Songs the colonialist‘s wife is getting drunk to while her husband is messing up another country & fucking its innocent peasants‘ daughters. Beijihno tristo 1.6
Beach Samba is a 1967 studio album by Astrud Gilberto, arranged by Eumir Deodato and Don Sebesky. Beach Samba was included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
Songs the colonialist‘s wife is getting drunk to while her husband is messing up another country & fucking its innocent peasants‘ daughters. Beijihno tristo 1.6
Restaurant chef simulator but its one of those games where you csnt technically fail and its just chill. Cooking mama vibes and character design but only the fun non time pressured minigames for cooking and then when you complete a full meal if you do well enough you get a michelin star. Minigames include chopping peppers, frying some vegetables, baking some stuff etc and there's a lovely vibe in the kitchen all the time and at the end you get to plate it and make it look chill, and there's some story about this being your grandparents restaurant and you want to keep the family business going. Anyway the albums alright Id give it like a 3, no final boss musIc so the story felt incomplete
Amazing bossa nova and orchestral stuff. Astrud Gilberto was a big favourite of mine and this album is beyond amazing.
This wonderful LP just kind of sneaks up on you, filling the heart more and more with each song. Lyrically, we are deep within love’s grasp. And it’s the best kind of love to be in, too, where one lover invites another to ‘Bring me your free soul and I’ll make your heart sure,’ on the terrific opening jazz number, ‘Stay.’ (Incidentally, this is the polar opposite of the very thing Bob Dylan is singing about in ‘It Ain’t Me Babe.’) And then there are the more wistful songs like ‘Misty Roses,’ (you’re) ‘… too soft to touch, but too lovely to leave alone.’ In ‘My Foolish Heart’ we discover that Astrud’s heart is forever overriding her brain, which is a blessing joyfully received but comes with its own cost, too. Musically, I don’t know when I’ve last heard such a magnificently tasteful and oh, so subtle accompaniment. From the fluttering flute on ‘Stay,’ mimicking the singing skylark of the lyrics, to the high tinkling of the piano perfectly capturing the mood of ‘Misty Roses,’ each and every number is a glorious samba between the band (and orchestra) and the vocalist, always complimenting one another. I’m a sucker for standup bass, and Ron Carter won me over from the first number. I also can’t say enough about Eumir Deodato and Don Sebesky’s outstanding arrangements and conducting (again, just so subtle, so elegant.) Oh, and a surprising duet between mother and child, literally, on a super sweet cover of the big Lovin’ Spoonful’s hit, ‘You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice.’ And finally, Astrud Gilberto’s vocals. Technically, I think it would be fair to say they are average. She’s no highly trained opera singer. Doesn’t pretend to be. Doesn’t need to be. Because Astrud oozes integrity, genuineness, affection. And so beauty, once more, is in the ears that hear and not the mouth that sings. Which, for this listener, raises her vocals to the level, and enjoyment, of other vocalists I love (also technically average) like Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Janis Joplin, and so on. And, as I keep repeating, like everything else on 'Beach Samba,' her voice just kept gradually filling me up until I found myself unexpectedly filled with joy! There's nothing to add to the perfect closer, in the Big Band Samba style, ‘Nao Bate O Coroca,’ where no stops are left unpulled. As the last song faded, I was desperately craving some cachaça (Brazil’s national alcoholic spirit), a pair of polished black dance shoes, and my arms around Astrud’s waist, if she’d have me. Oh, ‘My Foolish Heart.’ Look, people. I like to rock and I like to rock hard. And I’m giving 'Beach Samba' five stars?! Let those with ears hear, irmaos e irmas.
Muziek is emotie. Wat dat betreft doet dit album het goed want het roept enorm veel irritatie op. Ruim twee jaar coronapandemie, het begin van de 3e wereldoorlog, hyperinflatie waardoor de verwarming nog maar op 18,5 graad staat, een sfeerloos schaam-wk voetbal en toen moest ik ook nog door dit album heen. Liftmuziek voor een horrorfilm. Kattengejank. En dit schreef ik nog voordat ik "You Didn't Have To Be So Nice" moest doorstaan. Compleet misplaatst in deze lijst. Dit hoor je mensen niet aan te doen.
Lovely album, I feel like I should be driving through 60’s B-roll and falling in love. I should be at a lake. I should be smoking on a plane. Just a good time all around.
such a vibe.
There seems to be quite a lot of these Bossa Nova albums on this list. They all sound pretty much the same, perfectly inoffensive, but pretty uninspiring. They're three star albums for me. This album however, has two standout tracks, Parade - which is annoying and shit and You Didn't Have To Be So Nice, which is self indulgent, annoying and shit. No one, outside of their parents, nonces and Aled Jones botherers, wants to hear children singing. So I'm knocking off a star because of that.
