a great album. The composition, instrumentation, and lyrics are all on point. I know a lot of folks hate on Corgan's voice but it's never bothered me and it matches the lyrics and feel of these songs so well. Just really great.

Dec 02 2022
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I find it weird that so many people classify this as grunge or even part of the grunge movement. I think what the Pumpkins were doing here was so much more interesting and varied than a lot of their contemporaries in that space. Sonically, it's so good. You have deep, fat, layered guitars that smack you around the face (notably on tracks like Hummer and Mayonaise). The ridiculous amount of tracks mixed in give it such a robust, unique sound, with layers and layers and layers of guitars and noise. Jimmy Chamberlain is pummelling his drums like he hates them, and Billy is laying down some mad, squealing guitar solos on top. When this rocks, it really rocks hard, with a real depth and force to it. But then you have some beautiful and tender ballads thrown in, utilising violins, bells and all sorts, and some truly iconic songs sitting in there like Disarm. Lyrically there's so much to love here too. There's a lot of raw feeling, vulnerability and honesty. Billy really chucked himself out there, and the songs benefit from it. I get that a lot of people don't get on with his voice, but personally I love weird, interesting singers and it really works for me. There's so many different levels and riffs and interesting details running through this whole album. I just don't think other bands of the era had anywhere near this level of range. This is an absolutely superb, iconic album.

Jan 19 2021
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This album makes me sad, there's some great, no amazing, melodies here and some really interesting ideas....but the execution is god-awful. I hate the lead singer's voice, I hate it with a passion. The man sounds like if Spongebob was doing a Kurt Cobain impersonation. It honestly hurts to listen to, it haunts my dreams, it's my waking nightmare. I don't know if I will ever find the words to properly describe my hatred of this man's singing. There's some beautiful songs here, but the fact that they're ruined so much makes this album even sadder to listen to. When I heard the opening lines of the first song my immediate freudean thought was "butt-rock" the singer sounds like he belongs in a shitty 3 doors down cover band. Overall I'm giving it 2 stars because the melodies are actually really good and the song progression and composition is interesting.

Oct 02 2020
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"Today" is one of the greatest songs ever written and the rest of the album holds up around it

Nov 05 2024
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The riffs that sold a million Big Muffs.

Oct 21 2021
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OMG, this album used to mean so much to me. I've already played it to death, but here we go.

Jan 18 2021
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Loved the guitar work - it seemed multi-layered and symphonic to some degree. Laidback and interesting music .

Mar 19 2022
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If it weren’t for Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness, I’d say this is the best Smashing Pumpkins album. Still, it’s one of the best guitar and drum albums of all time.

Mar 15 2021
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For me this album is their absolute high point - barely a step wrong in the entire album - brilliant stuff

Feb 16 2021
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Alternative classic, I enjoy the shit out of this one, peak 90s rock

Jan 19 2021
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I dig it. Heavily distorted, but not at the expense of good riffs and melodies. It's a bit long, but not overlong, and I think its length reflects the hazy/grunge musical style. Of course, I'm all-too-familiar with the tracks "Cherub Rock" and "Today," thanks to Guitar Hero. They hold up, and there are a number of other great songs here, too. I'm not sure if I'd heard a Smashing Pumpkins album before today, but this one makes the appeal perfectly clear. Favorite tracks: Cherub Rock, Today, Sweet Sweet Album art: I like it. Looks like the original was just the photo of these two girls, and a reissue added the purple filter and orange background. Both look good to me, but I think I prefer the purple and orange. Filtering and reissuing an album cover like that seems to be a recognition of classic status. 4/5

Feb 18 2024
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Sometimes, an album is ruined not by poor craftsmanship, but just the sheer overwhelming presence of ego. This is one of those albums. It's got some great songs, but they're completely overshadowed by Corrigan's ego and conceit.

Aug 23 2024
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4 all time songs and they may not even be the best 4 on this awesome album.

