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Album Summary

Parachutes is the debut studio album by the British rock band Coldplay. It was released on 10 July 2000 by Parlophone in the United Kingdom. The album was produced by the band and British record producer Ken Nelson, except for one track, "High Speed", which was produced by Chris Allison. Parachutes has spawned the singles "Shiver", "Yellow", "Trouble", and "Don't Panic". The album was a commercial success and was met with positive reviews. Upon release, it quickly reached number one in the United Kingdom and has since been certified 9× Platinum. In the United States, the album peaked at number 51 on the Billboard 200 and eventually was certified Double Platinum. It won the Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album in 2002, the British Album of the Year award at the 2001 Brit Awards and many other accolades. Parachutes is also the 22nd best-selling album of the 21st century in the United Kingdom. As of 2020, it has sold over 13 million copies worldwide.







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Mon Mar 29 2021

I thought this band received an unfair amount of hate and I was wrong

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Tue Mar 30 2021

if you can somehow detach the insufferable cunt that is chris martin from the music then shiver is quite a good track and the album has very good production values. that being said, it is actually impossible to detach the insufferable cunt that is chris martin from this album. so rather than enjoy it you sit there fuming at how much of an insufferable cunt chris martin is and how he is somehow profitting from me having to listen to this album. what a cunt. even a mental new age hippy who sells twat candles that smell of her minge thinks he's a cunt, thats probably because he is an insufferable cunt. i'd be happy for this to be lower than lennon. yeah, you read that right.

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Mon Feb 08 2021

Instant groan. I never got into coldplay, they always seemed like a lame Radiohead rip off. I've gotten into countless arguments about this band, but I don't think I've ever heard an entire album. Every song is pretty solid. I need to get over my knee jerk reaction to some bands.

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Sat Feb 13 2021

Anyone who thinks Coldplay are a shit band is a fucking idiot. I would suggest they should go have a long hard look in the mirror. Yes their later more recent releases have been sub par but there are a thousand other bands who've milked it just the same (U2) without copping the hate that Coldplay have. This album is perfect. Shiver, Yellow, High Speed all obvious highlights. Everything's Not Lost is a killer closing track as well.

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Fri Feb 19 2021

For all the grief Coldplay catches, this album does a good job of illustrating WHY they became so popular that they also became a punchline for BEING popular. Damn, it's a really good album - well-crafted, song after song - and good to have a reason to listen to it and remember what the fuss was about.

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Tue Mar 30 2021

I prefer beige Coldplay to technicolour rainbow ft. Rhianna Coldplay. This is going to get hammered on here, but it's alright. Unspectacular and uninspiring, but alright.

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Fri Nov 06 2020

A stunning debut! Very calming for the soul. I had already heard this previously.

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Mon Feb 22 2021

Is it still socially acceptable to admit you like Coldplay? I'd give this album 6 stars if i could.....

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Fri Apr 23 2021

We love Coldplay, don't we folks? The critical world (read: Pitchfork) has always panned these lads but I enjoy their music. This album contains "Yellow," which is one of my favorite tunes from them. I like this album a lot because it doesn't sound like they're trying for some big radio sound, they are just making good music. Perhaps that's the beauty of a debut, Coldplay before they were big. Plenty of great songs on here, I wouldn't mind some more Coldplay albums! Favorite tracks: Yellow, Trouble, Sparks, Everything's Not Lost, Shiver Album art: I've always loved this one for it's simplicity. Great font, great contrast, and a globe spinning way too fast. And look, the globe is all yellow! 4/5

