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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

A Rush Of Blood To The Head



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A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Album Summary

A Rush of Blood to the Head is the second studio album by British rock band Coldplay. It was released on 26 August 2002 by Parlophone in the United Kingdom, and a day later by Capitol Records in the United States. Recording started after the band became popular worldwide with the release of their debut album Parachutes (2000), and one of its singles in particular, "Yellow". The album was produced by the band and Ken Nelson, and makes greater use of the electric guitar and piano than its predecessor. The album topped the UK Albums Chart upon its first week of release in the United Kingdom, and became the eighth biggest-selling album of the 21st century in the UK. The British Phonographic Industry has since certified the album 10× Platinum for its accumulated sales of over 3 million units in the UK and the album has sold 15 million copies worldwide. The album spawned the hit singles "In My Place", "The Scientist", and "Clocks". "God Put a Smile upon Your Face" was also released, but was significantly less successful. A Rush of Blood to the Head has been critically acclaimed, and the band received three Grammy Awards for the album; the 2003 Grammy for Best Alternative Album, which was the band's second win in a row, the 2003 Grammy for Best Rock Performance with the song "In My Place", and the 2004 Grammy for Record of the Year with the song "Clocks". In 2020, it was ranked number 324 on Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Albums of All Time". It was also among ten albums nominated for the best British album of the previous 30 years by the Brit Awards in 2010, ultimately losing to (What's the Story) Morning Glory? by Oasis.







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Mar 05 2022
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I will risk being called a math nerd but I need to use that side of the brain to try to show why the number of Coldplay listens on Spotify is so confusing. So - some simple math. On Spotify The Scientist has 1.2 billion - that's with a B - listens. That's more than 15% of the world's population. I can't believe more than 1 in 10 people want to hear this song. But wait - it's far worse! Spotify has only 200 million subscribers. So on average, each Spotify subscriber has listened to this song six times and if only 5% of subscribers (being 10 million which sounds way too high) actually like - and listen to - this song, then those soup lovers have listened to this 120 times each. Why would anyone do that? Who are these people? Do you know any? I know none of my friends listen to it. Ditto for my enemies. But those people must exist. There can't be just one Gen Yer playing it over and over 24 hours per day.

Feb 01 2021
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I’m sorry for judging you Coldplay. This is honestly a great album. There’s something about the writing and tone, simplicity and emotion in the lead vocals that really get you

May 25 2021
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I feel like a lot of people are overly critical of Coldplay, more so than they need to be. These seem to be the same people I get into arguments with about the importance of pop music. Anyway, this album reminds me of a very specific time in my life so I can't help but like it.

Oct 12 2023
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I remember watching a documentary once about how the Swiss army were working to develop bullets that caused less harm as they passed through people. The idea being that you could stop someone, but have less chance of fatally injuring them. Similarly, Coldplay have developed a brand of music so anodyne that it leaves almost no trace on the listener. I genuinely forgot it was playing at one point. Clearly they're earnest chaps, and mean well, but it's merely more evidence that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Overall I'd prefer to listen to this again than be shot (Swiss bullets or regular), but it's a closer call than it should be.

Apr 17 2021
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2.4 + Had a burned copy of this in 2002 when I was going through a tough breakup. Initially some of these songs hit well but after about a week the goopy sincerity and simplistic song structures and lyrics began to grate. This is a Paulo Coelho-esque, universalist, "we're-all-in-this-together" soundtrack, where the songs paint a very basic emotional landscape - vaguely sad, vaguely longing, vaguely hopeful - such that anyone can fill in the broad strokes with their own flourishes and colors. It's lowest common denominator music aimed at drawing a broad swath of listeners, likely those with less discerning musical palates who seek affirmation in music and eschew any challenge. I imagine it also helps if your English language skills are still developing - Chris Martin's voice labors deliberately through stanzas of simple words, enunciating every "F", "C" and "S." Here's another album that makes me question the premise behind this exercise - is this really an album to hear before I die??

