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All Hope Is Gone



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All Hope Is Gone
Album Summary

All Hope Is Gone is the fourth studio album by American heavy metal band Slipknot, released on August 20, 2008 by Roadrunner Records. The album was published in two versions: the standard album in a CD case and a special edition packaged in a six-fold digipak containing three bonus tracks, a 40 page booklet, and a bonus DVD with a documentary of the album's recording. Preparation for the album began in 2007, while recording started in February 2008 in the band's home state of Iowa. Before the album's launch, Slipknot released a series of promotional images and audio samples from the album through various websites. All Hope Is Gone was considered the band's most eclectic-sounding album at the time of release, incorporating elements from their previous three. The album shows Slipknot completely abandoning the nu metal genre, moving to a groove metal style. Songs such as the opening track "Gematria (The Killing Name)" and the title track espouse the band's more brutal, death metal-influenced edge, reminiscent of songs such as "(sic)" from their debut self-titled album; slow burning, "trippy" elements such as "Gehenna", recalling "Skin Ticket" from their second album Iowa; and more tragic, sentimental tracks such as "Dead Memories" and "Snuff". Lyrically, All Hope Is Gone centers on themes such as anger, disaffection, obsession, and the music industry. The album name also features a more prominent focus on politics than their previous albums. Slipknot promoted All Hope Is Gone on a world tour and at the Mayhem Festival. Generally well received by critics, the album reached the top position on nine record charts worldwide, including the Billboard 200—the first Slipknot album to do so. It was certified platinum by the RIAA on August 10, 2010 for shipments in excess of 1,000,000 albums in the United States. With a runtime of 57 minutes and 57 seconds, it is Slipknot's shortest studio album to date. It is also the band's final studio album to feature their full original lineup with two longtime members: bassist and founding member Paul Gray, who was found dead in an Iowa hotel on May 24, 2010, almost two years after the album's release, and drummer Joey Jordison, who was fired from the group in December 2013.







  • Metal


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Jun 24 2021
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If you enjoy this type of music, I would say you are ignoring some personal problems. If you would consider yourself to be in a healthy state of mind, send me your Paypal so I can put down 5 bucks for a new pair of ears. Jesus Christ, release me from this stinking pile of dogshit.

Mar 15 2023
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perfect music for nice relaxing bubble bath 🥰

Oct 28 2020
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So, yeah. Slipknot. Look, I'm really into hard music. I cut my teeth on punk and grew up on hardcore metal. I spent almost every weekend of my 20s at any hardcore show I could get to. Slipknot, though... they were always a joke in the hardcore scene. They're fashion metal. They're gothy pop-metal. The slipknot guys would show up at the hardcore shows in uniform and get laughed out of the venue. It was poser-metal. As I listened to this album, I tried really hard to get past those past notions of the band and listen with a fresh ear. What I found was that those past impressions... were not entirely wrong. But they weren't entirely correct either. There's some good stuff in here. It's a little sing-songy and filled with cliches but, at the same time, there are some killer groves buried underneath all that. Overall, not as bad as I expected it to be.

Jan 14 2022
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Those drums are just too good for a 1.

Jan 29 2021
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On some level, I get it. You are angry. You sometimes feel dead inside. You need a sound that matches that hopelessness and rage. I am angry too! But whoever thought it was vital to include this album as one of the greats, really does need to check their vital signs. It's okay though; we all have our paths to musical bliss and these guys really do strike a nerve for so many, that I'm happy to have another listen. What I hear are machine gun drum beats. I hear lyrics rich with authentic human emotion and truth. I hear gut-birthed gnarly screaming. I hear catchy arena rock riffs. And, I hear some infused melodic vocals, and even harmonies. I can appreciate all of those components, and do in several bands that I sometimes resonate with (i.e. Linkin Park, Creed, etc.) but while I can appreciate these things that Slipknot brings to the table, All Hope Is Gone is far too elementary at its core for me. No judgement to all of the rockers who embrace the growling thunder that is Slipknot. But for me, the thunder is so overpowering, I cannot hear the rain.

Mar 04 2021
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“All Hope Is Gone” by Slipknot(1980) New experience for me. Bad done well. 3/5 These guys have real talent. What a shame. Self contradictory (hope/no hope) the marketing of evil, done with precision, elaboration, finesse. An intriguing listen. It seems like metal has caught up with hip hop. The message is incoherent, undefended and indefensible. Expressing virtually no redemption, no resolution. “Snuff” is the closest thing to beauty on this album (even if the opening groove is a flat ripoff of Nirvana’s “Something in the Way”), but is fatally flawed by its nonsensical lyrics. How can one feel sorry for a guy who gives such a lame and internally inconsistent expression of his sadness? To his woman? I pity the woman.