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Tue Jan 26 2021

i do not care, i fuckin love coldplay

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Fri Jul 30 2021

The best thing about Chris Martin is that he named his kid Apple and apples are the natural toothbrush. British people are famous for their teeth. I’ve heard many times, but don’t know if it’s true or not that the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia because if it was invented anywhere else it would’ve been called the TEETHbrush. (I bet the same myth persists in the EU too but they replace West VA with Britain when they tell it.) Anyhow, the only thing I like more than Parachutes is a Rush of Blood to the Head which probably happens when you ‘chute doesn’t open or when you forget to pay rent, bounce a check or get your car towed for having too many parking tickets, which was my life until I listened to ‘chutes. I’m a huge fan of this album, classified as "adult contemporary" music. After the first listen I was hooked and discovered I was now an ‘adult'. :( Big bummer. This meant that I’d have to stop eating fast food and sleeping late and start opening the mail and start paying bills on time. But there was a huge upside… all this new music that I could explore and immerse myself in. I’m talking Matchbox 20, Dildo, Rob Thomas and Josh Groban to name a few. Soon after the first listen I became one of those people that drives to work singing in their cars, tucking t-shirts into my jeans and checking food nutrition labels at the grocery. It was a long road, but now, 20 years later, I still like the subtle distortion and that sexxy voice of Chris Martin. After Rush of Blood, my affinity for the band waned, and I found myself relapsing occasionally to listen to Fugazi. However, this album made an impact and I’m proud to say that I haven’t gotten a parking ticket since. Thank you Coldplay.

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Wed Jun 09 2021

Trash. Pure and utter trash. I hate this and Coldplay with an intense, burning passion. I would wipe the existence of Coldplay off the face of the Earth if I could. I wish I could give this horse shit zero stars.

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Sun Feb 14 2021

one of the best albums. really good songs and refreshing to hear them after so long. they were a part of my childhood and for that theyre something special

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Tue Apr 20 2021

I don't care how many people want to trash Coldplay. This album is fucking awesome. Eat a dick, haters.

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Tue Dec 21 2021

This is a strange one - looking through the reviews I don't think I've seen a more polarising album. All 1s or 5s. I've tried to listen to it neutrally, and will give it a 3. There are some OK hooks, but generally it is pretty bland.

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Mon Jan 25 2021

Sehr gut. Hat mir sehr gefallen! Coldplay kennt man ja, aber ein ganzes Album hab ich noch nie gehört.

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Tue Apr 06 2021

Parachutes deserved the accolades it received because it followed the general rule when introducing decent pop songs: keep the emotion genuine and real. And Coldplay did that without hesitation.

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Tue May 18 2021

The ultimate nostalgia trip. You know that feeling when you hear something you haven't heard in a while, and all you can think about is how different life was back then? That's this album.

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Mon May 31 2021

Chris Martin's falsettos make me want to chop off my ears...

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Fri Jun 18 2021

Wish I could wipe this from my memory. Would give this shit zero stars

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Thu Jan 28 2021

Fav: Spies, Sparks, Everything's Not Lost

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Thu Mar 18 2021

The only thing I ever think when I listen to music is “could I play this song and if so when and where and what would I need to do it?” I’ve heard Yellow probably 200 times and it’s still a good song. Trouble feels exactly like me. I really love this album, but I feel lame and white for liking it so much. We talk about liking things as an innocuous process, but it feels political. Kyle Stedman makes a good point though. This is private listening and liking. So I can cut myself some slack.

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Wed May 26 2021

I know it, I love it. Automatic 5 for me.

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Fri May 07 2021

The opening 2 tracks are nice. Not wild, not provacative, just nice. Yellow is basically the album but in miniature. Everything's Not Lost is a great closer.

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Mon Aug 07 2023

i dont understand how anyone can be moved by this uninspired and tedius musical exhalation

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Tue Sep 12 2023

Boring brit pop rock, I don't get the love and I necessary don't get the hate either. Although whiney falsetto vocals get's a bit tiresome after one song, let alone a full album. Thankfully I slept though most of it.