Jun 15 2021
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I’ve never been a fan of Coldplay but also never really listened to them, so in a strange way was looking forward to this record to either surprise me or confirm my dislike of them. Good lord they are the most boring, whiny, self indulgent band of all time. I will never understand the appeal of this band

Apr 14 2021
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Coldplay gets a bad rap for being bland or corny but these songs are compelling enough to me that I enjoyed the album quite a bit! Varied songwriting and solid hooks that keeps the runtime fresh, exceptional production that plays to that songwriting, and a few hit songs to keep things fresh at the halfway point. My biggest problem, however, is the runtime. A couple of songs in the back half could easily be axed to allow for a more digestible album, but instead it ends up feeling a bit bloated and kills the momentum near the end. The CD era of albums is certainly to blame for this, but alas.

Jan 21 2021
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This is a great album. Coldplay’s overplayed hits & media personas may lead one to lose sight of their innovation and artistry. ‘The Scientiist’ is cleverly crafted and executed perfectly. The album’s concepts and sequencing are very well thought out - great opener with a touch of turmoil, plenty of soaring chorus builds bathed in reverb, and somehow the sparseness of the guitar makes it that much more impactful. On a personal note, I will never forget performing Green Eyes’ at my friends Rob & Peggy’s wedding.

Jul 16 2021
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Its alright, it goes on a bit, as i listen to it i can image in parallel worlds people in wandsworth necking white wine around the kitchen table and talking about that time they went to a live gig and in another chris martin counting his spotify royalties whilst idly penning a tweet telling other people how to live Tbf this was the album they made before falling completely into the chasm of being superstar nobs so most of the tracks are still very listenable...clocks, the scientist and in my place are all great songs but its hard for me to listen to it without going to a mental place where chris martin is a nob and coldplay are boring which is a shame as this and 9parachutes were great in their time.

Oct 29 2021
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I couldn't even make it two full tracks in. I wanted to give it a more thorough listen and lay out all the reasons why Coldplay is boring music for boring people, but life is too short to waste listening to Coldplay.

Sep 04 2021
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I'm biased because I'm a massive fan of the old Coldplay but I think this is a great album. The lyrics speak to me on a different level. The simplicity and tone of the music and vocals just hits the right spots.

Feb 04 2021
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One of my favorite albums of all-time. Finished right after 9/11, it truly reflects vulnerability and pain.

Jun 08 2023
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Made me wanna hug my dog and drive off a cliff. Pretty good.

Mar 28 2021
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Some great songs, but also a fair bit of filler. Struggled to make it to the end! Between a 3 and a 4, but as it’s Coldplay I’ll round down.

May 16 2021
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Maybe the best Coldplay album? I always forget how into them I was for those first few albums.

Apr 06 2021
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Highlights: God Put A Smile On Your Face, The Scientist, Daylight I've always thought of Coldplay as the alternate-universe version of Radiohead that continued to explore the Pablo Honey sound and style; and surely there is room for both versions. As such, I never understood the hate that Coldplay gets...They're one of the biggest acts in the world and every one of their albums top charts. For good reason, too; Chris Martin's instantly-recognizable voice is the backbone of every song, accompanied by Buckland, Berry, and Champion, every song feels bigger than the sum of its parts, but not overwhelming. God Put A Smile... is enrapturing and captivating, probably one of the band's strongest cuts, but then it's followed by The Scientist, which is almost as fantastic. Clocks and Daylight at the crest of the record keep the highs going...Near the closer is the title track which also serves as an apt description. Rush of Blood might be peak Coldplay, but it would be be a disservice to the listener to stop the journey here.

May 14 2021
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It was inoffensive. I need a 2.5 star option. This falls right at neither agree nor disagree.

May 11 2024
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Chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord man these guys really chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord stick to what they know best and the melodies chord chord chord chord chord chord chord themselves are often quite pretty but the lyrics chord chord chord chord chord chord chord are the soul of jejunosity and Mr. Martin’s voice is nasal and whiny and always chord chord chord chord chord chord flat oh and ugh here comes the falsetto part chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord again it all starts sounding the same and it’s really is quite a challenge getting through the chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord chord whole album chord chord chord chord…

Sep 30 2021
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It's Coldplay. Bland and repetitive.