The sound of a fembot sipping a cocktail from a coconut next to the pool just before Austin Powers swings round the corner. Not my bag, baby, but inoffensive and clearly well done.
With a few notable options, this album is a solid jazzy sort-of nice dinner background music kind of thing. Doesn't hit as hard in 2022, but not offensive. EXCEPT for the weird parade song and the one with the child singing. Why??
Loved it from the first track. This type of music is the stuff dream vacations are made of: a tropical beach with a gentle and constant breeze, me and my favorite people on a patio (or a yacht!) looking out at the horizon sipping on good wine and noshing on charcuterie while talkin’ shit, laughing a lot, loving life. At least that’s how I felt until Parade came on and ruined the mood. Thankfully, Oba Oba takes us back to yacht life. Canoeiro feels like it was taken from the big number in a Broadway musical, but it still fits the vacation vibe. As does I Had the Craziest Dream. Takes me right back to the tropical beach. And there we remain for the most part. You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice is cute. Doesn’t fit completely into the wine and charcuterie on a yacht, but it’s like the moment someone’s kid ventures out of their assigned space away from the adults because the curiosity got the best of them. We humor them, give them a little attention and some of the adult snacks, then send them back to wherever they were tucked away before the adorable interruption. Then, Nao Bate O Corocao keeps the party going. By the time Here’s That Rainy Day and the remaining tracks come on, the yacht gathering is winding down. The sun has fully set, the yacht is docked, and only the closest loved ones remain. We might be cleaning up, but we’re probably too lazy, so we lounge instead. Still talkin’ shit and laughing, still loving life.
Brilliant. Bossa Nova to the Max!
Made me feel like I was on the beach despite it being a frigid winter day. The quality was inconsistent, definitely some good ones and some not so good ones. Felt jerked around by the Sousa style march (Parade) and the lyrics in that one were bad. The child singing in You Didn't Have to Be So Nice was charming in a way, but also maybe a bad choice for the song. "Stay" was one of my favorites.
28 minutes of relaxing, well crafted bossa nova. I can’t imagine being mad about having to listen to this.
part relaxing , part cheese . 3
Each song puts forth a simple argument with economy, hence the delightful brevity throughout. Oba, what do you actually want, our love turns us into misty roses, and so on. This has a happy light psychedelia and little touches that elevate it: the wobble at the end of “I Had The Craziest Dream” is subversively off-kilter. Delightful morsels on a rainy day.
Perfectly fine and pretty, but I don't think id really come back to it
You know, for the wife of Gilberto of the renowned Getz/Gilberto (incredible album), I went into this with expectations that were way higher than I should have. Boy, what a letdown. This album is okay, but there's songs on this that just don't belong on here. Parade comes out of fucking nowhere and I feel like I'm watching a high school music. She sings it in English, and it shows. Here's the lyrics: There's a circus parade And there's a easter parade July The Fourth a parade Thanksgiving they have parade And there's some battle's parade Columbia's day a parade And the policeman parade In everybody's parade And labor day a parade And there's a veteran's parade Inauguration parade And everything's a parade It's not that is bad, it's just fucking dull man. Having her stare into my soul with that bland face of hers while she desperately tries to recreate the success of The Girl from Ipanema is grim. I really couldn't get behind this one. Sorry Astrud, but let your husband do the cooking next time, your voice is beautiful, but if this is what you have to offer as a solo artist, stick to your day job.
Pleasantly aimless showtunes with an occasional tropical flavor. Made me wish for ZZ Top or the Groundhogs instead. Vocal quality saves it from a 1*
Beach Samba is a studio album by Astrud Gilberto, originally released in 1967. I really like Astrud Gilberto's voice. It is clear that she inspired vocalists who would come later like Flora Purim. However, I really didn't dig this album. The production is bad, this is way overproduced. The first and last tracks are perfect. But, as is the case with a lot of these 60s Verve records, this album is drenched in orchestration which takes away from the music. The song selection is also puzzling. I mean, "Parade", really?
Pedestrian jazz interpretation from the era of jazz transitioning to pop. Middling at best.
Why is this on the list? I have no idea.
Argh--I have *no* idea why this album is in this collection, except perhaps that she became famous as the voice on "The girl from Ipanema"? She doesn't seem like a very strong singer, she's not a songwriter (or at least for these songs), and the songs aren't really all that interesting, even with the samba/bossanova take. And seemingly confirming the weirdness of this selection, the Wikipedia entry and even the book's entry for this album doesn't provide more than lukewarm interest in the album. Even though it's not really a fair comparison, I feel like since we haven't had to listen to Mrs. Miller's take on other people's songs, why do we have to listen to Astrud Gilberto's? They both rose to fame on the same song, and arguably Mrs. (Elva) Miller sold more records (but I'm very thankful that we won't be getting any of her albums).
