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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.




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Album Summary

Autobahn is the fourth studio album by German electronic music band Kraftwerk, released in November 1974 by Philips Records. The album marked several personnel changes in the band, which was initially a duo consisting of Florian Schneider and Ralf Hütter; later, the group added Klaus Röder on guitar and flute, and Wolfgang Flür on percussion. The album also completed the group's transition from the experimental krautrock style of their earlier work to an electronic pop sound consisting mostly of synthesizers and drum machines. Recording started at the group's own Kling Klang facility, but was predominantly made at Conny Plank's studio. Autobahn also includes lyrics and a new look for the group that was suggested by Emil Schult, an associate of Schneider and Hütter. Most of the album is taken up by the 22-minute "Autobahn", featuring lyrics by Schneider, Hütter, and Schult. The song was inspired by the group's joy of driving on Germany's autobahns, and recorded music that reflected a trip emulating the sounds of a vehicle. The album's release in West Germany saw little press attention. "Autobahn" was released as a single and received airplay at a Chicago radio station, leading it to spread across the United States. In 1975, the song became an international hit and Kraftwerk's first release of their music in the US. "Autobahn"'s success led to the band touring the United States with new member Karl Bartos, who would replace Roeder, followed by a tour of the United Kingdom. Initial reception to Autobahn was mixed; it received negative reviews from Rolling Stone and Village Voice's critic Robert Christgau who felt the music was inferior to earlier electronic music from Wendy Carlos and Mike Oldfield. Other critics found the track "Autobahn" hypnotic and arresting for its imagery of driving on the autobahn. Critics from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Newsday included the album in their "Honorable Mentions" sections of their year-end lists. Later reception was unanimously enthusiastic; Simon Witter wrote in NME the album is of "enormous historical significance" and Simon Reynolds said the album is where Kraftwerk's music really starts to matter. Musicians of the 1970s and 1980s, including David Bowie, cited the album as a major influence.







  • Electronica


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Tue May 11 2021

Notes: 7mins into first song: SOMETHING JUST PLEASE HAPPEN THIS IS LIKE GUCCI GUCCI PRADA PRADA ALL OVER AGAIN 8mins in: Ok maybe I should have been careful what wished for. You know when you get stuck/lost on a video game level and the soundtrack just loops? Yeah… Some of the effects were nice just not used in a nice way. I was constantly checking how long was left on this album and I paid more attention to it than other albums we’ve done so I feel a bit more confident with my vote. This album was the equivalent of a long drive on the autobahn for someone who doesn’t like driving.

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Fri May 05 2023

Genre defining genius. Love it. I think I'd only ever listened to the short version of Autobahn before so I didn't realise how melodic the track is and how cleverly it uses repetition and melody to achieve its aim. Entrancing. Full of interest and a really interesting piece of music. Is it pop? Or rock? No, of course not. But it's brilliant. Hypnotic. Driving. Did I mention I like this? I listened to it two or three times and have done so again since. It's just mesmerising and full of interest. And sounds modern still - an album that's close to 50 years old. Side 2 is then full of melodies and electronic oddness. It's really interesting to hear the flute play such a key role on Morgenspaziergang, and both the Kometenmelodie are lovely pieces of music. And the oddness of Mitternacht seems like a bridge to early punk - look at what we can do in our basement... I need to unpack their earlier stuff and some of the related music. I get why some people don't like this. I get that it's easier to like Fleetwood Mac with "tunes" that you've heard on the radio all your life. But some of the 1 star reviews are hilarious and seem narrow minded. But, you know, I love this. I'll be driving most of the way across Germany in the summer and I already have this lined up to make an appearance on the soundtrack for that. Oh, this is good. Really good.

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Sat Aug 19 2023

(Note to self: don’t read the reviews of records you love that people leave here. It’s just going to make you unnecessarily upset.) I’m not going to waste a lot of words here: This is an all-time classic record, incredibly influential and important. A pretty good case can be made that the music world would be a much different place than it is now, had it never been released. If you dislike it…fine, go listen to Rumours for the 800th time.

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Fri Feb 19 2021

Not completely robots yet. This is a real sweet spot in their catalogue. Last one produced by Conny Plank, which I think is a shame in a way that their creative partership ended here. A real sonic journey. The Beatles of electronic music.

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Mon Jan 09 2023

No big deal, it’s only an absolute masterpiece.