Aug 20 2024
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This album is impossible to listen to objectively. It's in my blood and makes up some of the base pairs of my DNA. It's an endless summer album. One of lazy sunshine joy, daily crushes, and utopian conversations under stars while lying on car hoods (back when car hoods were made of real steel and could hold our body weight without buckling). I hear it and it's a time machine. More accurately, it brings a fuzzjoy mood into my 2024 brain and a goofy grin stretches across my face. The pumpkins have been up and down, musically, but this--to me--is their apex.

Aug 13 2024
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Ratings: 5: I will happily play this album anytime 4: I may occasionally play this album of my own free will 3: I will happily listen to this if someone plays it in the background 2: I will tolerate this if it is playing in the background 1: I will leave the room if someone plays this in the background Hands down one of my favorite albums from the 90s. The layered guitars + Chamberlains drumming style are perfection to me and the tone is much warmer than the albums that followed.

Feb 02 2022
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Тудей из тзе грейтест

Feb 01 2022
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The first album I've already heard!!! And I already know it's a 5/5 for me!!! Excited to relisten though!!! I adore the changes in pace and energy, the floaty instrumentals in the quieter bits are so dreamy and gorgeous, and the guitars in the louder bits are SO BLOODY GOOD!! Heck I forgot Silverfuck is almost 9min long, it just flies by (for me anyway) because it is so COOL I may be biased because this is an album I've been coming back to regularly since I was...15? There's a reason for that though

Dec 15 2022
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To define the 90s, some were grasping at hard rock's ballads only to achieve a tacky fad, other tried replicating the original punk feel, almost border-lining on being parodic. The Smashing Pumpkins had a different approach. With fuzz guitars and soft spoken lyrics, they deliberately created an angst simulation machine. Rather than romanticizing the past in wailing verses or screaming at the top of your lungs to berate it, accept it since it's part of you after all. It's rare to find an album that rocks so hard without making you feel cathartic. Guess that's what they call alternative.

Oct 18 2022
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I oscillate back and forth between which SP album I prefer - this or 'Mellon Collie'. For all of the latter's grandiosity, I consistently find myself concluding that 'Siamese Dream' is the more accomplished record. From the bone crunching opening chords of 'Cherub Rock', this album delivers again and again on every. single. track. The band moves seamlessly between the melodically tempered and the face-melting heavy, often on the same track (Soma and Silverfuck, I'm looking at you two). While Corgan is obviously the driving force on this album musically and lyrically (not to mention that quintessential whine of his that gave the SP such a unique sound), I'm never not blown away by Jimmy Chamberlin's work on the drums. In the spirit of the greats like Bonham or Moon, his percussion flows beautifully with the music itself. On an album that is so profoundly guitar-focused, it's a testament to Chamberlin's musicianship that his drumming stands out so. One of the great albums of the 90's. While the Smashing Pumpkins would go on to release many more albums, they could never quite top the artistic zenith they achieved on 'Siamese Dream' and its successor.

Jul 01 2022
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This album is excellent. There is not a dull moment on it. It is meticulously crafted, every song sets up the next one perfectly. Every sound is perfectly realised. Billy Corgan pretty much claims the fuzz pedal for himself with this album. The sound he creates with it is thick, gritty but smooth, dense, and immersive but it is never overwhelming and is frequently punctured by beautiful, glassy clean strat-through-valve-amp tones. I first listened to this Album by renting it out from a library and ripping it onto my PC. I played it a lot in my youth. I bought a fuzz pedal pretty much because of this album. One of my favorite guitar pleasures is to play "Cherub Rock" through a cranked fuzz pedal, the feeling of power is immense and uplifting.

Apr 25 2022
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5.0 + My musical ground zero - the band and the record that ushered me full-force into rock music as a teen. I listened to this album more than any other, and can sing it all the way through. So many amazing moments here - from the guitar solo in "Cherub Rock", to the contemplative end of "Hummer", to the drumming on "Geek USA", to the trippy middle of "Silverfuck", to the gorgeous homage to shoegazer rock with "Mayonaise"...Confronting past demons head-on, believing in a better tomorrow and swirling with psychedelic color.

