Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The MachineEpic, energising, as relevant as ever. Feel like going and fighting fascists on the street after listening to this!
Epic, energising, as relevant as ever. Feel like going and fighting fascists on the street after listening to this!
Appreciating the simplicity of production- a man, his voice and guitar. Such a contradt to so much of what I listen to these days. But packed with so much complexity and layers in the lyrics. Masters of War could have been written for right now. "That even jesus would never forgive what you do"...what an evisceration Girl from the North Country such a deep sense of longing. " If you're traveling in the north country fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to one who lives there For she once was a true love of mine" Talkin about world war 3 blues. Such a quirky and comic look at the state of fear and absurdity created by the possibility of nuclear war and the fear of communists
First impression - Blondie are such stalkers! Fade away and Radiate feels resonant for these times, just replace the glow of the TV screen with our phones and social media radiating through our lives.
Epic, energising, as relevant as ever. Feel like going and fighting fascists on the street after listening to this!
Could not get in to this...maybe if high in a club it'd be fun?