Jan 18 2024
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This album would be graded higher if people stopped hating on Coldplay for just being Coldplay; people are far too critical of them. Anyway, this was an excellent album, great vocals, lyrics, and instrumentals. They sound very unique and alot of the songs on the album are great. 10/10.

Jun 06 2023
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It’s fun hating Coldplay, so don’t tell anyone I actually, really rather enjoyed this.

Sep 18 2023
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I'm often conflicted when it comes to Coldplay's music. The songs are trite and sappy. They are pseudo-serious and irritating. That said, they are also undeniably catchy. Every song has a good hook. Many on this list love to hate Coldplay. And I can understand the aversion to music that is, at times, saccharine. I just can't seem to figure out if I, too, truly despise the band; or maybe I have allowed peer pressure to stop my feet as they unconsciously tap along to the songs. Dave Grohl once said that "the whole guilty pleasure thing is" ... well ... to paraphrase ... BS. Maybe he's right.

Mar 28 2021
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I find the popularity of Coldplay's dull music kinda irritating. Has anyone ever said "I got into music and formed a band because of Coldplay"? But to it's hard to knock the accessibility of their songwriting and ignore some of the megahits on this album. 7/10

Jan 19 2023
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If Coldplay were a spice they'd be flour

Jan 13 2024
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I think people know this album as the one with Clocks & The Scientist – I certainly did, and I won’t act like I’m not guilty of that. It's more than that; It’s an instant classic. In terms of sticking to a theme, expanding on that theme, and keeping both a vocal style & an instrumental style that hooked me in, I think the album as a full experience was as enjoyable of a listen as I’ve gotten out of any other album. If I’m being nitpicky about it, then… yeah, the album sticks to its theme really, really hard, but it doesn’t really feel repetitive to me, even though we’re dealing with a similar one throughout. Much like Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, it’s not a full 5, but it’s so close to a 5 for me that I think I have to rate it that.

Dec 30 2021
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While I'm not a fan of what Coldplay has become, there's a reason they got to be so huge and this album is an absolute masterpiece. It's moody, has great heart and emotion, it's so easy to get into this and every song is a banger. There's a huge run of hits but even the tunes that didn't become radio hits are all great, Politik is an excellent opener. The band went on to lose the magic that made this album so fantastic, and their new tunes are all focus-group pop music to appeal to the masses. But despite the future that comes, this album stands on it's own and is worth five stars easily.

Jun 18 2023
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Coldplay might be boring but this is a good album

Jun 14 2023
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Hating Coldplay is NPC behaviour.

Nov 28 2023
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I guess I can see why they were so popular, its not music that will offend or challenge anyone. Not my cup of tea

Apr 07 2024
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I cannot believe this record is on here. It is the very definition of "fine". Absolutely no one NEEDS to hear this record before they die.

Apr 04 2023
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Not a fan. This is the kind of soft rock that plays in the background of an accountant’s office.

Apr 04 2023
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The hum of a ungrounded turntable is more interesting than than this tribble.

Jan 25 2023
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The band that put me off music and caused me to lose faith in the human race.

Oct 21 2021
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With this project I find it hard to break away from the nostalgia of albums I loved in younger years. Conversely it's the same to listen to music of bands I hate. I tried but it's still shit. The music is dull the lyrics are so ernest I want to barf . His vocals are those of a bored supply teacher. I hate this so much.

Nov 27 2024
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Sure, they've gone steadily downhill from this point, and sure, the band name alone comes loaded with negative preconceptions these days, but I'll go to bat for this album, no problem. It's their best by a comfortable margin. Anthemic, melodic, but also with a little bit of voodoo in the rhythms and guitar parts that really suits them. 13 year old me spent his pocket money on this. No regrets. No skips.

