Kid A
RadioheadQuite a solid album. I don't consider myself a Radiohead fan, but this album is great and comes jam-packed with amazing tracks such as "Idioteque", "Optimistic", "Everything In Its Right Place", and "Morning Bell"
Quite a solid album. I don't consider myself a Radiohead fan, but this album is great and comes jam-packed with amazing tracks such as "Idioteque", "Optimistic", "Everything In Its Right Place", and "Morning Bell"
One of the greatest albums of all time, with Can being one of the greatest bands of all time. Their music is sensational, the way that everyone plays their heart out.
A real solid album, with the title track in its holy glory
One of the greatest jazz albums of all time. This album, track for track, is worth listening to.
I fucking hate this album. The tinniest production, the atrocious vocals, the utterly average droning guitars. If you want to hear good shoegaze, listen to Nowhere or Souvlaki.
Don't listen to anyone who doesn't consider this black metal. Anyways this album is amazing. Consistent as all hell, quite an impactful and influential album.
Metallica needed to make this album. It's as great as their previous works and still holds up to this day. The only thing they could've done to improve it was to remove some tracks and let the greater tracks shine even brighter.
Easily Nirvana's best album, containing amazing tracks such as "Serve the Servants", "Heart-Shaped Box", "Milk It", and "All Apologies". All around a constantly amazing album.
Damn good jazz from one of the greatest musicians to ever live.