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Mon May 03 2021

Второе худшее из того, что слышал в рамках списка. И эта отвратительность... она не в раздражительности. Она в пустоте. А точнее в пустоте, позиционирующей себя как глубину. Да, я могу прослушать новый для себя по звучанию арт- альбом и также ощутить поначалу пустоту и неприятие. Но мне хватит свести 2 и 2, чтобы прийти к выводу, что я что-то не понимаю. Тут же ничего непонятного вроде бы и нет. Пустые аранжировки, пустые вокальные партии, пустые тексты. Музыка, которую будто слушаешь в примерочной торгового центра. Звуковые обои. Да, может и компетентнее оценивать альбом как вещь-в-себе, в отрыве от реалии. Тогда да, могу попытаться найти приятные мотивы, припевы, которые мог бы напевать... Но зачем? Думаю, избавившись от подросткового роцкодрочерства я ныне везде что-то хорошее могу найти. Shivers вот вполне приятная. И что теперь, единицы никому не ставить? Думаю, всё же имею право их ставить тому, где могу найти что-то хорошее... но при этом ненавижу всей душой. А тут этот случай. Задаюсь вопросом, откуда пошла эта тема с безпозвоночными слюнявыми группами с серьёзным лицом напевающих какую-то попсовую унылую хуйню. Хотелось бы назвать их, но они настолько безлики и вездесущи, что даже не откладываются в сознании. Где начало. У меня познания невелики, но почему-то всегда на роль источника претендовал Колдплей. Для меня именно подобный кал и испоганил рок-музыку. При господстве гранжа и альтухи такой хуйни вроде не было. Про них можно что угодно говорить, но они играли с настоящим чувством и верили в то, что продвигают. Этот же кал настолько безэмоционален, пресен и неискренен, что я иногда начинал сомневаться, не ирония ли это. Нельзя же всерьёз петь о любви, как будто хочешь скорее домой пойти. Не, пускай этот альбом будет в 1001 альбоме, что нужно послушать. Но не чтобы насладиться, а чтобы ужаснуться от массового безвкусия. Чтобы услышать звук безликого капитализма, вырождающегося общества потребления.

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Thu Sep 30 2021

On the plus side only 40 minutes long, and no one else came in to the office today so there was no going postal - but dear god what a bunch of turgid shite

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Wed Nov 17 2021

I've avoided listening to a Coldplay album for this long, and I was right to do so. So boring.

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Thu Jul 08 2021

I love this album - and I think it's notable and hopefully accurate to mention this doesn't sound much at all like what Coldplay became, for better or worse. I suppose in my case for the better, as this is a relatively raw moody rock band utilizing dynamics and haunting open chords (Coldplay's work after their 2nd album is - for me - far too dense/overproduced). I recall a friend recommending this album to me soon after its release, calling it "early-Radiohead-lite" which isn't a terrible comparison. The 4 piece organic band construction works so well on every song on this album - the fantastic guitar lines with heavy emphasis on delays/reverb are a great contrast with the relatively dry vocals. "Shiver" was and is still my favourite track from this collection - aggressive and delicate at different points, just a tremendous song. "High Speed" and "Spies" are other huge standouts. "Yellow" is of course the big single from the album and i'm not as crazy about it, but it's still damn catchy - everything on the album is a great example of the best of ~early 2000s era melodic guitar rock. It's not *quite* perfect (but few are) - the last two songs for me drag just a little bit - but in the end it's the rare album that you can play top to bottom without a thought to skipping or wishing a song was over. 9/10 5 stars.

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Thu May 06 2021

This is a solid musical album. Personally this is my favorite Coldplay album. Hard to not give this 5 stars.

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Mon May 31 2021

Come on, I already know I’m gonna give it a 5 :) They sound so much more like a folk rock band than they do now. Sparks kind of reminds me Elliott Smith.

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Sun Jul 04 2021

Parachutes is 90s pop/rock essential. Chris Martin sounds great and there are plenty of catchy hooks and memorable lyrics on this record

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Sat Aug 14 2021

Perfect! Great album, with a lot of fresh sounds

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Tue Aug 24 2021

Not a cool album to love…. But once upon a time Coldplay could really make music. This very much reminds me of days gone by!

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Fri Mar 19 2021

Somehow this guitar-driven pop rock is the best Coldplay has ever done. I really dig their early sound. This might be the cornerstone pop-rock record, full of melancholy, nostalgia and iconic hooks. This probably inspired half of my countries (Latvia) older pop-rock roots. On the second part it gets kind of dull and similar though. Other than that, pretty good album.