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Tue Jan 25 2022

The sound of optimism in the future. I find this album very uplifting and enjoy hearing the full version of the title track. Sound so ahead of its time, and this version of the album cover has to be one of the most iconic sleeve designs ever.

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Fri Feb 19 2021

Listened while working, which I think is kind of a perfect pairing for the repetition here. I read a bit about Autobahn and it's supposed to effect "like driving down the Autobahn" with the repetition and changes. The brief pauses and little changes after remind me of taking an exit ramp and getting onto some other road. This is probably not my favorite Kraftwerk album (that is likely Trans-Europe Express), but it's probably up there. I haven't really listened to it much lately. I like the inclusion of some traditional instruments like flute, etc. Mitternacht is a nice track, very moody. Reminds me of Berlin Era Bowie/Eno Side B tracks. Morgenspaziergang electronic parts reminds me of some of my test equipment that I modified that does weird stuff. Fun! I do like the inclusion of traditional instruments on the album as a whole. I know this is kind of the last album they do that on.

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Wed Feb 02 2022

This is electronic music with a heart of gold. Happy instead of freaky, if you know what I mean. I had never listened to this album before but it's just my cup of tea. Clearly experimental but not past my ability to easily grok what they are trying to do and appreciate it. I also admire the commitment to the theme. Four stars for how much I like it and an extra star for being almost as old as I am. Talk about groundbreaking. Respect.

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Fri Feb 12 2021

Day 27 of Albums You Must Hear... Today’s album is titled Autobahn by German Electronic band Kraftwerk. As I’ve mentioned before, I am not a big fan of music that is strictly instrumentation. I really love electronic music, just not as much when it has no words. This is one of those albums. My first time listening to Kraftwerk’s Autobahn, I didn’t know the year of its release, or anything about the creators. When I learned that this was released in 1974, I instantly gained much respect. These guys are innovators of EDM and I would have to imagine that the recourses and technology in the 70’s was scarce enough that you had to A) be super creative and imaginative and B) have the balls to release something so strange and new. 99.9% of music that you hear now utilizes synthesizers, drum machines, auto-tune, recording through MacBooks, and endless applications to create different sounds. Even the music that sounds completely unplugged is most likely plugged in, even in live performances. In 2021 Autobahn sounds generic, but that’s not fair to Kraftwerk. They lead the way in the early 70’s, and the entire music industry over the nearly fifty following years would benefit from them. There are some good melodies here, and this recording is at its finest when you are wearing headphones, especially the noise cancelling kind. In closing, I wanted to take a crap on this album until I learned it was nearly fifty years old, and realized how jaded to musical technology I’ve become. To me, Autobahn isn’t necessarily a must hear, but it is a project that deserves everyone’s respect, regardless of your preference in music. Please share your thoughts, memories and opinions!!

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Wed Jan 20 2021

did not enjoy. First song was 22 minutes long and for what.

