
A Rush Of Blood To The Head


Group Rating: 2.39
Global Rating: 3.45
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MetalheadClub Reviews

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I was prepared to absolutely hate this, but it's honestly completely inoffensive. I didn't hate any of the songs and I wasn't mad that I was listening to it. For this and likely many albums from 2000 on that are on this list though, the question is whether it was fair to add albums that had only been out for a couple years prior to publication (original list came out in 2005). Like, are the list authors really saying that they thought the newest Coldplay album had as much staying power as a Miles Davis album that was already 50 years old?

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Boring. Someone wrote on that this has been released before they went fully generic mainstream pop rock. Honestly, I don't see this development.

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It's the first time I give a go to the full album; as everybody on the Western world I was forced to hear a bunch of tracks from this record, and I never like them. The rest of the album is no better. It's mellow overproduced pop-rock with plaintive vocals. I can get why it appeals to a large audience -- it is designed to -- but there is nothing close to interesting in their music. Some people told me that they were not yet full commercial shitty pop-rock at that time; I'm afraid of what they did after that if it's going down the hill from here: this is already a torture. I could have definitely die without this album. And I would gladly give 0 star if possible.

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Can this album really be over 22 years old? I don’t think I listened to it at the time, but the singles are still as transcendent as ever, especially Clocks. I will always associate this particular sound with that era, just past the turn of the millennium, when the world seemed a relatively hopeful place.

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I've never liked Coldplay, and this album isn't my cup of tea either. I've given the album a chance more than once over the course of time and tried to listen to it all the way through, but I was always so bored halfway through that I didn't make it to the end.

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Lala..lalalala..lala..lalalalaaaaa *expels air* it’s just so lala

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It's essentially fine, and for many young people in my generation it was a first exposure to a more alternative sound that led to discovering other more interesting things. However, it is also basically inoffensive pop with guitars and does not deserve to be on this list.

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I definitely don’t count myself as as Coldplay fan, but I had a brief period around 2005 when I was into sad indie and emo music and some Coldplay songs got in there too, mainly from the X&Y album. I listened to today’s album. I didn’t mind the trip down memory lane to those days…. Almost 20 years ago apparently! Damn, time flies. Sometimes it’s nice to revisit & discover things that are not on regular rotation. I guess that’s why I like this whole 1001 Albums thing.

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Bad safe pop music. You don't need to listen to this album before you die.

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In solidarity with Min from Slow Horses, I want The Scientist to be played at my funeral. No one will get the joke, which will make it all the better. As an album, this I suppose, is a fine execution of early 2000s post-grunge "alt rock". I have somewhat of a soft spot for melancholic, guitar-driven music, but it's all a bit too clean for the melancholy to stick, you know? It's like everyone heard Radiohead and thought "we can do that!" .. but they couldn't. Anyway. It's not as bad people make it out to be, and it probably belongs on this list. But I'm not gonna listen to it again. (Except for The Scientist, when I'm dead).