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Sun Feb 28 2021

Of course it's ridiculous to compare this band to the best in history, but that doesn't mean they're bad. This is a perfectly competent debut album. Best track: Yellow

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Mon Feb 22 2021

Very pleasant, professional and well made. Good opening 6 tracks, Yellow and Trouble are classics, but tails off a bit in second half. Enjoyable overall, but the generic/unspecific lyrics and song titles makes it all feel a bit superficial.

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Fri Jun 11 2021

Aaahhhh I really got hooked by this one. Really not typically into Coldplay but I definitely got swept up in the music and the tones and production along the way. The second half of the album was better and convinced me to go back for a second listen. I still enjoyed it but have to admit that it's really flat lyrically and not much substance at all. Just really easy to get caught up in, which makes for good Pop music. I'll say 3.5 since they got me but go with an actual 3 since I know better.

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Wed May 17 2023

Overall, I like a lot of their songs. However, their songs don't have a tremendous amount of range or variety to them. When they're good, they're very good. The rest of the time they are very generic.

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Mon Sep 25 2023

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can’t trust them Jez

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Thu Sep 28 2023

Great album to clean your apartment to. Never been a big fan but it's good background music.

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Tue Nov 23 2021

A fairly inoffensive post-Britpop debut which offered almost no clues about the horrors these guys were subsequently to inflict upon the world. Two decades now and their utterly unfathomable superstardom shows no signs of abating. Just as mystifying to me as the appeal of populism.

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Mon Jun 14 2021

It might be fashionable to deride Coldplay, but there's a reason they became one of the biggest bands in the world. Great melodies sitting over well structured songs, beautiful sounding guitars (I'm a fan of delay and modulation effects used tastefully), plenty of dynamic range.

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Mon May 31 2021

One of the best coldplay album imo. I still like their latest ones, but the first ones were really better

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Thu Jun 03 2021

"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you!" Estoy seguro que mucha gente reconoce esta frase, aún si no les gusta Coldplay. Este fue el primer disco de Coldplay que escuché, y como comenté en la reseña de 'A Rush of Blood...', considero que representa al estilo del nuevo milenio. Musicalmente más relajado, con un buen toque de melancolía. Un gran álbum para escuchar en un día lluvioso.

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Sat Mar 27 2021

I know Coldplay divide people but I love them. Best concert ever.

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Mon Nov 06 2023

This album feels like how crying feels, carthartic It makes me feel like my childhood years when I had a crush, almost like butterflies in my stomach Its so beautiful. This is why I like 1001 albums because I would never in my life had thought "Today I'll listen to a Coldplay album" and discovered this I wish I knew how to express myself about this album but all this album is to me can only be felt by unexplainable emotions

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Tue Jul 02 2024

I love this album. I bought it when it first came out and thus became an early fan of the new band Coldplay. The warm and immersive guitar, the soft vocals… every song is wistful and soothing and evokes a gentler time.

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Mon Jul 08 2024

Such a good album from start to finish. Old school Coldplay is some of the best

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Sat Jul 10 2021

Classic Coldplay sound. Its interesting how much they were going for a more alternative sound in the beginning especially in their first 3 songs. It was a good listen and I'll have to listen to Shiver and Spies one more time because they gave me that airy Coldplay sound that I love to listen to!