Nov 12 2023
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Fuck the haters; the first four Coldplay records are all legitimately great and there’s a reason this sophomore effort sent them into the stratosphere.

Oct 10 2023
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Classic Coldplay album with great lyricism and wonderful production. Every track was fun for me. I love the mix of piano and guitar.

Jan 18 2022
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one of my favorite albums ever - a true masterpiece front to back. Amsterdam is such an underrated song. Coldplay's best album bar none, and one of the best of the last 25 years

Aug 16 2021
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I've said it many times, and I'll say it again. Coldplay has 3 perfect albums, and this is one of them! Incredible songs all the way through, with lots of variation and genre blending. A thoughtful progression of tracks and sounds.

Mar 10 2021
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Barely a weak moment - a band at their peak. Politik sets the bar really high from the off and it flies from there for me. God put a smile on your face, Clocks, The Scientist, Warning Sign. A couple of weaker moments but it finishes on a total high with A rush of blood to the head being another standout track - an easy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Oct 08 2020
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Great album. The last one of theirs I really cared for.

May 06 2024
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Det er rimelig nemt at hate på Coldplay, fordi de er blevet så store. Derfor overraskede det mig lidt hvor godt jeg kunne lide den her plade og hvor meget jeg er vokset med den her opgave. Stort set alle sange var fine og der er de klassiske bangers, som alle kender, The Scientist, Clocks, In My Place (Som jeg også spillede i band på gymnasiet) Den her plade gav mig plads til lidt refleksion omkring mine musikalske fordomme og det skal den sgu lige have tak for!

Jul 01 2023
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This is Coldplay before they started acting like ridiculous rock stars. The songs are tight and refreshing. The syncopation of Clocks is a standout and brought a wider audience to the band. Afterwards, Coldplay became self-absorbed, experimental (not in a good way) and phone-it-home dull.

Jun 22 2023
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I didn’t realise how many of Coldplay’s hits were on this album. Banger. 8/10

Mar 10 2025
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I've never listened very closely to this before, and was amazed to find the lyrics more trite even than I had imagined. That takes some effort! It's a lot to put on the shoulders of a single album, but this one in particular stands as a symbol of the complete collapse of quality "alternative" music from the creative heights of the '90s into the tedious sludge of the 2000's and beyond. This mirrors quite closely the general degradation of Western society, which perhaps tracks with the substantial quantities of this record sold in that period. Just kidding, it's still better than any 2000's U2 album! It's fine..

Feb 18 2025
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I think Coldplay will continue being a singles band for me. They've had some bangers through the years, including 'Clocks' from this album, but having listened to the whole of this album I don't find myself enjoying the rest of it nearly as much Standouts Clocks Amsterdam 3/5

Dec 18 2024
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I've only previously heard their radio hits, so I know it's not necessarily a representative sample of their sound, but from that exposure I haven't formed a very positive association of Coldplay. And now, after hearing this album (plus knowing that I have their debut album in store at some point down the road in this collection), I'm not sure my opinion has changed much. For good or bad (and in my case mainly bad), Chris Martin's warbling/keening style kind of dominates the experience of listening to a Coldplay song, and it seems like almost every single one of their songs is somehow THE MOST IMPORTANT EMOTION AND CONCEPT YOU WILL HEAR, even though I can't usually understand what he's singing over the wall of symphonic and urgently authentic music. It's likely my prejudice against them more than anything else that makes me cringe when I hear a Coldplay song, and feel like they're just trying *way* too hard to sound like they're the most emotionally attuned band on the planet. And the videos for their singles don't really add (or subtract) to this impression, sadly; well, except for the surprisingly dark video for "God put a smile on your face", which didn't seem to have anything to do with the song but had a great (dis)appearance by Paddy Considine.