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Sun Aug 20 2023

The music of the future, in this case, turns 50 in 2024. No group was ever more beholden to novelty and gimmick, yet their newness became our everyday, our wallpaper. The most influential band still considered the exclusive territory of the insurmountably elitist and the insurmountably geeky, and definitely not a domain where women tend to wander. Kommen Sie bitte und listen to Kraftwerk! Round here at Chez NoRadio, we pray thrice a day towards Düsseldorf, the home city of Kraftwerk and the location of their studio Kling Klang. If you have dug practically any music made from 1978 onwards, you should be following the same ritual. Kraftwerk are one of the few bands who can genuinely rival Elvis and the Beatles as music’s most influential acts, despite their relative lack of presence in the charts (a few minor hits, and one UK number one in 1982 with The Model (which was supposed to be the B-side, fact fans and pop pickers!)). Five seconds of listening will reveal why. Kraftwerk are the most important electronic act. No group demonstrated more decisively the aesthetic capabilities and rewards of the strictly electronic. This stern-faced, impeccably dressed unit of men-machines proved a decisive influence on post-punk, synth-pop, hip-hop, the entirety of dance music, and pretty much every form of music that has involved a current. But this is not the occasion to explain why. I shall save that for their next album on the list, Trans-Europe Express. You see, Autobahn, despite being the first album in what we fans consider the classic quintet of Kraftwerk albums (this, Radioactivity, Trans-Europe Express, The Man Machine and Computer World, if you’re curious (and you should be)), is ultimately a transitional work, Kraftwerk getting their hair cut and seeing beyond their fringe. Kraftwerk started with two German music students called Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider (the most unsettling-looking man who stood upon the earth) became involved with the West German experimental music scene, a scene that would beget what British music journalists came to call Krautrock (yes, not the most pleasant of names, but that was Britain in the 70s: The Black and White Minstrel Show ran on British telly until 1978). Hütter and Schneider started as an organist and flautist respectively in a band called Organisation, but in 1970 they obtained a few synthesisers and started their own band, Kraftwerk (the German for power station, or power plant to American ears). Kraftwerk recorded three albums with a series of revolving musicians; these albums have never been officially reissued, and in honesty they are considered interesting curios, and not really essential. But in 1974 came Autobahn. With Autobahn, the germinating ideas on their previous work blossomed, and the band finally determined what direction they were driving in. Two factors proved key. Firstly, percussionist Wolfgang Flür had joined as a permanent member, followed in 1975 by fellow percussionist Karl Bartos. Thus, the holy quartet of Kraftwerk had come together, and the stability of a consistent fourpiece enabled them to explore the ranges of their artistic vision. So, secondly, they made a 22-minute electronic song about the West German motorway. This, the title track, harked back to the programme music of late 19th-century composers in depicting a narrative musically, yet the topic of driving down the autobahn was contemporary and the instruments were still being invented by the band. Along with this, Kraftwerk were motoring away from the headfuckery conjured by other Krautrock bands such as Can, Neu! And Faust (brilliant headfuckery though it was), and thus rediscovered the undiluted magic of the melody. To whit, they discovered pop, albeit a pop of such purity, concentration and vision, with machines seemingly from Doctor Who, that its existence had to provoke a revolution. But as I said, Autobahn is still a transitional work, wonderful though it be. Later albums would see a further refinement and evolution of the Kraftwerk Weltanschauung, so comparing Autobahn to them necessarily reveals the ragged tendrils of Autobahn’s more overtly Krautrock roots (and the last appearance of Schneider’s flute). This is not a criticism, but an observation. Still, as beautiful as I find Autobahn, the Kraftwerk I ultimately love most is the four men becoming four robots. But that is a quibble. Autobahn always delights, not least because of a crucial, yet oft-forgotten aspect of Kraftwerk: they were funny. Though one may wallow in the gorgeous melodies of the second side, it’s the Teutonic impishness of a 22-minute song about driving along the Autobahn that truly lingers. More proof? “Wir fahr’n, fahr’n, fahr’n, auf der Autobahn.” Fahr’n, Fahr’n, Fahr’n? Didn’t the Beach Boys have a song that went, “Fun, Fun, Fun”? NoRadio, signing off.

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Sun Nov 14 2021

Seriously?! A 22 minute opening song. Fucks sake, kill me now. I honestly hate this shit. Who in the hell listens to 42 minutes of boring electronica??

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Mon May 24 2021

fun fun fun on the autobahn fun fun fun on the autobahn FUN FUN FUN ON THE AUTOBAHN FUN FUN FUN ON THE AUTOBAHN FUN FUN FUN ON THE AUTOBAHN

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Thu Jul 01 2021

One of my formative albums from one of my formative bands. Is this you a five star album objectively? No. But it is for me.

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Sun Oct 03 2021

OMG the generator gave me Kraftwerk albums two days in a row. I guess it liked my comments on The Man Machine. Hey, generator, what’s up ;) Yesterday I said that I thought "Neon Lights" was possibly the best song Kraftwerk ever made. As I typed it, a little voice in my head kept saying "Except for Autobahn!" So, I guess now I get to talk about Autobahn, which pretty much makes my weekend. Okay, it’s obviously not for everyone, an acquired taste, as one reviewer put it. But if you have the patience, this album is really worth the listen. Autobahn is next level over next level, something that I have tremendous respect for and also just like listening to. It is a bit of a mood though. I don’t necessarily want to hear it often, but when I put it on, those first 22 minutes just make me inexplicably happy. You get a sense of joy and that they were really having fun on this one, and I guess that’s what I’m feeling a response to, the joy. Musically, the album is absolutely sublime. I love the effects they use to give an impression of vehicles in motion (“Autobahn”) and the sounds of the natural world (“Morgenspaziergang”). It’s an incredibly playful and clever use of synthesizers. The incorporation of traditional instruments adds an extra level of depth you don’t hear in their later albums. This is actually “The Man Machine” in action, the natural/traditional paired with the mechanical/constructed. Go figure. In "Morgenspaziergang," the band masterfully captures the essence of sounds from the natural world like birds and flowing water to create a pastoral soundscape, complete with accompanying Pan's flutes. It's incredibly pretty. “Kometenmelodie 2” is likewise just a lovely, melodic listen. It’s a window into what other electronic artists will be doing 5-10 years down the line. As for the masterpiece of the album, "Autobahn" is the only 22-minute song I will ever care to listen to. I hesitate to even call it a song, because it's bigger than that. It's a far ranging, longform musical journey. I may never make it to the actual Autobahn, but one day I want to just get in the car and take a ride to nowhere with Autobahn playing on a loop. It's what this album was made for. Fave Songs: Autobahn, Kometenmelodie 2, Morgenspaziergang