Is it just me or is she sounding a little tuneless on the first song? And WTF is happening on Parade? Why? And why is this album on this list? It seems pretty mediocre.
A woman sings to an awkward elevator meme song, circus accompaniment, and more! Peak Italian music
Meh. At least it was a short album. Nothing else is noteworthy about the album
I question why this was even made. What the hell was that parade song?
Good samba. Just smooth and enjoyable.
Clean flowing tempo
Though you can no longer smoke inside of a commercial office building (unless you are really brave), gender relations and equality have marched forward and nobody wears a full suit to work anymore; listening to this album while staring at spreadsheets and answering emails at your office drone job will make you feel like you are back in the sixties. You will imagine your eyes watering from the smokey office, you will imagine the clacking of typewriters, the smell of really shitty bourbon and if you are a Queensland Public Servant you will imagine for a moment you are wearing business shorts and long socks. I don't want to listen to this album outside of work for fear that it will ruin the little time machine that this is to me. Also the personnel section of this album on the wikipedia page is longer than War and Peace. Highlights: All
отдельных песен в плейлист не добавила но такааая приятная атмосфера чилла на летней террасе в кафешке у альбома,настоящая нежнятинка что возвращаться точно буду и целиком забираю своим оскам-лесбиянкам 😇💋
господи я такой мамаситой был, просто босса нова моя любовь
Is every Gilberto in Brazil a timeless musical genius? Her voice is always so lovely. Like, it shouldn’t be so perfect. This is not the strongest set of pipes on the list. Her accent slips into her pronunciation. She’s not even a dynamic performer. But there is something special about Astrud Gilberto. Her voice is instantly relaxing, even with a marching band behind it. It’s kind of ridiculous. Anyone else would have cheesed this up. Astrud is perma-cool.
This is the kind of record this list was made for. Wouldn't have discovered this otherwise, I'm sure. ?Beautiful voice and instrumentation. Love it. Favourite tracks: Stay, Misty Rose, Parade (A Banda), Beach Samba, Nao Bate O Corocao.
Elevator music, but great elevator music.
What a story Astrud Gilberto is. No professional music experience until she sang a verse on "The Girl From Ipanema". This album is dreamy. Instant smile on my face listening to this whole thing. I don't even mind the silly song she did with her kid, even though in a vacuum I'd just hate it. There's a certain warmth to Astrud's voice that I love, and boy the drumming on this album is amazing. So tight
Great sounds
five. this is so vibes
What a soothing voice, and I love the calm bossa nova vibe! Very "Girl from Impanena" (which features the vocals of Astrud Gilberto). I enjoyed this a lot!
I‘ve listened to to this at the beach- can recommend.
An absolutely gorgeous and lovely samba record. Timeless.
Like Christmas music
Smooth and beautiful. Parades was a little simple and the child's track didn't land for me, but the rest were quintessential enough to elevate the album
Only song I know is The Girl from Ipanema.
Great vibe
Tolle Musik, super aufgenommen, hat richtig Spaß gemacht und mich sehr gut unterhalten. Das Cover langweilig. Hätte mir dieses Album niemals gekauft. Danke für diese Aktion
absolutely gorgeous and breezy bossa sounds. many tracks just feel like the wind is blowing through your hair as you lounge in the summer sun with a tropical fruit drink in hand. this album's a lot of fun especially if you like your bossa samba smooth dancin' tracks.
wtf was with that creepy kid? Otherwise solid relaxing game music
Beautifully dreamy, sweet, and nostalgic, this is the mom vibe I want to have if I am one.
The instrumentation on this album rules. From the flute on the opening track, the drums on Parade, this album has a lot of depth
I feel like I’ve heard of Astrud Gilberto before, but I’m not sure why. I even feel like I recognise this album cover, but it doesn’t seem to be a duplicated album generation. Odd, but ah well. Let’s listen and see if I recognise the songs too! Songs I already knew: none Favourites: all of it I’m not sure if I’ve listened to two ten out of ten albums in a row before, but that has just happened. I loved every minute of this. It was like a soft, easy listening jazz mushed together with samba. Beach Samba stood out as the best for me, but all of this is great. She has such a nice song voice which just makes me feel cosy on the inside. There is nothing I dislike about this.
Love the sound
This is release is far from the best we can found from Astrud Gilberto. I'll rate it with 5 in respect to her whole career.
This was a perfect album to get after an exhausting new years. I was still high and laying bed and this easy listening was perfect for relaxing. Plus this is just the music I love to listen to when I’m toasted. I registered the next day and it mostly held up aside from the circus song and the song near the end with the kid singing.
I've been a fan of Astrud for years so it's nice to hear this album again.
Just fun.
Perfect for writing i loved it so much
one of my favorites
My fav album yet
her voice is so lovely everything is lovely
nice and calming i thought it was good but then the jazz started and it became awesome
A great record to just sit back and relax. It was just perfect for the lazy Sunday I had.