May 26 2023
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Slipknot are in that bracket of metal/emo bands I actually appreciate more now than when I was a teenager (‘shouty men in silly masks’ was my initial verdict). When they combine meaty riffs with catchy, non-screamy vocals (like Psychosocial, which always went down well at uni rock club nights), I can get on board. That said, I think tracks like Gematria will always be too thrashy for me to enjoy. *That* said, it doesn’t seem like this is considered the best Slipknot album, and people who really like the band tend to prefer the earlier, less poppy stuff. So the inclusion of this album on the list seems like a bit of an awkward compromise. Much like my on-the-fence 3-star rating.

May 26 2023
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Honestly couldn't wait for this album to end. Suffered from Metallica syndrome, each song could be cut in half and it would probably be better for it. Heresy, I know. Come at me bro.

Jan 12 2022
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Pretty decent, not my favorite genre but I appreciate the musicality/instrumentation. 99.9% unable to understand what they're saying, which kind of makes it hard to stay invested beyond that, personally.

Nov 04 2021
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furious, confusing, brutal, raging- lots of lyrical references to worms, killing fields, burning cities down, smashing, war, murders - with a vocal style that switches from regular guttural metal to Styx-like sweetness on some choruses. ("and the rain will kill us all" on Psychosocial). Great drumming throughout.

Nov 15 2023
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My instinct here was to get through it and move on, but surprise myself to totally vibing out to Slipknot. You live and learn.

Jan 24 2021
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It's a good album, but I think Iowa is still their best one. Not every song on this one is as good. I can understand if you don't like the genre this is not for you, but this was a great entry level band for me.

Oct 03 2021
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Better than I thought it would be, although it's clearly not for me. There's some accomplished musicianship in there, along with the angst and anger people come here for.

Oct 03 2024
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As a fan of the band let me just say that this album is a confusing selection. It's a fine album but i think that 99% of fans would agree that if you were to choose 2 Slipknot albums as being "must hear" S/T and Iowa would be the ones. I like this album for the most part. Gemetria goes hard. A lot of the songs find a nice balance of catchy and aggressive (albeit toned down from the first 2 albums like the previous album did). The biggest fault of the album is that some of the songs feel like they could be Stone Sour (Corey's other band, if you didn't know) rather than Slipknot songs. Dead Memories and Snuff definitely don't feel like Slipknot but they are fine. Overall I wouldn't say that this is a great album. Its probably my 4th or 5th favorite from the band but considering how much the band helped me discover more extreme metal bands they have a big place in my heart. It's a good album probably a 3.5 or a generous 4 but I'm giving it a 5 for the low community score and my appreciation for the band as a whole.

Jan 10 2024
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BL: This album is one quite near and dear to my heart. Slipknot was the first metal band (alongside Korn) I got properly into back when I was 12 or 13, I owned this record on CD and used to listen to it quite often, not as much as the debut, but this was definitely my second favourite album by them. Psychosocial was one of the first metal songs I learned on the guitar, and still remember the riff to this day. The chaos this album brings is truly something of a calibre many other metal albums could never rival. That being said, it’s been maybe 3 or 4 years since I listened to it the whole way through. So I’ll see what I think. “Snuff” continues to be one of my favourite sad songs of all time AL: this was even better on the relisten than I remember it being. There is a lot of diversity here which brings in some blues notations alongside traditional metal, Screamo vocals alongside sung breaks. There were some tracks here which I’ve grown to massively appreciate here which I didn’t when I was younger (“Sulfur”, “Gehenna”). There are still a couple tracks here and there that I think are weaker (“Butcher’s Hook”, “This Cold Black”), but the main tracks I love stayed just as good (“Dead Memories”, “Snuff”) FT: “Dead Memories”, “Snuff”, “Gehenna”, “Sulfur” 5/5

Oct 15 2023
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Okay, I'm just a very casual fan of Slipknot, I would sometimes listen to their more famous songs, like "Psychosocial" or "Snuff" from this album. In 2000s I always thought this band is all "shock" and no essence, just 4 dudes using kegs as drums in a weird and scary masks. Stuff for teenagers I guess. But one has to admit that "All Hope Is Gone" is a much more mature album, with quieter and slower moments, good on its own, but also underlining the speed and anger from other songs. I'm also a fan of Corey Taylor, pretty good vocalist, that has some nice songs outside of Slipknot. Not the greatest album on the list, but I think it's worth 5 stars.