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Mon Oct 04 2021

Really enjoyed this. The title track has - unsuprisingly - a real autobahn feel to it. Added to my library.

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Thu Jun 23 2022

It's my birthday today and this is 1001's present to me rather than some obscure mid-80's album by some unknown dirt band. I found this many years ago in my dad's collection and have been on an Electro journey ever since but these guys are the Godfathers of Electronic music. You don't get any better than this and it's a trip from start to finish. Experimental, ambient, jarring and hypnotic. 🌟🚗🌟🚗🌟🚗🌟🚗🌟🚗

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Fri Mar 15 2024

Can see how this would have influenced a number of artists in the late 70's and into the 80's for sure... Pop songs had their song structure, and Country songs had their structure - but synths were a brand new thing around that time - so how to use it, and what could be created, was wide-open - as there was absolutely no roadmap, and I like what they did here... You can hear elements of the atmospherics and soundscapes that many synth type bands would get into, as well as the direction that some of the new wave artists of the 80's would pursue... The quality of the recording is exceptional for 1974, and the album really just should have been all instrumental - as the lyrics and limited vocals were just dreadful... A little bit more here than meets the eye in terms of influence, as whenever Kraftwerk comes on the radio, I never turn it off - though I doubt I will ever listen to this album again... I'd give this a 2 for the quality of what they did musically, and it gets bumped up to a 3 based on how influential this had to be coming out in 1974...

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Fri May 03 2024

I liked this far more than expected. Fun Fun Fun on the Autobahn.

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Fri Mar 15 2024

Read the wiki page about this album before I listen it was kind of excited to hear it. Particularly after seeing The artist who allegedly credited this album as influential in their careers.… I don’t see it more importantly, I didn’t hear it. Sure it’s a blend of instruments with electronics, but that’s about the Extent of it. Not offensive, except the vocals when they appeared, but not inspiring.

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Thu Jan 14 2021

Boring, but I think that's sort of the point. A few parts were rad, but it was just so boring.

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Mon Dec 11 2023

I have no desire to listen to this again whatsoever

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Brilliant - SideA is a masterpiece Side B is great. Imagine hearing this album back then!

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Fri May 28 2021

Monumental album. Influential and memorable.

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Sat Feb 12 2022

A stunning masterpiece ✨️

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Thu Mar 03 2022

Went from I want an Audi to what are the aliens trying to say very quickly. Synths are still a top tier instrument

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Thu Mar 17 2022

10/10, super cool album I’m surprised electronic music sounded that good in 1973 I was expecting it to sound a little more simplistic or something but they really made the most out of it you can hear all sorts of modern production techniques being used throughout the album and I have no idea how they pulled it off overall just a super impressive album they pioneered genres that led to some of my favorite artists like Big Black Delta and LCD Soundsystem

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Fri Oct 07 2022

A genuine album you should hear before you die. Efficient German electronic tunes and efficient German lyrics. The fact that this album has pretty much influenced every major genre of music should be reason enough to listen to it. The fact that it's actually brilliant is another reason. Best Tracks: Autobahn; Kometenmelodie 1; Kometenmelodie 2

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Thu Jan 19 2023

I have no problems with Kraftwerk and I have enjoyed becoming acquainted with some of their library of work. However, two albums within the same week seemed a bit out of balance and perhaps created an uphill battle to win my affections. They did it!

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Thu Jan 19 2023

This album holds quite a lot of nostalgia for me, so that skews its rating up some. This was one I listened to a lot in the early 80s. I very much love the imagery that each of the pieces in this evokes. The title track has always been a favorite, conjuring up a car trip quickly passing through different environments along the highway. Then we go with a comet in the sky, amplified midnight noises, and a morning walk. All pretty perfect.