May 11 2021
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Glad i finally got around to listening to the whole thing. Great stuff

Jun 22 2021
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Un album très sympa de la part de Radiohead

Jan 11 2025
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I always wanted to listen to this one, because most songs I know and love from the band are from this album. Not only is it consistent, but it has even more all-timers than I thought.

Aug 20 2024
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This album is full of very hype songs.

Aug 20 2024
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There is a reason this album is on so many lists. So many great things about this album; the songwriting, the music, the feel. Never gets old. A must for any music library.

Aug 20 2024
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This is one of my all-time favourite albums and the soundtrack to high school and university. When I was you young I would argue this was the best album of the 90s. I actually don’t even want to deconstruct why I like it- I just want to let it wash over me when I listen to it. Inthe proceeding years, Billy corgan has started to become more grating but this album is preserved in my memory as a time before all of that, a time when I could listen to this with my whole heart and feel so much joy

Aug 13 2024
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A beautiful and complex album from start to finish.

Aug 13 2024
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This is true of most music of course, but I feel like Smashing Pumpkins need to be listened to LOUD! Crank this up and rock the fuck out

Aug 13 2024
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Y'know, when it comes to Billy Corrgan and the Smashing Pumpkins, I'll for sure have more to say about them once my group gets to hit up MELLON COLLIE AND THE INFINITE SADNESS. **That's** the one I have some sort of attatchment to. Versus this album, which, until today, I'd only known for "Cherub Rock" and, especially, "Today". As a result, in comparison, I don't really feel like I have as much to say about this album—except for that I'd really hafta agree that it's one of the best and most unique alternate rock and grunge albums of the 90's. Goodness me, can Corrgan write a tune—and can this band **play them**. (Plus, I don't mind Corrgan's voice, so that's a hurdle I have no problem getting over.) It's an **easy** 5 from me. It's an easier 5 than MELLON COLLIE might get at least, that's for sure.

Aug 13 2024
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I can definitely see why some call this one of the best albums of the 90s, not just in alt rock, but in general. An hour never passed by so quick. Pretty easy 5 to give.

Aug 13 2024
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I’m at a 5. This is my first Smashing Pumpkins album, and while I always knew there was acclaim, for some reason, I just never really went for it – it could genuinely all be in the name. Either way, I’m a fucking moron; this is a great fucking album. Lots of diversity within the soundscape, great lyricism (if a bit broad at times), and Billy Corgan’s vocals are strong as hell, almost chameleon-esque with how he can shift from soft and introspective to a classic rockstar voice on a dime. I’m just really impressed with how honest this album seems to feel – Nirvana knew how to commercialize their style, and they did it remarkably successfully, even if it was kind of at Kurt Cobain’s detriment. Obviously, Nevermind is a fantastic album, but there’s something that feels just a little too clean about it after listening to this. I can’t explain how or why this feels more raw and honest, but it just does. Sometimes, that works against the album, and I think that honesty sort of collapses in on itself during “Silverfuck”. Silverfuck’s a great track, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know that it works as one long 9 minute piece; it feels like an attempt to shove the soundscape of a mini rock opera into what would otherwise be a pretty normal song if you just look at the lyrics. I think the choice of the soundscape works well, and it’s a pretty quick 9 minutes, but in the back of my mind, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that it would work better as 3 separate 3-minute tracks with their own titles to really give the song just a bit more structure and definition. It’s rather honest in what it tries to do, but I think it falls just a little short on its execution, especially with how self-serving the instrumental parts can feel the longer they go. Still a hell of a climax to the album, though, and really enjoyable. That track is basically the only nitpick I have, but it’s such a minor blip – this album, for me, is like a 9.75/10 at the bare minimum if we’re going by 10. It’s just a remarkably strong rock album, and I can finally see the hype. I know there’s at least one other Smashing Pumpkins album on the list, so that should be exciting when it rolls around. Either way, for my first experience, this was nothing short of spectacular. Very, very easy 5.

Aug 12 2024
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Always welcome to rock my world.