Jul 23 2023
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Als een metalband tegelijkertijd loeiharde als mooie rustige nummers op 1 album kwijt kan zonder dat het stoort, getuigt dat van zekere kwaliteit. Ook de thematiek is brandend actueel

Mar 08 2023
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All Hope Is Gone é um álbum para ser escutado por todos que buscam viver uma experiência vigorosa do melhor do metal. É um álbum complexo, que une riffs poderosos com o vocal profundo. Sendo fundamental destacar a habilidade do baterista.

Feb 04 2021
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my 3rd favourite slipknot album but still by far the best listen yet.....

Jun 20 2021
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A new direction for Slipknot. It's not their best album, but that is due to the extremely high bar set by their first two albums 'Slipknot' & 'Iowa'. This album brings a slower speed but still the same energy that the band has always had. An amazing band to see perform live!

Jun 01 2023
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Les joyeux gueulards de Slipknot nous apportent un peu de fraîcheur dans ce générateur pour ménagères. Malgré cela, j'ai bien l'impression que le cargo de cocaïne promis à Robert n'est pas arrivé à bon port, je vais faire jouer de mes contacts auprès de la police douanière pour tenter de résoudre cette affaire.

Jun 01 2023
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Hey, you want to listen to some terrible modern nu-metal from Iowa? No, me neither. 1/5

Oct 22 2021
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Tried to give this a fair hearing, but it's just so bad in every way. Music for absolute posers

Jan 03 2022
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Iowa is the only other Slipknot album I've heard, so coming into this one surprised me with just how pop-oriented it was. That's not a bad thing, though - the variety and catchiness it adds may not please the pure metalheads, but I think it made for a fun listen.

Mar 07 2021
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Slipknot on bändinä tuttuakin tutumpi. Aikanaan yläasteella luokkakaveri tutustutti Slipknotiin ja bändin nimeä kantavaan ekaan levyyn. Vähän myöhemmin jostain sensuurista pääsi läpi Taavetin kirjaston levytarjontaan bändin seuraava levy (Iowa). Tämä piti käydä lainaamassa ja kääntää mp3:ksi (taas vaihteeksi).Olisiko sitten vähän myöhemmin vielä tullut Disasterpieces live-DVD, mitä tuli pyöriteltyä paljonkin. Varmaan nimenomaan se varsin vauhdikas live imaisi lopulta mukaan. Varsinkin kun bändissä on (ainakin alkuaikoina) laulaja, pari kitaristia, basisti, rumpari, pari perkussionistia, dj, sämplääjä, niin lavalla ja lavan ulkopuolella tapahtumaa riitti. Jos ei soitettavaa ollut, niin sitten myllytettiin keskenään tai kiipeiltiin lavarakenteisiin. Kaksi ekaa Slipknotin levyä on itselle ne parhaat. Tällä All Hope Is Gonella on hetkensä, mutta ei kokonaisuutena mikään kummoinen. Levyn alkupään biisit on ihan hyvää Slipknotia, mutta loppuosalla ei slovari Snuffia lukuunottamatta ole kummoisia biisejä. Nostalgian sävyttämä 4.

Jan 21 2021
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This is the first CD I ever bought with my own money - I remember biking to Best Buy with Justin Wirsbinski. It's wild going back to this record on the day Trump leaves office and taking more time to notice the themes railing against American politics and the disguising of politics as religion at the end of the Bush administration than I did when I first bought it. I’d give this a 4.5 but I can’t justify a full 5. If I did it’d just be nostalgia The album is way more interesting considered against slipknots early stuff. It’s solidifies their transition from nu metal to something more mainstream. It is commercial metal but its well-executed, An entryway for a lot of people into the genre that is accessible without losing intensity.

Jul 15 2021
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Accessible for metal which isn’t a bad thing. I liked what I heard and Snuff was excellent in particular. Some filler I could have done without but overall good.