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Fri Feb 17 2023

Autobahn makes edgar winter group's frankenstein seem like childs play synth. Apparently they even invented some electronic instruments, that's badass. Also this is an amazing tidbit I found on wikipedia... Chris Martin of Coldplay recalled in a 2007 article in Q magazine the process of requesting permission to use the melody from the track "Computer Love" on "Talk" from the album X&Y. He sent a letter through the lawyers of the respective parties and several weeks later received an envelope containing a handwritten reply that simply said "yes".[77]

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Fri Apr 07 2023

You can totally feel how this changed the gear of electronic music.

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Wed Jul 05 2023

Great timing, only a few days after I actually went to see Kraftwerk! This particular album was new to me, I only knew Autobahn. It has moments of darkness - I can hear the influence of Kometenmelodie 1 and Mitternacht on Wendy Carlos's work for The Shining soundtrack. However, Morgenspaziergang ('Morning Stroll') is full of joy, very 1970s kids TV.

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Fri Jul 07 2023

So influential! As well as the title track's massive impact on electronic music, "Morgenspaziergang" sounds like the birth of folktronica! Fave tracks - "Autobahn" for the immersive hypnotic motorway experience, and "Kometenmelodie 2" for the uplifting optimism!

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Wed Jul 26 2023

I’m not an electronic music guy, but without Kraftwerk EDM would not be the same today. For that alone this deserves an easy 5 stars.

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Mon Aug 14 2023

Kraftwerk is divisive. I get it. Autobahn is divisive. ALL THEIR WORK IS DIVISIVE. But we live in a post-Kraftwerk world. Someone had to do it first. Many Someones had to do it first. Kraftwerk is on that vanguard: making what they wanted to make. Making the world of music in their image, or at the very least, carving out a small divot in the zeitgeist that others could expand upon.

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Mon Oct 23 2023

Some of you get it. Some of you should try smoking a joint once in a while. A masterpiece.

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Thu Feb 01 2024

I haven't listened to much Kraftwerk before, but they are always mentioned by every electronic musician I read interviews or autobiographies of. Therefore, I've always been interested in listening to Kraftwerk for myself. "Autobahn" was a very relaxing and fun listen for me. The title and longest track is an epic, in its own almost ambient way. The rest of the songs fit right in, and I found myself wanting to relisten to the album after it was done. For the time of release, I also can see the huge influence it had on artists I admire like Eno and, of course, all those other electronic musicians.

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Mon Feb 19 2024

Immer schon eine ganz besondere Platte!

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Sun Mar 17 2024

Gear: Hifiman Arya Mix (2009 Remaster): Optimistisch. Futuristisch. Perfekt. Musik: Ikonisch. Legendär. Kraftwerk. Wertung: 🛣️🛣️🛣️🛣️🛣️/5

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Thu Mar 21 2024

Who might want to listen to this album? Stoners? Check. EDM fans interested in the roots of their music? Check. 80s techno lovers who want to know what influenced that genre? Check. Anyone who likes really interesting music. Absolutely. Autobahn is, by even Kraftwerk standards, an early electronic music album. They took the academic-oriented electronic music of the late 1960s and early 1970s and melded it with ambient influences and pop music to create a true masterpiece. Later on, Kraftwerk added the disco beats that were becoming increasingly common in clubs of the mid 70s to create the signature Kraftwerk sound. Even though this is a prequel to what would later be the trust of their music, it is still a phenomenal album. The driving beat of the title track alone makes this a special album.

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Tue Apr 09 2024

50 years on this is still the sound of the future

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Sun Apr 21 2024

One of the best electronic albums of all time, it’s immaculate

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Fri Apr 26 2024

I learned today that I've been sleeping on Kraftwerk. Autobahn is a truly timeless album. It was made 50 years ago, feels about a decade ahead of its time, and still sounds contemporary today.

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Wed Jan 20 2021

Awesome album. It's an aquired taste. I have listened to it multiple times, just to hear the song 'Autobahn' once again, but I kept listening to the whole album.

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Thu Feb 01 2024

Love Kraftwerk. This is one I listened to in college when I was working on art. The title track is such a fun romp and always keeps that steady pace going while transitioning through many different melodies. It's very whimsical and feels like a journey.

