There are too many Talking Heads albums on this list. Just like all the others, about a third of these tracks are okay, the other two-thirds are pointless, repetitive, boring, or annoying. I'm being generous with two stars.
More Songs About Buildings and Food is the second studio album by American rock band Talking Heads, released on July 14, 1978, by Sire Records. It was the first of three albums produced by collaborator Brian Eno, and saw the band move toward a danceable style, crossing singer David Byrne's unusual delivery with new emphasis on the rhythm section composed of bassist Tina Weymouth and drummer Chris Frantz. More Songs established Talking Heads as a critical success, reaching number 29 on the US Billboard Pop Albums chart and number 21 on the UK Albums Chart. The album featured the band's first top-thirty single, a cover of Al Green's "Take Me to the River".
There are too many Talking Heads albums on this list. Just like all the others, about a third of these tracks are okay, the other two-thirds are pointless, repetitive, boring, or annoying. I'm being generous with two stars.
Frustrating. Talking Heads are a band I always think I should like way more than I do. Until we try again in another 12 months Mr Byrne.
Super fun and catchy. Realizing more and more why some rando on RYM described LCD Soundsystem as a carbon copy of Talking Heads (in a good way), even though he was totally wrong.
This and the other two albums in the "Eno Trilogy" were a staple of my teenage listening. Talking Heads were my band and spoke to this oddball from the suburbs, I even used "Artists Only" as a tag for a little while. This album is testament to the fact that they were four talented artists, not just David Byrne's dog and pony show
The beginning of their collaboration with Eno and where they really start to take off. Eno came in and bring just the right amount of punch and flourish to the mix. This is a real nice midpoint in their sound as they continued to evolve. Love how the album starts by just ripping right into it. So much forward momentum on this album.
This is the Talking Heads before Afrobeat really took over as an influence. I really enjoy the second half of this album a lot and I think it is paced very well. The playing is incredibly tight (the drums on I’m Not In Love are *chef kiss*) and some wild guitar effects to make it extra funky. I tend to prefer more of their later output, but this one is still very nice and has a lot of songs that I show people if they ask about good Talking Heads starter songs. Favorite track: I’m Not In Love Least favorite track: The Good Thing
Every Talking Heads song sounds the same to me. I just don't really care for them too much. Favorite Tracks: "Take Me to the River"
‘Jerky funk rhythms’ is a good description. I’ve never heard of this album, nor heard any of the songs. Outstanding, very pleasantly surprised. You know it’s good when you want to play it the 3rd time without a break. Their 2nd LP and the first of 3 produced by Brian Eno. This is interesting, lots going on. Love the band, not sure about the voice at this early stage but the rhythm of the voice and the lyrics bring it together and the rhythm is excellent, would be great live. Can’t help but move to this. Love the sound, the production, the bass in particular sounds amazing. Sounds indie at times, jangly guitars, but always with a funky drums & bass. Music to lose yourself in at the gig or on the dance floor.
The singing is just horrible, like Chris Martin horrible.
"More Songs About Buildings and Food" is the Talking Heads' second studio album and the first of three collaborated with Brian Eno. The music is more rhythm and dance driven with quirky, jangly guitars and Eno's keyboards overlaying. Tina Weymouth (bass) and Chris Frantz (drums) really come to the forefront and in a lot of these songs. David Byrne's lyrics are sometimes about relationships, other times not. When they are, it is usually in a weird and original context. This is a fantastic album. The album cover is a photomosaic using 539 close-up Polaroids. Another interesting fact: the song title comes from a title suggestion for their first album of "Songs About Buildings and Food." They just added the More. The rollicking "Thanks You for Sending Me an Angel" begins the album with drums kicking in. Percussions would be added later. Somewhat chaotic/frenetic guitar comes in. It appears to have somewhat non-sensical lyrics...about parenting a baby? The song was a definite highlight of "Stop Making Sense." The first side continues the fast rhythmic pace and ends with another "Stop Making Sense" standout "Found a Job." Here's where Weymouth and Frantz really lay the funk. Weird and interesting keyboards. Some more original lyrics about making a relationship more interesting than what the couple sees on TV. One of my favorite Talking Heads songs. Side two continues the pace but ends on two slower-paced songs. Tina Weymouth lays a great bass line on the Al Green cover "Take Me to the River." Great vocals by Byrne and a somewhat surprising US top 40 hit. Slide guitar highlights "The Big Country." Does David want to live between NYC and LA or doesn't he or is he poking fun at coastal elitists? A lot of days " More Songs About Buildings and Food" is my favorite Talking Heads album which is saying a lot since they have a few outstanding ones. Obviously, an album highly, highly recommended for a listen.