Nov 05 2024
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It's been said that Billy Corgan could pick a fight with an empty room, and that's arguably true. Still, if we're talking about conveying relatable angst, there's few better. For those who may be readying their throwing tomatoes for me rating this higher than The Bends, it's because I feel that despite it being very stylistically monotonous, the mood and feel of the album is not. It's a mix of manic, sad, contemplative and angry - all with a self-deprecating edge. Speaking as someone who both has lived with, and is, a depressed person, the album really gets across that feeling. Ultimately, it's the front-loading of the album that prevents it getting a 5. But, as someone who was an angsty 20-year-old (and is an angsty 34-year-old), I wish I'd listened to it when I was younger. Tangent: I didn't gel with Spaceboy, despite its usage of Mellotrons. I guess even I have a limit for my love of that instrument. Fave: Cherub Rock (yeah, I know) Least Fave: Spaceboy Strong Bad Demerit Counter: 0

Sep 03 2024
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This album starts really strong but by the end I'm a bit worn out and wishing it would end. There are attempts at breaking out of the mould created in the first half, but they don't achieve much and feel unnecessary.

Aug 26 2024
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This 1001 thing has taught me I am a Smashing Pumpkins fan

Aug 22 2024
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Haven't really explored the Smashing Pumpkins before, excited to hear more

Aug 22 2024
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I’ve listened before and it is a classic album. Don’t know that I’d give it a 5 but 4 feels appropriate

Aug 21 2024
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Levyn tunnelma on hieno vaikka aavistuksen pitkä kokonaisuus. Vakuuttava esitys ja helppo 4*

Aug 16 2024
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Although I do feel like this album goes through many different moods that the artists do not transition well, I feel like that was what they were going for. It was a pretty sick rock album, with great ballads, unique production that sets it apart from any other artist that I have listened to, and excellent hooks that were pretty cool. Also, Hummer is an amazing track that is very underrated.

Aug 16 2024
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I’ve heard like half of this album by itself, but never listened to the whole thing before, so I was excited to hear. Way more shoegaze influence than I was expecting. My apologies Mr pumpkins, I was not aware of your game.

Aug 13 2024
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A really good album for a genre that can be pretty decisive for me. It's definitely intense and noisy but there are some great hits on this album. Just when I was thinking to myself I needed a break from the noise Soma came as a nice relief. Maybe a little front half heavy. 7/10 (3.5/5)

May 09 2024
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Very good 👍 feels like an album that will get better with more listens.

Mar 16 2023
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The third early to mid nineties album I’ve gotten in a row is probably my favourite of the lot. Yes, this might be because all the cool music sounded like this when I was 12. Kinda sounds like if Phil Spector did a grunge album. But it seems like if Spector and Corgan made an album, not everyone would make it out alive.

Sep 09 2024
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I just gotta get this out of the way first, because ever since I noticed it, I haven’t been able to hear the song not think about it: The clean guitar intro to Cherub Rock, the riff that stars at 4 seconds in, then goes on and turns into distortion around the 25 second mark is nearly identical to the guitar line that Neu’s “Hallogallo” is centered around. It’s too similar to not be intentional, I think. Now that I’ve rewound that part a bunch of times, and A/B’d it with “Hallogallo”, a habit I’ve found myself engaging more than once over the years, I suppose I should start my review: Having grown up in early 90’s, I am predisposed to like the sound of fuzzed out guitars and there are an abundance of them on this record. Electro-Harmonix’s “Big Muff” fuzz pedal is the veritable backbone of this record and the guitar playing is easily the highlight for me. I could never take Billy Corgan’s voice (or personality, for that matter), but at least this record is an hour shorter than Mellon Collie, so it’s manageable, especially with the preponderance of fuzzy guitars to distract from his nasal whining and pretension. This is a great guitar record, I cannot deny that. It’s also undoubtedly the best record the Smashing Pumpkins would ever make. It could stand to be a little shorter, though. A lot of the songs here go on for too long, several stretching to the 7-8 minute mark and not enough fresh ideas in them to fully justify their length. Instead, they end up rehashing some of the same guitar tricks over and over and I’m left feeling burned out by about track 9.