May 30 2023
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I expected Coldplay to be worse. They get a bad rap, but this album was pretty good. It doesn’t hold up as well as some other albums of the time, but it can still be enjoyed every once in a while. Not too original, but by no means is it a bad album. 3/5

Mar 10 2025
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Who can doubt this record’s effectiveness? Engineered to the nanometre, wind-tunnel tested for the sleekest form, words stripped of any friction, which is to say concrete meaning, anything to delay the instant digestion of big vague swishy feelings. It’s a giant, modern mall, muzak included, emptied all for oneself, apart from the meat-craving zombies.

Aug 24 2024
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You’d think an album called “A Rush of Blood to the Head” would be a little less fucking boring, but here we are. Coldplay has a deft ability to take Radiohead’s mope-core, wring out any sense of urgency and dial up the malaise a notch or so. The end result is an album that is likely to become the ideal soundtrack to your somnambulism.

Aug 06 2024
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For most artists, the album project has allowed me a deeper appreciation that I might have missed before. Unfortunately for Coldplay and their legion of fans that exist for some reason, I am becoming radicalized in the "Coldplay sucks" camp whereas I was indifferent before. Like the diehard fans, their music also brings me back to my childhood. However, it evokes memories of hearing this bland adult contemporary shit on the radio. I thought listening with fresh ears and an open perspective would allow me to understand what so many others love about them. I guess it's just a "you had to be in the fan club" kind of appeal, because in the words of Siobhan from Banshees, "You're all feckin' boring!"

Apr 16 2024
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The problem is, lots of people now realise that Coldplay are quite dreary. Dreary doesn't mean rubbish, but, to me, they had that thing: a moment of impact when they briefly seemed exciting, but then, a few albums in, it became clear that they were actually always pretty dull (see also James Blunt, Ed Sheeran). It's impossible for me to listen to this now without hearing the inherent dreariness. The most enthusiasm I can muster is that there are a few pleasing, less predictable chord progressions now and again. But I like my rock to have a bit of edginess and swagger. Call me shallow, but Coldplay are a big snooze-fest. 5 out of 10.

Apr 02 2024
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Coldplay is so boring. Don’t know how they got so popular

Jan 09 2024
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Gonna do some live notes on this one. First two tracks bore me. Was surprised to hear the third track, God Put A Smile Upon Your Face, sounded a little angular, there was a little edge in the bassline and guitar work. This song sounds like it could be a Stone Temple Pilots cover. The chorus is a little unimaginative though. Also, I have yet to hear any particular thought-provoking lyrics. The Scientist. Of course am familiar. This is the kind of basic, repetitive, overproduced global hit that turns my stomach. It doesn’t move me the way it thinks it will. I’m a little annoyed that 1001 Albums is making me listen to this tbh. I could have died without hearing this without issue. Also familiar with Clocks. It’s admittedly a cool walk down part on the piano on which the entire song is built. But damn, it just repeats forever. The bridge is not a big enough departure from the pattern. They built something cool from that repetition but after a couple times through, I’ve had enough. Speaking of clocks, this is 54 minutes of my life I won’t get back. Well, Daylight is different! Cool bassline in the verse. Then, are those strings tracked backward? Some cool stuff in the verses. 3rd track and this definitely the highlights of the album so far. Still surprised how bland and generic the lyrics are. I expected they’d be better from reading a few album reviews. Shrug. Lyrics are pretty subjective anyway. Green Eyes doesn’t blow my mind, but it’s nice to hear a different sound from them. Acoustic with country influence. Lyrics suck again though. Maybe I was under the wrong impression, I thought Chris Martin was supposed to be good lyricist. Sounds mostly trite to me. Warning Sign - in the first two minutes, the entire four-plus minutes of this song have bored the shit out of me. Whisper - OK, well they’ve found something cool here with the 3/4 time. So I’ve learned that there’s more to Coldplay than the antiseptic pop they got huge with. Again, some cool bass things and production giving it an off-kilter dreamlike feel here. So that’s a compliment, right? Rush of Blood - lyrically, I see the Johnny Cash and Nick Cave influences Martin mentioned to Spotify. But it’s too clean and shiny for the darkness it tries to convey. Amsterdam - well, going into it I’ve heard a few songs with the same title that are good. Can they pull it off? … more than halfway through and not looking good. … And no, nothing interesting here. While this track wraps up, I’ll confess I am not sure what it is that I have against Coldplay. I guess it’s that nothing moves me. Almost like it’s trying too hard to be more than it is. It projects a lot of emotional drama, but I don’t feel any of it. Perhaps my authenticity detector is picking up songs being written for popularity rather than for art. Sounds pretentious but just trying to verbalize the way I take in this band’s music. I will say there were three (God Put A Smile, Daylight, Whisper) tracks that make me appreciate them a bit more after this listen. Don’t mean to be harsh, this is a perfectly fine album, but unfortunately that’s all it is.

