Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Small FacesThis is my fucking shit Such s fun concept for the second half; incredibly both vocally and instrumentally; timeless classic
This is my fucking shit Such s fun concept for the second half; incredibly both vocally and instrumentally; timeless classic
So fun and so 80s; absolutely incredible instrumentally
Fun; sounds just like the album cover
Pink Floyd, The Glow Pt. 2, Joy Division; incredible for what it is (instrumental post-rock) but not my favorite genre
fantastic lyricism and rap/rock instrumentals; drags on too long; very fun highlights but some unremarkable tracks
Packs so much emotion; not overly revolutionary or forward thinking but just great music; incredibly consistent YELLOW
Lyrically potent; incredible instrumentals; harrowing and exciting, Amos has a fantastic voice packed with emotion
So fun and so 80s; absolutely incredible instrumentally
Unique, abrasive, harrowing. Not my thing at all but well produced and I can see why some people would like it. Bordering between 1 and 2 stars
Incredibly dark and oppressing; fantastic production; don’t love the vocals; not exactly my thing but nearly a four
Incredibly ahead of its time, can’t believe it’s from 1983; right up my alley; super fun listen despite the depressing topics
In French so no comments on lyics; enjoyed instrumentals quite a bit; overflowing with emotion; didn’t like a lot of the vocal choices
Not my thing at all but clearly has monumental hits
Wtf Um this is fun Marty Robbins is officially an icon in my book
This is my fucking shit Such s fun concept for the second half; incredibly both vocally and instrumentally; timeless classic
We love the stones; sympathy for the devil and street fighting man are absolute classics
Not a fan of the vocals; sufficiently harrowing; interesting concept
Fun; sounds just like the album cover
Emotionally powerful and great vocals but really not my thing