Sounds like your on a beach hitting by waves of nostalgia. Feels like a precursor to Summer Salt. Rating: 4.6
Phenomenal couldn’t stop moving perfect album to start the workday
This was beautiful samba
Such a short album at 27 minutes Stay- favorite tune. Such bold bass playing by Ron Carter. I think of you -cool time/ feel changes Nao bate o coracao- such a tight groovy minute and a half I had the craziest dream- I like the dreamy sounds at the end My foolish heart- beautiful performance and arrangements
Love this, love her, but they should’ve picked a different record. The one before this with Walter wanderly is probably my fav. Shadow of your smile is good too. But my foolish heart is a masterpiece and this record is stacked with some pretty heavy hitters. Parade I really hated but the rest is pretty good. By the standards of this project this album is like 20/5, but honestly I don’t even think this is one of her better records. 4.8
This was a delight.
I remembered I had an Astrud Gilberto collection album when I listened to this. It had the song "Beach Samba." I've been a fan of her voice and style for a long time, starting from "The Girl from Ipanema," of course. I love that this album has a very smooth 1960s cocktail party vibe, but then suddenly a parade marches through before we go back to our pink squirrels. The duet with her son was also a lovin' spoonful of a detour.
This was fabulous! I love the Beach Samba! (There were just a couple of tracks that I might have suggested not be included because they didn't seem to fit).
I was in a bit of a foul mood earlier today but listening to this, I could only imagine skipping gaily along in a bright yellow sundress stopping only to sniff the blossoming camellias. Delightful.
This is one of the albums I find completely charming and enjoyable - a 5 with no reservations. I have loved listening to Astrud Gilberto for most of my life and this album did not disappoint me. Misty Roses gives The Girl from Ipanema a run for its money - it instantly became one of my favorite songs. Yeah, her duet with her 6-year-old son on The Lovin’ Spoonful’s You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice tilts heavily to the saccharine side, and Parade (A Banda) was a little jolting to the overall mood… still, I still enjoyed them both. I could listen to this all day. And just might.
Acho divertido demais quando alguém de fora, estrangeiro mesmo, apresenta novas músicas brasileiras... adorei, não conhecia mesmo!
Wowza I sure loved this one. Will return to this again and again I feel. Really neat since I doubt I would have found this album otherwise. Mid to late 60s was such a good time for music. Stay was a great opening. Parade (A Banda) was right up my alley, super enjoyable. Oba oba has that 60s whimsy in sound and lyrics that I am a sucker for. You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice was a cute and pretty little tune!
It’s too short and the marching band song isn’t great, but pretty much everything else is wonderful
This has that old record charm. That trumpet on The Face I Love. I wish this album was like 10x longer.
This is the perfect album for sitting in the hot tub with a drink in your hand. If it wasn’t 6:30am, my coffee would include whiskey.
Very smooth and relaxing, with deceptively amazing musicianship. Definitely a product of its time but that’s not a bad thing.
10/10 I’ll listen to samba any day of the week, easily one of my favorite genres
Very interesting! I like it. I’ve never listened to samba music but it has a really nice vibe.
Awesome voice. Loved it.
This reminds me of Tania Maria who I am pleased to discover is not dead.
Day430 - i can’t wait to pull this one out on the beach this summer
Pleasant, perfect for the shift to spring that’s happening right now. That being said it kinda feels like a kids album at some points. Inconsistent but nice
I knew what the music was going to sound like before listening to it. It’s a short sweet and relaxing album with the only issue being its a bit repetitive. 7/10
Stunning arrangements that sit underneath a voice that leaves you feeling nostalgic for summer love in decades past.
Gilberto's Beach Samba evokes tropical warmth on even the coldest days, marrying bossa nova rhythms and pop sensibilities with her sunshine-bright vocals that transport listeners straight to the shores of Ipanema.
Smooth vibe.
⭐⭐⭐⭐– 4[.2] of 5 stars. I really loved listening to this album. Felt like a calm summer day, with those small little jazzy instrumentals and those classic bossa nova & samba drum grooves. As a whole, a really solid album, and a relaxing and calming album all the way through (Except "A Banda (Parade)" - ts literally made me jump when it came on lol). Favourites: Misty Roses⭐, Beach Samba (Bossa na praia), The Face I love, Canoeiro.
It was a cool evening in the spring of 1971. Unseasonably cool. The breeze was blowing off the bay and moving the boats docked off the Bahia Marina. The town never looked better under the incandescent glow of modernity. I walked into the bar with its familiar chipping paint and open doors and windows. Rafael was waiting for me but I brushed him off with the usual excuses for my lack of cashflow. I’d almost calmed him down enough to order a drink when I saw her. And I’ll never forget the music that was playing that night. 4/5. Lets samba.