Aug 23 2024
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Okay, Dead Memories kind of works for me. But it's also more alt than metal. I didn't hate Snuff, either, but, again, that's way more post-grunge than metal. I'd honestly think Snuff was by a completely different artist, probably one with a number in their name, if I didn't know what album it was from. I could pick out some good lyrics from other tracks, but, yeah, this is still not selling metal if the only high points were not metal. Given how out of place they feel, I wonder if those were label mandates, or "Beth" style letting one guy do what he really wants. I'm giving it a bonus point for Snuff, which I do like. The rest of the album is just not for me.

Oct 02 2023
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It would've been a 1 based on most of the shouty vocals but two songs that were actually sung redeemed it - just! Not my sort of music. You can't relax to it or dance to it.

Mar 09 2024
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Did You Know? Melmac is not only the name of ALF’s home planet, but also a popular type of 1940’s Dinnerware that was molded from Melamine resin.

Oct 05 2023
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I just can't, this type of music is too chaotic for me.

Sep 30 2022
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I could have lived and died without ever listening to this.

Jul 20 2022
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"All Hope is Gone" Yeah, no shit. There are bands that are hardcore/badass. Then there are bands, such as Slipknot, that could have more moments (Child of Burning Time, Vermillion, Pt. 2) if only they weren't so busy trying so hard to be badass. I can't believe it takes nine people to produce this crap.

Jun 08 2022
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The very reason Spotify has a private session feature. Don't want shit like this coming anywhere near my algorithm.

Mar 03 2022
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I wasn't expecting much. I got what i expected.

Feb 07 2022
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Nah sorry, this is shit and anachronistic. That nuff song is cheesy

Feb 06 2025
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Metal doesn't earn your appreciation with a single. It slowly knocks down your fortifications against the abrasive noise and plays directly to your fundamental emotions. Death metal in particular unlocks the animalistic part of you. This album delivers hate for the establishment, loss of faith in society, and war against unity. Despite the rage, there is also peace in giving up hope and love for the solidarity. The closing track Til We Die even left me with optimism.

Jan 17 2025
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5/5, that album my teenage years!

Nov 07 2024
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I'm giving this a 5 because I'd recommend it to others, but it's not the biggest 5 I've given. There's some pretty solid hits on here, but the tracks also sometimes get a bit same-y. There's not really a lot of bands that I know of who have a sound quite like Slipknot, so that's cool Standouts Sulfur Psychosocial Snuff 5/5

Nov 03 2024
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This is some wild shit. A much younger me would've enjoyed this a lot. The guitars are a bit washed out to my ears. So I just focus on the drumming. This isn't my usual listen but I appreciate good musicianship and the drums are standout. The album cover is creepy, like a good metal record should be. The vocals are also good for this style of music.

Oct 24 2024
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i have dabbled in slipknot over the years with liking individual songs. This is the first time i have ever listened to a full album. LOVED IT. straight on to spotify to add it to my albums

Oct 17 2024
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Welcome to my Controversial Artists list, Slipknot! One star for their self-titled album and now this. Maybe it's because the previous album from this site was hours of generic drum & bass that sounded like a space dolphin giving a drum machine diarrhoea that's making me more predisposed towards any actual humans playing actual instruments.

Oct 17 2024
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Powerful, angry, political, emotional, an all time favorite band of mine which already showed their prowess in their early years and only built on off of this reputation.

Oct 17 2024
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Stands as one of the best metal AF records. Sonic brilliance.

Oct 16 2024
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I'm giving this a 5 because I'd recommend it to others, but it's not the biggest 5 I've given. There's some pretty solid hits on here, but the tracks also sometimes get a bit same-y. There's not really a lot of bands that I know of who have a sound quite like Slipknot, so that's cool Standouts Sulfur Psychosocial 5/5

Oct 13 2024
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Controlled chaos. I love it. I forgot how many good songs are on this album. Of course I remember the big single Psychosocial but Dead Memories and Sulfur came back to me like I listened to them just yesterday. I wouldn't consider myself a big Slipknot fan but this album really is some of their best work. I love the hard gritty nature layered with the some occasional soft vocals. The squealing guitar and relentless drums really set the tone. Getting this album generated in October is just the cherry on top because the memories this album invokes are from my middle school/ high school days going to haunted houses on the weekends. They would blast this stuff while you waited in line and went through the mazes.