Aug 28 2024
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I liked this 90's noisy whine-rock more than I thought I would.

Aug 22 2024
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Billy corgan's vocals can get grating.

Aug 13 2024
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I'm not a big fan of the Pumpkins, but "Disarm" is a great song

Aug 13 2024
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The hits are pretty epic to be sure. The rest, I find rather forgettable.

Nov 08 2023
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Some nice melodic ideas and good songs. I enjoyed it but thank God we progressed past phasing vocals to the nth degree. Little know fact about this album is that it was played in its entirety at the christening of Brian Blessed's second child.

Mar 11 2024
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Probably the better album from the Pumpkins... but I still think they're very overrated, despite the rave reviews others seem to wax lyrical about them.

Jan 07 2024
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a few catchy grooves. probably would sound better as a recording of a single electric guitar or two actually human beings playing instead of 100 Billy Corgans smushed together sounds absolutely like a cynical cash in. there's a My Bloody Valentine shimmer thing briefly that seems like a wink & nudge, but a completely uncharming one it's funny that one of the most overwrought groups sounds amateurish, not in execution but in style choices. it sounds like a bedroom album by somebody that hasn't learned to cut out tacky impulses yet. the shred solos are silly and don't always work. I like pieces of the music but won't make any excuses for this band music: hated. (⌐■_■)

Nov 21 2022
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I understand this is a classic band and “technically” a classic album but man it’s just not for me I guess. They do the “wall of sound” vibe really well and the guitar tones are great but just kinda the same throughout the whole record. I feel like this is the kind’ve music that’s more fun to play than to listen to. I was not enjoying the album until track six which I believe was disarm (I already knew that song) and that one was good and admittedly I did like the second half of the album more than the first. Geek USA was a standout. My ears just got so tired of it and I found myself tuning out a lot.

Oct 03 2022
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Smashing Pumpkins are hard for me to rate properly. They are a great rock group and they have some fantastic songs…but I just can’t stand Billy Corgan’s voice. If they had someone else sing it, it would be a 4 star album for me, maybe even a 5. But I just can’t stand it because his voice is so grating to me.

Sep 07 2022
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It was very… ok? It honestly felt pretty dull, like a sepia-tone version of emo-punk like Taking Back Sunday. There were a couple stand-outs like Cherub Rock and Disarm, but I found the droning guitar and drowned-out vocals to be offputting.

May 13 2022
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I hate Smashing Pumpkins. I can't stand Billy's voice. It ruins otherwise pretty decent music. Good melodies, good driving rock guitar/drums/bass. I'm def a fan of Iha's tone. But damn if that voice doesn't sound like a 6 year old that needs his juice box NOW!

Apr 03 2022
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Best Song: Cherub Rock. This is the band at their most Smashing. A grungy, gritty groove that does a great job of kicking off the album. Worst Song: This is the band at their most Pumpkins. Corgan just absolutely squeezing out how he "used to be a little boy," sounding like he's trying to sing while someone fits him for a corset that's two sizes too small. Add that to the layered vocals when he sings against/with himself and it's all just too much. Overall: This album, like the other Smashing Pumpkins albums I've listened to, is bloated, self-indulgent, and rooted around a central sound whose appeal I just don't understand. There are better, realer, rawer grunge records out there. Your time is much better spent listening to any of them.

Mar 19 2022
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The odd nice song is not enough to lift the rest of this album enough for me.

Jan 13 2022
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It was ok, I found it a bit bland with nothing much to recommend it apart from the ones that I remember from back in the day, that were bangers when they came out (Today and Disarm).

Oct 05 2021
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Oh my god, I hate Fuzz and this album is full of it. Very bad production as well. Vocals are pretty boring, but recognisible.