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Fri Mar 26 2021

The first album that I have listened to numerous times! (not front to back though, so this is still interesting) Beautiful melodies on all the tracks, Chris Martin is also exceptional, I think one of the first time I heard him was on Homecoming from Kanye's Graduation (probably my favourite album of his by the way) and I've definitely been a fan ever since. I know there are only 10 songs here, but it's crazy how there's not a single bad/mediocre track here, every song's a banger. I love the blissful, happy, mellow energy so much. In terms of themes/subject matter it's a pretty simple and easy album, but it's not like that's a bad thing. Honestly Chris Martin could probably sing about what he had for breakfast and It would still be good lol. I've decided to read the lyrics of each song as I'm listening to it, just so I wouldn't miss anything, and that has definitely made me appreciate music more. The heartbreak on "Shiver", running away from your fears and weaknesses on "Spies", etc. The tracks are all beautiful and sad, but kind of hopeful at the same time. It really works really great in my opinion. I thought I should also mention the album cover, since that's an essential part of a lot of albums. I really like the brown/yellow colour, the warm toned down hue is great and really portrays the feel of the whole album. I'm not really sure what the circle itself is, but that's not super important I guess (looks like a spinning globe of some sort) I've gotten to Yellow and Trouble, the two songs I've favourited a fair time ago probably. Happy to announce that they're still great and make me feel really great! Can't help but notice that there are a lot of love themed songs here, definitely something I can relate to haha. "For you I'd bleed myself dry" sounds edgy on paper, but comes off really beautifully in the song, awesome songwriting on all the tracks here. Also, "Trouble" is nuts!!!! such a pretty song. "They spun a web for me". "Everything's not lost" what a beautiful way to end the album. I can definitely see myself coming back to this if I'm feeling down or sad. As I said before, not a single bad or boring track on here; and while it is pretty simplistic I still love and adore it. an easy 9/10 in my opinion (keep in my mind I'm rating all of these in a vacuum, since I haven't listened to any other Coldplay albums front-to-back before). Favourite songs: actually most of them, but Yellow and Trouble are still my favourites!

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Thu Apr 25 2024

not really sure what everyone's problem is with coldplay. some gorgeous songs on here favorites: shiver, we never change, and obviously sparks

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Mon Jul 08 2024

Listen to "Yellow" while looking out of the window as the sun sets on July 18th 2017 while sipping lukewarm Fanta at a summer resort in southern Croatia, then tell me that Coldplay was never good.

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Fri Mar 05 2021

Not really familiar with much except Yellow and Trouble. Very much a “nap friendly” album. Wouldn’t throw it on a Friday night before the bar but not bad either

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Fri Mar 05 2021

If you can somehow forcefully erase all Coldplay from your memory and decontextualize it, it's a pretty decent album. Inoffensive and entertaining.

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Mon Aug 07 2023

Coldplay frustrate. They are able to craft and perform some nice music but seem afraid to push into the unknown like their influences and contemporaries. They may occasionally flirt with unique ideas, but will rarely, if ever, surprise the listener opting instead to pull back and stay safe. This has been my response to Parachutes. It is a good album from start to finish but it lacks creativity and ends up falling flat in places. It is frustrating because you can hear the possibility of whatever is lacking below the surface but it never quite comes to fruition. I do, however, enjoy the second half of the album a bit. From the song Trouble, to the record's closing "hidden track", Life Is For Living, each song in this set seems to function as moody personal reflection which shows a certain level of authenticity and vulnerability. These two qualities, coupled with some earnestness, might explain this debut's lasting appeal among fans. However, if the band had discovered what they needed to be more interesting and unique, then I would gladly rate this album higher.

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Thu Jun 03 2021

No por nada Coldplay es tan famoso como lo es hoy. Su disco debut es una joya, bueno de cabo a rabo. La inclusión del piano queda perfecta y tiene grandes canciones como Shiver, Yellow y Trouble, que si mal no recuerdo fueron los singles. Independientemente de lo que hagan hoy, este disco es una chulada.

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Mon May 10 2021

Como que me caga Coldplay, pero ni como negar que es un gran disco. Disfruté todas las canciones, diría que es en general es un sonido wholesome, reconfortante. Me gustó sobre todo la canción con la que abre, Dont Panic, y Sparks. Mood: melancolía dosmilera

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Wed Jun 02 2021

Wat een wereldplaat. Staat geen slecht nummer op. Daarom ook overtuigend 5 sterren.

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Mon May 10 2021

Justo en la nostalgia de juventud. este álbum siempre empató bien con mi alma melancólica y así.

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Thu Apr 08 2021

Para mí un grupo y un CD que marcó un antes y un después en mi vida, ya que hasta el descubrimiento de este grupo casi todo se basaba en escuchar flamenco y carnaval. Le tengo un cariño especial y no le puedo poner menos de 5 estrellas.