Oct 07 2024
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One of my favourite bands, and one of their best albums

Jul 04 2024
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I really dig it, from the intense songs to the calm ones

May 15 2024
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Was not expecting to get a high school nostalgia trip today. One of the albums I listened to extensively when I first decided I wanted to learn how to play drums. Powerful, heavy, and totally complex. Has appeal to long time fans and more mainstream sounding hits. Excellent album. Top tracks: Sulfur, Psychosocial, Dead Memories, Snuff

Apr 19 2024
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Wow never really listened to slipknot but really rippin riffs, this was really fun to listen to after some of the others on this list.

Apr 19 2024
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The summer of 2009 I was taking drivers ed and I met this guy who I ended up hanging out with all summer. I had a big crush on him but nothing ever came of it. But we hung out all the time and he listened to slipknot all the time. I love this band. There is a reason that they are one of the top bands in this genre. Vendetta is (and was) my fave.

Mar 20 2024
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Its pretty much all bangers or at least good listening. Is good stuff

Mar 13 2024
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Damn, cool album. Great musicianship, cool track after cool track. I might have damaged my hearing, but that's ok. Favorite tracks: Gematria (great lyrics), Sulfur, Psychosocial, Vendetta (I bet this one is fun to hear live), Butcher's Hook, Gehenna, This Cold Black.

Feb 16 2024
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Overraskende bra, hvis jeg skal høre heavy metal så er det gooooo

Feb 02 2024
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Yes! I only really knew the first Slipknot record and a few of the hits, but this is a great record all-round. Love the production, super riff-heavy, just great. Favourite tracks: Gematria, Sulfur, Psychosocial, Vendetta.

Dec 13 2023
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i really liked this album, even more than i thought i would. i knew a handful of tracks from it beforehand but enjoyed most of what was going on here. tracks like psychosocial and snuff are some of slipknot's best, and this album strikes a good balance between really gritty, dark, heavy tracks and the nice but sad ballads. with only one real exception, the songs were all in the neighborhood of 4-6 minutes long, which was a bit grueling for some of the less interesting tracks in the middle. in fact, i really enjoyed tracks 1-5 and 11-15, but the middle third of the album just didn't do much for me. still, that many good and varied tracks makes this an easy 5 star for this list. favorites: tracks 2-5 and 11-15. especially sulfur, psychosocial, dead memories, snuff, and vermilion pt 2

Dec 01 2023
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I am biased, this was the first metal album I ever heard. My uncle borrowed the CD to me and told me not to tell my mom I was listening to 'screamo' music. Still love this album.

Nov 10 2023
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Enjoyed way more than I thought I would.

Nov 03 2023
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Damn, this is even better than I remember. The drift from nu-metal to groove was just the perfect decision by Slipknot. All Hope Is Gone completely lives up to it's runtime with plenty of outstanding tracks. The duo of 'Sulfur' into 'Psychoscial' really is something, and the face-melting solo on 'This Cold Black' comes out of nowhere! Also, I acknowledge that 'Snuff' is sort of selling out, but it's just one hell of a track.

Feb 27 2023
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Me gustó demasiado este álbum ya que me gusta el género de rock, aunque las letras y los gritos si me sacaron de onda

Sep 16 2022
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Slipknot innit. 🤘 This Cold Black 👌

Sep 17 2021
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It's not perfect (far from it). It's not the best thing that happened to the music... However, listen to it makes me remember my teenage years and so I'll give it 5 stars just for it.

Jan 21 2021
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Really a 4.5, but today I'm rounding up - the world needs to give some respect to heavy metal. Great hammer-drill rock with some melody. Midwestern comfort food for the quietly anxious. Felt like I'd finished a good core workout just by listening.

Jan 27 2025
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Slipknot consistently surprises me with the talent. Drums are insane. Found myself early on saying ok guitar isn’t doing too much of anything fancy, then I quickly ate my words hearing a ridiculous solo come in. Corey is a unique talent alone with being able to sing the way he does. Id say his vocals and the drums really came through hard on this on from Slipknot.

Jan 22 2025
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Strong start. Haven't listened to a whole Slipknot album as always bunched them in with nu-metal. Felt more thrash to begin with. Drumming is awesome. Then the nu-metal vocals started creeping in and it took the power out of the record for me. The last track redeems it though. Think I could get more into it over time.