Feb 13 2024
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So my first two days using this app I got two Smashing Pumpkins albums. I really regret not being more scathing in my review of Mellon Collie cause after having to sit through another Smashing Pumpkins album in a consecutive day, I can honestly say that I hate them. Billy Corgan has a huge ego and no talent, he uses random lines of teenage poetry and slaps them together without any actual meaning or substance, and his voice drives me up a wall. The only way in which Siamese Dream is better than Mellon Collie is that it is shorter.

Jan 15 2024
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You know I think I would find this music listenable if it weren't for Billy Corgan's absolutely Z-tier garbage voice. He ranges from soft whisper singing like someone attempting to conceal a fart to his higher pitched yell singing that sounds like someone playing a kazoo while also pinching their throat shut.

Dec 16 2023
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one of my biggest musical pet peeves is horrible dude vocalists who simply can't accept they have a voice for the newspaper and barrel right ahead into performing lead vocals. the actual music here is good, but Billy Corgan is one of the kings of this archetype, and his singing completely kills the album

Jun 08 2021
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Couldn't make it through. I found his voice unbearable. the instrumentation wasn't horrible, and I see how People would enjoy it. But not for me in the slightest.

Mar 15 2021
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I wish I liked the Smashing Pumpkins but they make it so hard for me. Meandering songs, terrible production.

Mar 12 2025
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Despite being lumped in with the onslaught of popular 90s grunge bands, they really weren't even close to sounding like their supposed peers. The Smashing Pumpkins would go on to greater commercial success with their great but bloated followup, but never truly topped the songwriting, perfectly balanced tracklist, and pure sonic craftship that went into this one. An all time great. Bold and bombastic and beautiful and one of the very finest albums of the 1990s, or indeed, of all time.

Mar 11 2025
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Я просто обожнюю alternative rock та його похідні. Особливо коли мова іде про 90-і, адже це, напевно був найбільший стрибок у розвитку рок музики як такої, на даний момент. І це альбом є найкращою його ілюстрацією. Після доволі гарного Gish (1991), фронтмен гурту Біллі Корган був сповнений амбіцій створити такий альбом, після прослуховування якого «буде незрозуміло що це було», але який при цьому «засяде у вас в голові на довгий час». В цьому контексті, Smashing Pumpkins, дійсно зробили унікальну роботу. Siamese Dream багато в чому покладається на класичне звучання Black Sabbath та Led Zeppelin, додаючи трохи психоделічності та «прогресивності» від Pink Floyd. Все це заміксовано із сучасним, у ті часи, гранжем та шугейзом. При цьому, шумне, але в той самий час, мрійливе звучання не покладалося на «ефекти». В цьому плані гурт притримувався формули Кевіна Шилдса із my bloody valentine. Вони покладались на винахідливі «багатошарові»аранжування, та експериментували із тональностями. І якщо Шилдс перетворював музику на «звуковий потік», пісні на цьому альбомі все ж залишаються більш структурованими та чипляючими. Те як, у висновку, звучить Siamese Dream визначило шлях альтернативної музики на роки вперед. На ньому, гурт «вивів» ідеальний баланс «складності» та «простої мелодійност», через що і знайшов відгук у багатьох слухачів. Це дуже розумна та цікава робота, що випереджала свій час. Якості якій, додає глибока, поетична та депресивна лірика Когана. Я сьогодні слухав цей альбом вперше за останні років пʼятнадцять. І зараз, він «торкається душі» куди краще, та розуміється зовсім інакше ніж у підлітковому віці. Тепер, із великим «багажем» прослуханого, розумієш його справжню велич, та те, що він ніколи не перестане бути актуальним. Справжній шедевр, та відносно сучасна, класика.

Mar 10 2025
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Easily in my top 10 and probably top 5 albums. Perfection from front to back.

