Jun 01 2023
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Toys In The Attic
AerosmithEh. Wouldn't listen again - mostly filler, kinda samey?
Eh. Wouldn't listen again - mostly filler, kinda samey?
Sounded like Spinal Tap! Was a lot of fun - GREAT drum tone. Wouldn't listen to again, unless I was in a very particular place on a travel trip.
Interesting! Liked it but wouldn't listen again
Great stuff - would listen again, love the sporadic accordian and reworked tango vibes.
Eh. Wouldn't listen again - mostly filler, kinda samey?
Sounded like a year 9 composition project. Sorry Autobahn, won't be coming back.
Good stuff - already re-listened.
Great stuff - would listen again 👏 love the backup vox
Not for me - or most people. The song with the kid - gggeeeezz