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Thu Jul 08 2021

i loved this album it’s amazing. no skips and they showed so much emotion but it wasn’t a soppy thing.

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Fri Aug 06 2021

Classic, Coldplay's best is still their first.

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Fri Aug 13 2021

A classic. Every song is good.

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Tue Oct 05 2021

Such a great album. I didn’t realize how many songs I knew by heart. This is a true gem.

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Wed Oct 06 2021

Even from this point of view, where Coldplay is the first band to make featurings with BTS, their debut is a gem.

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Sun Oct 17 2021

I was so deep into early Radiohead at the time that when I first saw the “Yellow” video on tv shortly after this album came out I was instantly hooked. Coldplay’s early work is way more than just a 90s era Radiohead pastiche though. Listening to this album (and even parts of Rush Of Blood…) Coldplay still sounds like a small bad writing simple, emotional, well-crafted songs instead of the overblown trend-hopping pop stars they’ve been the last decade plus. It seems kind of hopeless to think that they’ll ever sound like this again, but it would be nice if they went back to sounding anything like a rock band again.

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Mon Nov 08 2021

Definitely the weakest of Coldplay's big 3 almost-perfect albums, but still an absolute JAM. I gotta give 5 stars, especially as I think part of my resistance is a lack of familiarity compared to the other 2.

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Tue Nov 16 2021

Amazing album. Top to bottom.

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Mon Nov 22 2021

Not my favourite Coldplay album but they really locked in their signature sound right away in this album. Very iconic and deserves credit for being such a great debut. Favourite tracks::Yellow, Everything's Not Lost

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Wed Nov 24 2021

Mellow with a strong opening and middle, winding down towards the end. The songs have a melancholic longing in them, still sounding like the 90s but fresh enough to be distinct. Plenty of catchy hooks in their strongest songs and the rest were far from mediocre. I also really enjoyed that I could understand the lyrics without having to look them up. 'Yellow' is my least favourite song on the album but the only one I was familiar with prior to listening. 'Shiver' and 'Trouble' being my personal standouts with 'Don't Panic' not far behind.

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Tue Dec 07 2021

Their popular for a reason. Their early stuff was awesome. It's drifted off since, but this was awesome.

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Wed Dec 08 2021

wooooo coldplay let’s gooooo

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Fri Dec 17 2021

nunca tinha ouvido inteiro n esperava ser tão bom

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Mon Jan 03 2022

A great listen to the debut album from Coldplay which is a band that has maybe surprisingly endured in popularity for twenty years. You can hear the fresh energy of the band as they created their own soundworld consisting of driving (sometimes disjointed) rhythms, understated instrumentals, complemented by the unique, emotive quality of Chris Martin’s voice. A very impressive first album from a great band for the new Millennium. Yellow, surely must be one of the most loved songs of the 21st century. My favourite song is Sparks. The harmony does it for me alongside the pleading tone of Chris’ voice. Made me nostalgic listening.

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Sun Jan 09 2022

Made me nostalgic for the nineties

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Thu Jan 13 2022

One of my favourite albums since the first time I heard it - via a tape copied from a friend with the tracklist and lyrics hand written. I was 13. This album is like a longtime friend.

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Fri Feb 11 2022

é o primeiro álbum do coldplay né pai

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Mon Feb 14 2022

The best Coldplay album, never really reached these heights again, and got really bad after 3rd/4th. Yellow and Sparks are beautiful songs

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Sat Feb 26 2022

What wrong with a bit of nostalgia for this nineties classic? 8./10, but 5/5

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Fri Mar 25 2022

Hadn’t listened to this album in years and it did not disappoint! It makes you remember that Coldplay was actually good at one point.

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Wed Apr 06 2022

What a great album. This is before Coldplay went super pop. They are very relaxing songs. Could see me playing them soaking up the sun in summer.

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Thu May 12 2022

Sensacional, um clássico da minha geração que eu ainda nao tinha me dado conta.

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