A Short Album About Love
The Divine ComedyA tad too mushy, wasn’t feeling it. Didn’t really like any songs or melodies. Decent 3
A tad too mushy, wasn’t feeling it. Didn’t really like any songs or melodies. Decent 3
A nice album overall. Themes were consistent and I liked the switch halfway through. No weak songs really. Musically really good all the way through. The different vocals were well used and I like the instruments. Solid 7/10
The mish mash was interesting, pretty ambitious album overall but I think it was pretty effective. Probably liked this more artistically than musically. Most songs had something I liked but also something I didn’t. Felt like an album of moments. Didn’t like his voice on most of it. Decent 6
Songwriting and melodies were great throughout. Her voice is fantastic and she uses it really well and diversely all over. I thought 20 songs was going to get a bit much but thought each song had its own thing going on and didn’t feel like it lasted too long. Really impressed. Light to decent 8
Enjoyed the style and character, very colourful. Some impressive musical segments. I wasn’t really pulled in by much of it and only really felt engaged by a couple of songs in the middle. Good effort and can see why someone would enjoy it but didn’t really do much for me overall. Decent 5
The band in general play very well, impressive musicians. The album was ok, got a bit samey after a while and I wasn't really connecting with much of it. Probably needs multiple listens. Decent 5
Good album, nice length for the content. I liked the subject matter/tone combo, good juxtaposition. Strong 7
Didn’t enjoy most of this, although it had its moments. Just not a fan of the vocals and song structures.
Cool album, personality and character came through. I liked the song subject matter and content. Enjoyed the vocals and lyrics. Light 7
Some good songs, nice vocals and overall vibe. Wasn’t a fan of the music on some of the tracks. Strong 6
The beats were nice. The content hasn't aged well but I guess it's meant to be tongue in cheek to an extent. Didn't like the verses or the delivery for the most part. It was ok overall. Decent 5
Enjoyable and easy listen. Vocals were cool and music was nice. Decent 7
A tad too mushy, wasn’t feeling it. Didn’t really like any songs or melodies. Decent 3
Well crafted album. Nice variety in the songs while keeping a consistent ambience. I thought the vocals and music were balanced well and the lyrics were effective. Light 8
Great album, songs were well thought out and did their own thing each time. Maintained a high level all the way through. Strong 8
Impressive playing and the pace is crazy. Whilst it sounds like it would be awesome live, I’m not sure why this live track is here instead of the actual album. Lead singer’s voice seemed to struggle to handle it at times but it sort of added to the rawness of it all. Strong 6
Some really good parts to this album. I thought they nailed the tone they were going for and some of the music was super sick. I liked a lot of the weird vocals and thought they brought it all together really well. Some odds and corny bits here and there, could probably have been a leaner album. Some of the content and lyrics show it’s time.