Dec 21 2023
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Maudlin claptrap from a sub par singer. A band for people who don't like music.

Nov 30 2023
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For me Coldplay is the U2 of their generation, and I like them just about as much. I just don't get them.

Jun 06 2023
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Coldplay is sort of my nemesis so I hate to say that while I didn't enjoy this album, I can understand why others do.

Aug 11 2022
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I'm still not a fan of Coldplay. Off to a great start...

Apr 02 2022
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Coldplay just sucks. Boring basic music for boring basic people.

Feb 19 2022
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Nobody must hear Coldplay. They're just there. Like magnolia walls. As an experiment if I have heard an album before I'll listen to it without the singles. Different Class by Pulp would be great album without the singles. This, well without the singles it's one star.

Mar 07 2025
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Like listening to paint dry. This album is 23 years old and I still haven’t learned to like it’s smug, saccharine, forced stadium anthems and especially that audible self-impressed grin that you can in the vocals. Coldplay have flayed the flesh from the bones of your favourite 70s soft rock acts and are wearing it as an ill fitting costume and it’s embarrassing.

Jul 30 2024
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Coldplay just headlined Glastonbury for a record fifth time, with one reviewer saying that it would be churlish not to enjoy their performance. Well, I’m that cold-hearted churl. I hate Coldplay. I hate their mind-numbing, faux-earnest, emotionally-manipulative songs. I hate that they normalised eschewing innovation and making unchallenging edge-free pop rock for the 21st Century. These days, they’ve realised that bands are no longer the moneymakers so they’ve switched to making “EDM” with emojis for song titles, which seems like the logical conclusion to their race to the bottom. Fuck Coldplay.

Feb 06 2024
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Ugh. The most nothing type of nothing music. Cod feeling cod emotion, awful awful awful. I call stuff like this music for people who don't actually like music

Jan 11 2024
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"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die" and you want me to waste precious minutes of my life listening to fucking Coldplay?! Are you fucking serious? This list sucks

Nov 08 2022
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Bland music that makes millions of people who don't like music fall into some soma version of "happiness" I guess? Best Tracks: God Put a Smile on Your Face; The Scientist; Clocks;

Mar 13 2025
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No Warning Sign here. This one took me right Into My Place. If you listen to this you’ll know why God Put a Smile Upon Your Face.

Mar 11 2025
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what a nice album. Very creative ways to use time old melodies and sounds. Specially how it was recorded. Sounded very crude. Some parts of some songs sound like you are hearing it live. With all the crisp and wisp. Very nice. I like all the ambiance melodies to rapid building to climax. Coldplay does this formula perfectly.

Mar 11 2025
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So many good songs on this album, plus the interplay of piano and electric is different than most music, thus making it a joy to listen to.

Mar 11 2025
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I partially understand the hate but as someone who has listened to Coldplay most of my life I enjoyed it a lot

Mar 11 2025
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I've listened to this album several times before and it still holds up. There is not a single bad song on this album and I will die on this hill. Coldplay does not deserve all the hate that they get for some reason. Sure, any album past Mylo Xyloto is questionable at best, but everything up to and including that album is amazing. Just beautiful, they sound great, everything is great. I'm convinced that the people who hate on this and Coldplay in general are incapable of having fun and are the same people with sticks up their buts who think Radiohead and Public Image Ltd. are God's gift to music and going to save music from itself.