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Wed Feb 07 2024

I love Kraftwerk, but I like them for their role in music more than I do for individual songs (although many of them are very good). To think that this album is 50 years old and sounds so "ordinary" to modern ears (a complaint I have read here) shows just how groundbreaking and influential this album has been (and the entire body of work by Kraftwerk). They've influenced art rock, electronic music, EDM, and hip-hop and probably many other genres. Many imitators, but this is the source. Kraftwerk has always been ahead of their time, and this earlier work stands as a testament to that. Standouts of this album are the title track (an ambitious 22:47, an entire side of an LP when it was released), and "Mitternacht."

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Fri Feb 09 2024

Super cool. I had to listen twice in order to get it, but then it happened

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Fri Feb 23 2024

Pretty good, but not as enjoyable as their later work. Basically everything I have to say.

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Mon Feb 26 2024

Kraftwerk are legendary pioneers of electronic music. They’ve worked out a futuristic, yet retro aesthetic. Most of their albums are worth a few listens, especially Trans Atlantic Express.

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Wed Feb 28 2024

I'd stared listening to this yesterday morning, but stopped as I wasn't in the mood. I was off out in the evening for a walk and a train journey into Bristol, so thought it could be my soundtrack. Turns out it was a pretty good soundtrack. Although, I prefer Kraftwerk's other albums, particularly Trans Europe Express, this one was still pretty good.

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Wed Mar 06 2024

Surprisingly great. You can definitely hear the influence this record had on Bowie's Berlin-era albums (Low, Heroes, Lodger), what with the vivid electronic quasi-soundscapes, stationary vocals, and gradual, impactful chord changes. It almost jumps on the prog-rock bandwagon that was all the craze in the early-to-mid 70s, but veers into a more slow, electronic genre. I get the point of the opening, title track, but clocking in at almost 23 minutes without too many new ideas being introduced throughout, it's just too long and repetitive to really be a masterpiece. The four tracks on Side 2 are all great (if a little unmemorable), containing some pretty synth melodies and a few extra instruments thrown into the final track. A really good album that was very much ahead of its time.

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Fri Mar 08 2024

Influential is a word I use a lot going through these suggestions. I think this and Oxygene by Jean Michel-Jarre have to be the joint most influential albums in electronic music history. I know there was electronic stuff before this. But this is such a complete electronic album, and you can hear it's influence everywhere. Trouble is I just don't like it that much. It's still getting 4 stars because it's amazing and so important it's hard ot know where to start.

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Thu Mar 14 2024

Song at the end is beautiful. Title track a work of sheer genius. Middle bits were so so.

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Mon Mar 25 2024

prototype electronic techno goodness. in the 1970s, this is what the future could've sounded like. vocoded vocals, space-age zaps and beeps, driving sweeps, pads, and wide analog drones... this album is quite the trip. the main track is about a road trip.

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Fri Apr 05 2024

I enjoyed this more than I remembered.

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Fri Apr 05 2024

Some of y'all weren't raised on kraftwerk, and it shows

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Mon Apr 08 2024

This is an album very much of a time - probably about 10-15 years after it was released. It's obviously very synthy, it's a cool, experimental sound that should probably be judged against that 1974 yardstick, and it's incredible in that regard. But, listening to it today, it does feel like it lacks a bit of energy - you can get away with some tracks that are more ambient and dreamy like Autobahn, which is a classic, but after that you need a bit more oomph to build on that, whereas it mostly dials back. I think it's still a 4/5 for me, but at the bottom end of the 4 spectrum.

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Wed Apr 10 2024

Kinda want to give 5 stars but I'd basically be giving it to the majority of the first track. By Morning Stroll I've got to admit that one (very long) great track doesn't make the whole album a 5.

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Thu Apr 11 2024

Classic krautrock/electronic album

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Wed Apr 17 2024

Pretty phenomenal stuff. Got them synths sounding like cars on the autobahn, how cool is that? I wonder how many people have listened to it while driving on the autobahn? If only Total Ghost were able to open for them in May…

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Fri May 03 2024

Can’t imagine what people must have thought when this came out in the 70’s. 50 years old and it still sounds groundbreaking. After the epic 20-odd minute long title track, we’re treated to some crazy experimental sounds that wouldn’t sound out of place on an aphex twin record.

