Liked the first 2 songs but the next 2 we’re not for me. Vocals were a bit grating. Overall solid albeit underwhelming project. Pretty minimalistic with only vocals and a guitar for the most part. Very poetic lyrics. Would listen again 6.5/10
Gorgeous and vibrant, measured and steady but deeply free. Really enjoyed this one
The way i see it, there are people out there who look at abstract art and see a clear image. Then there are those who look at it and see random disconnected blobs and shapes. I’m the second type of person. I can see how this album could appeal to certain types, but it doesn’t make much sense to me. Not that that makes it bad, it just makes it not for me. 16 shells is a banger though. TL;DR: If the movie Pi (1998) had a soundtrack this is what I imagine it would sound like.
Good background music. Couple of standouts but the songs largely blend into each other
I feel the same way about this album as I do the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They both represent the bare bones of their respective genres and are widely beloved. Having heard/watched their successors, I feel like maybe I was too late to the party to truly get this album (and movie).
Better than I thought it would be. Didn’t love it at first but the longer I listened the more I started vibing. Unfortunately, the longer it went on the more I reverted back to my intial aversion toward the music. Instrumentals were great, vocals a bit grating.
Great vibes
Did not let you off the rollercoaster once. Frenzied but controlled. Played with tempo and dynamics incredibly well.
Really enjoyable and brings something unique to the table. Only reason I’m giving it a 3.5/5 is because it doesn’t feel fully formed. The album fell apart towards the end and left me wanting more.
Not for me