Mar 11 2025
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yes, some of the tracks follow the same "pic a simple hook, refrain, build" but it works for them. the blending of instruments, sounds, and harmonies are great.

Mar 05 2025
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Folks didn’t give these guys enough credit back in the day

Mar 01 2025
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Surprisingly, really great album -- I think my opinion was damaged by the lower quality of music they put out AFTER this album.

Feb 25 2025
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Eine der besten Platten - ever! Da war die Band auf ihrem Höhepunkt.

Feb 20 2025
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This album is a timeless classic that effortlessly combines pop and rock aesthetics into a cohesive experience that keeps you hooked for days. Many tracks will still linger in your mind due to the catchy melodies, captivating vocals and great production. I particularly enjoy that the songs are very approchable but still have so much depth to them. I think it is an essential Coldplay album and perhaps one of their best even if it was often seen as a derivative of Radiohead. I think many of the tracks bring a lot of their own ideas with a solid identity. My biggest critique would be that the second half is a bit weaker but only because the first half of the album has consistent bangers after bangers which became complete classics.

Feb 19 2025
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Old Coldplay was my introduction to good music as a teenager, and I am forever in debt :)

Feb 19 2025
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This was such an influential band and album, during those formative teenage years.

Feb 19 2025
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I remember this playing all the time. Reminds me of the early 2000s.

Feb 14 2025
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I have listened to this album many many many times in the past. It's been a while though. Going to see if it still holds up today. Yes, it does.

Feb 12 2025
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Every single song on this album was absolutely perfect. Coldplay has such a great sound, I don't even know how to describe it. Absolutely perfectly written, performed, recorded, produced and mixed. Just top notch, I listened to it twice. Five stars, easily.

Feb 11 2025
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Say what you want about Coldplay and what they’ve become, this album was near perfection when it was released.

Feb 10 2025
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Excellent as always. Took me back to 2012

Feb 08 2025
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Perfect album! I like it! There are several masterpiece tracks inside: In My Place, God Put a Smile upon Your, The Scientist, Clocks and A Rush of Blood to the Head.

Feb 07 2025
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Het is pas een paar jaar geleden dat ik ontdekte dat er Coldplay haters zijn. Serieus. Met een achteraf heel naïeve vanzelfsprekendheid ging ik er tot die tijd vanuit dat we het als mensheid over één ding eens kunnen zijn en dat is dat Coldplay in de vroege jaren 2000 kwaliteitsmuziek maakte. Maar tuurlijk was dat niet zo. Voor mij was dat net zo'n vreemde ontdekking als dat er blijkbaar kinderen zijn die geen friet (zo noemen wij patat hier) lusten. De eerste 5 tracks kent neem ik aan iedereen, want aan radio- en televisieëxposure hebben de mannen van Koudspel nooit gebrek gehad. Daarna volgen een aantal minder bekende, maar alsnog mooie tracks om te eindigen met het ongelofelijk prachtige en ietwat ondergewaardeerde Amsterdam. Dit is echt zo'n album wat je heel makkelijk van voor naar achter helemaal afdraait en waar je naar kunt zitten luisteren zonder ondertussen ook acht andere dingen te doen. Ik heb geen seconde getwijfeld over de 5 sterren, ondanks mijn gebrek aan ervaring met stinkende paardenburgers.

Feb 06 2025
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After the fall of Radiohead came Coldplay. They picked up the slack and eventually fell into the same demise as their predecessor. In their height, they were an amazing band. Beautiful melodies. Poetic lyrics. The album A Rush Of Blood To The Head reflects all of this. It's a shame that this was Coldplay's last truly great album.

Feb 06 2025
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a recent great album. full of hits. modern. innovative.

Feb 03 2025
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Love this album. I'm not a huge fan of most of Coldplay's output after this, but this has some of the best pop/rock songs from this decade. The Scientist, Green Eyes, and Amsterdam are some of my absolute favorite songs.

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