Mar 10 2025
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Juicy guitar riffs Balancing quiet with loud While drums run amok

Mar 08 2025
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It can't be understated how great the multilayered guitars sound throughout this record. A lot went into the production I'm sure and at the front of it all was Billy Corgan, the troubled perfectionist. You hear it in the lyrics, soft-spoken at times and wailing at other times, the man put immense pressure on himself to create as perfect of a record as he could. This album feels more ornate than the other alt rock and grunge that was released around this time. Not that there ISN'T emotion in the other rock-adjacent music, but it just feels more prevalent and contemplative here thanks to Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, and Chamberlin. Props to Butch Vig and the rest of the production/technical team too for curating one of the more sonically satisfying alt rock records of the 90's. Favorite tracks: Cherub Rock, Today, Hummer, Disarm, Mayonaise

Mar 05 2025
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Best album on the list I've done so far

Mar 04 2025
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Having only really listened to individual songs before and never a full album I was definitely impressed by this as a complete piece of work.

Mar 03 2025
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Classic Grunge album, always great to listen to

Feb 28 2025
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Classic. Great tone that doesn't necessitate a modern "remaster." Great flow from one song to the next. You just know there's some guy in Missouri named Kris who's against the very idea of liking the Pumpkins at all that when they finally give it a try, they're going to kick themselves for missing out.

Feb 28 2025
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I know Billy Corgan is a total piece of shit, but this album is FUCKING KILLER. It sounds huge! Production is so perfect; giving room for all the instruments to be heard clearly, but still creating this massive wall of noise as they come together. Drags a little in the back half, but god damn does this album rock.

Feb 27 2025
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Sheer artistry. A musical journey through the emotions. Tracks that end completely differently to how they begin. Could it be the best pumpkins album?

Feb 27 2025
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Great album. It has defined my youth as a young listener. The album goes back in memory lane, ofcourse with the likeable hits ike Disarm and Today. The vulnerable lyrics combined the guitar work and the symphonic complexity make it great.

Feb 27 2025
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Unapologetic Apoplectic Aggression Frustration Young persons anger Now turned banger

Feb 24 2025
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just great- glad this generator had me listen to the whole album. every song is really good.

Feb 19 2025
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This is such an important album for me. Maybe not as good as Mellon Collie, but it made such a huge splash and heralded what was truly a great band (at least for a while). Have to love it for it meant to a generation of disaffected teenagers.

Feb 18 2025
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even for a cover alone I would give it 5★

Feb 18 2025
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Brilliant. One of my favorite bands. If I were to describe this album I would say: cameleon. You never really know if you should be swaying or headbanging. And it's not between songs, it's literally individual songs. I think every song on this record is good, but every 2 - 3 songs is incredible. Some of personal favs: -Cherub Rock -Today -Disarm -Soma -Mayonaise -Silverfuck -Spaceboy -Luna Which then leaves like 3 or 4 songs that are okay. Probably could have taken them off the record and kept this to a tight 45. -

Feb 05 2025
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Might be the nostalgia speaking but this is a 5

Feb 11 2025
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I kind of regret that I wasn't more into Smashing Pumpkins when they were in their prime. I remember my best friend bringing this cassette on the school bus a lot, but I was more of a casual, singles SP fan. It's only in the last few years that I've really started to explore their discography in depth. I think this is probably my favorite of their albums (with Gish coming in a very close second). I like the shoegazy vibe of a lot of it. The sound is cohesive across many of the songs, but there's enough variation in sound and tempo that it doesn't get boring. And some of my favorite SP tracks are on here ("Today" and "Disarm"). I wouldn't call it a short album, with several songs well over 5 minutes ("Silverfuck" is pushing 9 minutes!), but it's a lot more manageable than the sprawling double LP of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, with a lot less filler. I think SP were at their best in the earlier years, before Billy got so far up in his own butt (though a lot of Ava Adore is still really good). 4.5/5 (I suppose I'll round to 5)

Feb 11 2025
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Their best album, great flow of songs I love the drumming and the tone on the guitars not a single bad song on the album

Feb 06 2025
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Really loved this and have done for a long time. The only thing I can maybe fault it on is that it’s maybe a bit long

Feb 03 2025
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An almost perfect album. After having a string of 70s rock albums, this was a sweet relief. The variety of tones and textures, the depth of the production, and the SONGS. Almost every one is a classic. I'm not the biggest fan of the pumpkins overall, but they absolutely knocked it out of the park on this one.

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