The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob DylanI like half of the songs on here but nothing was bad
I like half of the songs on here but nothing was bad
Best songs : Elenor rigby , tomorrow never knows Worst song: yellow subermarine(yes I think this is one most well known Beatles songs) I think this is my favorite Beatles albums but is definitely not a 10 but a very solid 8
Best song; smoke on the water and lazy Worst song: maybe I’m a Leo Most of the songs on here sound the same, none of them are bad but it does get boring after a while
Best song : all Worst song ; none Blew my expectations out of the water Even if lyrics isn’t it strong point
Good : ole man trouble, Bad:: boring Boring no enjoyment here
Good songs are sour times. Mysterious and glory box The middle is good but not as great as the buns of album if you catch my drift