Jan 19 2025
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Metal is one of those genres I always think I'm not gonna like, but then I actually listen and I find out I don't mind it. It happened with the King Gizz metal albums, and it happened with this one. There were some really good songs on this album, the stretch of .execute. to Phsycosocial was the best (barring maybe Sulfur which was kind a let down). My big gripes with this and the metal genre in general are probably the insistence on tons of Guitar Distortion and the Screaming Vocals which can get a bit annoying after a while. Fave Songs - Gamatria (The Killing Name), Phsycosocial, Vendetta

Jan 17 2025
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Ok Gematria is a great song. Psychosocial is still a good single, even if I couldn't stand it when I was younger. The perfect album to do a little drywall project to. All Hope Is Gone is a solid closer.

Jan 17 2025
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Wow, Slipknot??? I can't believe it. I remember disliking "Psychosocial" when it came out and my friends were talking about it, and really haven't heard it ever since. I think I liked it this time. I didn't like when this album went into death metal territory but when Corey Taylor (who has one of the most impressively diverse voices in rock music currently) really sang, on top of groove metal riffs that I didn't know Slipknot had in them, it was awesome. I have always preferred Stone Sour to Slipknot, but held "Duality" and "Before I Forget" close. I'm really not a fan of when Taylor screams his way through a track, but had no idea Slipknot had a more musical and groovy side, and I'm glad I discovered it here.

Jan 10 2025
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Great metal album, a band I will certainly look up

Jan 09 2025
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Favourite tracks: psychosocial; dead memories; snuff; butchers hook

Jan 05 2025
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Not the best slipknot album, but enjoyed it. Standout songs: Sulfur Vendetta Gehenna

Jan 02 2025
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I was a fan of Slipknot before this album, but for some reason I dropped off when this one came out and I regret it now. Fantastic work

Dec 24 2024
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So... this is Slipknot, huh? As someone who enjoys metal more than most people, I've felt for a while that Slipknot is one of those bands that I have to try and get into eventually, but I wanted to wait until I got one of their albums for the project since they are (rightfully) included on this list with two albums! I would've liked to start with their self-titled debut, but I guess I'll have to settle for their fourth album, All Hope is Gone from 2008. Hey, I'm sure this was someone's first Slipknot album before me. Anyways, how do I feel about Slipknot after listening to my first album of theirs? I get it. I see the appeal. This album's pretty good! The style is strong. This is definitely one of the heaviest albums I've gotten so far, which is a good thing for me. Apparently this album departs a bit from the nu-metal stylings and goes for more of a groove metal sort of thing. I'm okay with that. There's still some occasional nu-metal moments here, but this is definitely a more standard metal affair. Slipknot definitely has some very talented members behind it when it comes to instrumentals. I especially want to give a shout-out to the band's drummer at the time, Joey Jordison. Fortunately, unlike a band like Limp Bizkit where the band has a bunch of talented instrumentals and a shitty vocalist, Slipknot has Corey Taylor, who is a great vocalist. I like how he can go from intensely screaming to actually singing pretty well like it's nothing. Good for you Corey! The writing here is also solid. It's got some depth to it while still being full of edge. There's even some personal moments here, with the obvious one being the penultimate track, the acoustic "Snuff." Still, the majority of this songs are general "I hate the world" songs, but there's something about a song like "Pscyhosocial" that just makes this sort of thing work. It's probably the talent of the band members. Overall, this album gives me a good first impression of a band that I probably should've gotten into by now. The album's not perfect, but I like it for what it is quite a bit. It appeals to me. Light 4/5.

Dec 20 2024
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I bet this album gets savaged here in the global reviews. This community seems to hate metal. I, on the other hand, enjoy metal. Slipknot is one of those bands I've never listened to very much. The melodic vocal interludes have always put me off. So I was happy to see them here and have a reason to give a full listen to one of their albums. And I really enjoyed it. You can tell these guys grew up listening to Pantera and Sepultura.

Dec 13 2024
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I've always written Slipknot as some poser NuMetal band that wasn't worth my time back when they first came out. Wow, I have really matured with my music appreciation. This album is rock solid, and kicks ass! Reminds me a lot of Pantera at parts, with some heart and emotion (Snuff, Sulfur). Overall, I enjoyed this album a lot. 4/5

Dec 04 2024
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wait a second... am *I* a metalhead? * i look into the mirror. my face is more GREY and SHINY than normal.

Dec 02 2024
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I really enjoy the groovier direction Slipknot took on some of these songs. It was a change in sound that I think was welcome. Last album to feature Joey and Paul (RIP to both) so it's an important one. Some big hits on here. Not as groundbreaking as their self-titled or Iowa but a great album nonetheless.

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