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Fri Nov 12 2021

Better than Gary Newman! This would sound much better played in the MGM grand arena during the first set break of a Phish show. Beautiful in some places. Stark in others. There's only so much intentionally de-humanized music one can handle before you just want to radically abandon your biological programming and commit a random act of unfiltered imperfection. So yeah, I'm typing this sentence with my pants down in front of a large window with 5 chickens on the other side. It's ok, they get it. I'm more akin to the hens than to Kraftwerk. We're all naked pecking around in a heavy rain. Kraftwerk is driving a car. B-

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Thu Feb 08 2024

I was very confused when listening to this album. It was more of a background type of music, that you would enjoy having on while doing something that requires you to focus, as it doesn't really have too much singing, or at least you don't notice it at a lower volume. It was... a different type of experience and I feel like it's aimed at specific people, but it sounds like it would mainly be used as background music in movies.

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Sun Feb 11 2024

Was a bit too avant-garde for me and a bit early for me to appreciate. I get its significance and that of Kraftwerk but that doesn’t necessarily mean I also would return to it.

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Sun Feb 11 2024

This band was groundbreaking at the time, but the genre has come a long way since then. Still, this album is easy on the ears and fun on the Autobahn. Favorite tracks: Kometenmelodie 1 & 2

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Mon Feb 12 2024

Why did I think kraftwek was a more modern group? This album/band is from the 70s! After oxygene maybe I'm a sucker for old school electronic music. This albums feels like a good prototype of other albums I'd enjoy, 3*. Enjoyed: the groove of autobahn (but then it got weird around halfway through. Such a goofy song)

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Wed Feb 14 2024

This was a cool album conceptually. Try to capture a number of certain feelings musically. Most notable driving on the autobahn. I’m not sure how well executed it was, as I don’t think some of the songs really inspired the right feelings. Especially Autobahn. Mitternacht and Morgenspaziergang I felt did very well. Probably not an album I’ll revisit, but I really like the concept

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Sun Feb 18 2024

This bring me back to high school art class. The production is great and the song design is top notch. I'm not a into some of the extended parts and it can make it hard to focus on three music at times.

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Sun Feb 18 2024

Too much electronic and abstract for me.

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Wed Feb 21 2024

Interesting. Made my day feel like I was in a 70s PBS science special.

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Thu Feb 22 2024

I always enjoyed Kraftwerk for doing their own thing and this album feels quite unique. Authobahn (the song) while not their most energetic song is still a fun listen and feels like it is filled with tech optimism. The rest was ok too. I just feel that Kraftwerk come into their own in their later albums with their more energetic songs (and lyrics!). Still as a hint of what is to come it was a fun listen.

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Fri Feb 23 2024

Never thought I'd ever listen to a 22 minute song that essentially just says "We are driving on the Autobahn".

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Fri Feb 23 2024

Overall, I liked this and thought it was well-done. I don't think it's memorable enough to really come back to, and I definitely didn't love it any more than anything I would listen to. 7/10 Favorite Songs: Autobahn, Morgenspaziergang No least favorite songs

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Mon Feb 26 2024

This album is surprisingly not what I thought it would be. It’s an adventure, but in the same way that a trip to the grocery store is an adventure: some people get excited over it, and others don’t. I was the latter. Songs like “Morgenspaziergang” and the two parts of “Kometenmelodie” do redeem this album, though. They’re soundscapes that just feel good to listen to. But, the album’s 22 minute opener of a title track really threw me off of my rocker. And that’s why I think this album gets a 58% or a 2.9/5. Fav: Nothing really stuck out to me here. Least Fav: “Autobahn”

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Wed Feb 28 2024

Heard to concentrate on whilst I was working, but the bits I tuned into were good.

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Wed Feb 28 2024

One great song very long and technical if they made a haynes manual into an album this is what it would sound like.

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Fri Mar 01 2024

I’ve always heard of them being influential to some artists I like, but never listened to them. It was okay as background music, but I think this just doesn’t stand up since electronic music has come so far since this time.

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Thu Mar 07 2024

I don’t usually listen to this style of music, but this was ok! The universe is hilarious to give this album to me in the morning I have a three hour drive.

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Wed Mar 20 2024

Didn’t hate it but thought it would be good for a claymation project.

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Fri Mar 22 2024

This was ok, but felt very one-note.

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Wed Mar 27 2024

Title track is actually pretty enjoyable. Some of the other stuff is kinda challenging. Definitely an Influential and important record and better than the other kraftwerk album. I hope we don’t get any more kraftwerk though I think we get it. 2.5

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