
Rock 'N Soul

Solomon Burke

Group Rating: 2.83
Global Rating: 3.38
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MetalheadClub Reviews

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One of my complaints about The Beatles is that every song is essentially about the same thing, gets super repetitive and boring. All the songs on this album are essentially about the same thing, and yet I thoroughly enjoyed this one. So not so much the subject matter but the delivery. And this guy delivers.

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Great voice, but not so super exciting songs.

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I was not familiar at all with Solomon Burke before (only heard one of his songs in the closing scene of one of the seasons of the Wire), and while it's not my jam, it spend a nice time listening to it. He has a great voice, and the music supporting his voice is pretty nice and keeps the promise of the title: a pretty nice blend of rock and soul. Some guitar parts are actually pretty good! The way chorus are used is also interesting, in particular how they create a dialogue in Won't You Give Him.

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I will admit to not being at all familiar with Solomon Burke, and I’m glad that I had the chance to fix that today. He has an amazing soul voice and this album was delightful from start to finish.

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Puuh. Trotz mehrfacher Durchläufe ist kein einziges Lied hängen geblieben. Sie sind alle auf einem ähnlichen Level von "Och joa, plätschert halt schön im Hintergrund". Und irgendwann nervt mich auch der erregende Frauenchor (Grüße gehen raus an die EAV) mit dem dauernden Wiederholen des vorangegangenen Textes samt "Ahuuuuuuuuuuu".

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Not my favorite genre. But i like this one.

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Well that was a quickie… I have a ten minute walk to work and I (skip) listened to the album on the way one morning. Yeah, just not my tunes. And gosh, every single one about one or another way of love, getting it, keeping it, loosing it, finding it, crying about it. You get the picture. It’s just too much, like a 12 song long sugarshocksweet candy bar. Now I need something hardy, like some good growly grind core metal.

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I often feel like I simply don’t know enough about the history of music to be able to appreciate something like this. Nevertheless it was an okay listen.

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Never heard of Solomon Burke before now. I liked it. Very different from my usual listening.

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I love listening to 60s Soul/Rythm and Blues, especially because most of the time the instruments sound fantastic. On this album, I really like the guitars and especially the bass (is it a contrabass?). However, the album gets a bit long. I know that it's only 35 minutes, but after ~20 minutes it is starting to lose me.

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I can see why this made the list, and Burke has an incredible voice, but overall I found the album pretty flat and engaging.