Great album. It’s interesting to consider just how weird David Byrne’s cadence / singing patterns were.
OK songs but again, an album of it is too much. Can’t imagine a mood to be in where an album of this would be a welcome distraction.
Look nothing against Talking Heads, but the lead singer does sound like he's in desperate need of a No 2, and is frantically looking for a toilet.
more dorky 70s rock.... it's not awful but there really doesn't need to be so much of it on this list. 2/5.
I like what comes after this album, but holy god I cannot stand this album. Highlights: 1.
Is it the best album about buildings and food? Yes.
Call this album sausages because every song is a banger. Favorite track: Artists Only
Starting to think that Talking Heads are pretty overrated
Wow. This is truly terrible, like NO SHOT this is anything else than a 1. Genuinely no clue how anyone would ever rate this above 2, but I guess we are all different and that's the beauty of it...
Love it. As a T heads fan there are only a few albums I wouldnt consider stone cold classics. But this album has so many great songs and was a.strong follow-up to 77. (I dont think the live album,The name of this band is Talking Heads, is on this list but I love the live versions of the songs from this album on there.)
More bass + breaks than would've epxected David Byrne sounds a bit like RuPaul? Cover of that Big Mouth Billy bass song that reminds me of Tony Soprano beating up Georgie with the fish :( fav track: The Girl Wants To Be With The Girls
Pretty cool, I liked this a lot. Everything sounds tight without being overly clean, the basslines are really fun, and the lyrics are interesting to think about. Last few songs kinda fell off imo. 4.5
This is the transitional album where Brian Eno came on board as a producer, turning Talking Heads from an arty NYC proto punk band into something that you could dance to. I haven’t listened to this album as much as some of the others - not because it’s not good, but because the live versions of some of these songs on Stop Making Sense (notably their cover of Al Green’s Take Me to the River) are even better than the ones here.
It's way less obnoxious than the other album I heard from them. I don't like his voice and the manic way he sings a lot of them still, but a lot of the actual music I'm finding myself tapping my foot along to a fair bit. There's some good upbeat grooves in here that work for me, with nice guitar and drums in particular.
I feel bad rating this only 2 stars but for whatever reason Talking Heads has always been a band I like the idea of more so than their actual music. I find David Byrne’s singing voice annoying but I respect him as an artistic talent. Not everyone can like everything!
American band goes Brit-Pop (at least it sounds a bit like this). I wonder why it's on the 1001 list.
More Songs About Buildings and Food This might be my 2nd favourite TH album behind Speaking in Tongues, on a par with, although very different than, Remain in Light and slightly head of Fear of Music and Talking Heads: 77 It definitely feels like a step forward from their first album, the rhythm section is similarly groove driven, but it feels more stronger and more agitated, and the guitar is slightly more prominent and more intertwined with the bass and drums. And Brian Eno’s keyboard and synth augmentations add a different texture than their first album, as well as his production skill adding a different dynamic. The lyrics are also slightly less opaque, although still enigmatic enough, but David Byrne’s bemusement at his inability to understand how ‘normal’ people live their lives is clear, particularly on The Big Country. It also has some of David Byrne’s best melodies and some of their best musical hooks. Thank You For Sending Me an Angel is a banger, I love the stomp of With our Love and as it changes to and from the synth bass parts. The Girl Wants to Be With The Girls has the great twinkly piano and an excellent bass riff and that great guitar motif around the chorus. Found a Job has that brilliant break into the synth/piano riff from 3.16 onwards and a brilliant rhythm overall. The Take Me to the River cover is great, excellent synth/organs. And Big Country is superb, with its country twinges and marching rhythm and detached lyric. There really isn’t a weak track for me, it’s a great album, unsurprisingly a 5 ➕🎶🏢🏢🍲
I've heard most of these before on Stop Making Sense but never the album proper! It's pretty great but not my fave talking heads. Still super danceable and cohesive though! 4.5
Great album title and a great album. Enjoyed a lot. Was not really aware of their pre 80's stuff apart from "pyscho killer" and for some reason I thought they were Australian... Not a dud track on album - its's a very high 4 as want to hold back my 5's for the absolute classics.
Yeah. Hell yeah
Ah, good old talking heads. The first half is alright, but the second half is KILLER man. Pretty good album, but it’s not the best Talking Heads album.
Lots of fun. Nods to Motown and R&B throughout. Best thing I've listened to on here so far.
Eno’s production saves this from being a largely forgettable record. …and even then, a lot of songs from this record are more enjoyable live, as documented on “The Name of This Band is Talking Heads” (the superior Talking Heads live album, Stop Making Sense stans).
Solid album. Not my favorite by them.
not the best talking heads but they are just so unique and wonderful
Day 37 of Albums You Must Hear.. More Songs About Buildings and Food is the second album from New Wave band Talking Heads. I reviewed their debut album ‘77 about a month ago and enjoyed it. Talking Heads sophomore offering finds the band with a new producer, Brian Eno, who would help the band add a bit more danceability to their already polished sound, resulting in Talking Heads coming more into their own style that would become more and more “uniquely them” for the next few years. On MSABAF, singer David Byrne would broaden his singing a bit more, bassist Tina Weymouth and drummer Chris Frantz would bring even more of a pulse to the rhythm section and Jerry Harrison would continue to create funky synthesizer and guitar effects. The cover of Al Green’s Take Me to the River was a smash hit for the band and is an absolute gem! I’m Not in Love is another great track that can easily get stuck in your head all day. I had fun with Talking Heads More Songs About Buildings and Food and their unique approach to punk rock. Please share your thoughts, memories and opinions!!
How exactly is this an album I NEEDED to hear before I die?
Occasional delights but mainly David Byrne's weird cadence waddling all over meandering melodies while Brian Eno tries to make sense of the mess of it. Lightning occasionally strikes but it's too seldom for me.
David Byrne is living proof that you can be on the autism spectrum, suck at singing, and still be a star. With Our Love sounds a lot like the songs off of Speaking In Tongues, specifically Girlfriend Is Better and Pull up the Roots. Found a Job is the album's stand out. Judy's in the basement // Inventing situations. Who can relate? Probably a top-five Weymouth bass-line, Byrne's singing is good here (I'll get into this), overall catchy song. I think this was an album for its time, and you need context to understand why it's considered important. This is me gently saying that this album mostly sucks. In 1978, David Byrne freakish delivery was considered interesting/quirky/transgressive/iconoclastic/insert $5 word here; now it just sounds bad. Warning Sign in particular is a real stinker. That's the problem with gimmicks. A big part of what made Talking Heads stand out was because of Byrne's singing; not because it was good, but because it was different. Now that forty + years have passed, the songs that we all remember, the songs that still get played today, are ironically the one's where Byrne does make an earnest attempt at singing - This Must Be The Place, Road To Nowhere, etc. Take Me to the River is fire, but you already knew that going into the album. I love at the end they go fuck it, country song.
I just don't like his voice
May be the worst album of the band
Never stops amazing me how talented this group of musicians is. Tina and Chris bring some soul to the album with their funky rhythms. Jangly and fresh guitar and vocals from Byrne and Harrison sync to the rhythm in a weird landscape of fun.
Very unorthodox and weird, I felt like I was listening to bad music but I actually loved it. Maybe a little repetitive beat at times. Props for being super unique, fun, interesting, upbeat, and consistent but not stagnant
Not one of my fave Talking Heads albums. I always thought Eno’s production goes a little too spacey on a couple of the tracks that should have a dryer sound given their tight funky punky arrangements. That being said, they’re probably my favorite band and this is still brilliant as hell.
Where has this been all my life
Very solid
Really good and funky
Y’know when I was first listening to Talking Heads ‘77 I kept thinking to myself “I wish these guys made more songs. And I wish those songs were about buildings and food”. I guess they had the same idea. Just a fantastic album. Not sure if I like this or Fear Of Music more.
This may be the first time I’ve listened to this album in a complete sitting, and damn I’ve missed out. Really enjoyed the tracks I’d obviously heard over the years, but there’s so much more. Another great pick for the list.
If neurotypical people ask me what Autism feels like, I would tell them to listen to Talking Heads. As a person on The Spectrum, David Bryne’s lyrics about trying to find his place in society sometimes hits a little too close to home. Great album from start to finish.
This was superb. Will be listening again.
Personal favorite - “With our love” and “The Good Thing”. Album to vibe to. The first part of the album was very enjoyable and fun to listen to - gives a lot of energy and retro futuristic vibes. The last half is a bit more dull but, still not hating it. Amazing find
no skips on this
Glad this came up after a bunch of average albums. Great stuff as expected by the talking heads. Take me to the river is the best track but everything jams out. I could have this on all day.
Tightest rhythm section I’ve heard in a minute and the songs all groove insanely hard. Excellent throughout
David Byrne is a visionary. This one might take the cake over remain in light ; the good thing, found a job, artists only, I’m not in love, stay hungry we’re favorites actually it’s too hard to pick. I was audibly excited by every single track.
Every song is peppered with great riffs and licks. The songs are forever moving into different catchy phrases, vocal and musical, punk, funk, disco, new-wave. And the tempo is pumping throughout. Eno was fresh out of Low - there is none of that Berlin-brooding here, but he gives it a driving consistency. Perversely, the single 'Take Me to the River' is the weak spot for me, and doesn't replace the majesty of Al Green's version with anything much interesting. But this album is easily a five so can afford a small trip up. Superb.
iconic, revolutionary and classic
Really interesting album with creative and varied song ideas.
I was excited to throw this record on the turntable on Sunday for a dance party, only to discover in shock that this is one of the few Talking Heads albums I don't have a physical copy of! A lot of my favorite tracks are on this one: The Good Life, Found a Job, The Big Country... if I keep going I'll just list all of the songs.
The talent of Brian Eno, the artistic vision of the Talking Heads, along with the genius of David Byrne made everything they created feel extraterrestrial. I’ve yet to hear one of their songs that doesn’t suck me in or hype me up. Mad love for them and their influence.
A very decent album. The songs still sound cool after years.
Splendid and superb album. In my opinion their best and that's saying something. The mixtures of rhythms, styles and hooks just mesh so perfectly yet awkwardly. A must listen.
girls are getting into abstract analysis
strange epicness david byrne is a silly don
Their distinctive style showed up some real sophistication and musicianship. Found myself really vibing. Would listen again
There are two kinds of people. People who love the talking heads, and people you eventually realize have never said a single interesting thing.
Love this album. Somehow defines and also transcends new wave. This is a band just starting to understand their own potential and greatness.
a really fun album. it's not as out there as the other talking heads albums i've listened to over the course of this project and felt a little more mainstream, so i liked it a bit better. it's still off kilter and still very much talking heads, but it felt a lot more accessible to me than some of the other stuff i listened to. what can i say, i really really liked it!
There are ‘smart’ albums you’ll have to be in a heady mood to enjoy (TPAB, Trout Mask Replica) - at the very least they require taking time out of the day to absorb. Then there are albums like this, which are ‘smart’ but don’t in the same way demand an investment. Not the best Talking Heads, but it endures. And what an opener to send it off.
FINALLY smth good Not my fav talking heads album but still awesome
Absolutely class. Byrne and Co are geniuses!
Very cool and relaxing music! One of the inspiration for 2000s indie/alternative bands.
Tbh I think every album needs more songs about buildings and food. Talking heads rules. This album isn’t an exception.
Phenomenal, manages to capture that magic spot between nostalgic original which makes it endlessly listenable. The Good thing especially, has that quality in Spades. 9/10 Fav tracks - Thankyou for sending me an Angel, The Good Thing, Warning Sign, Found a Job, Stay Hungry, Take Me to the River, I'm Not in Love (Alt version), Thankyou for Sending me a (Country) Angel Least fav - N/A
Judy’s in the bathroom! Inventing situations! I love this record so much. It’s so danceable and well produced. Definitely one of my favourites.
Not a perfect album, but a solid 4.5 that deserves the boost if needed. Great momentum, fun to move to, and you can really feel the rhythm section settling in in a cool way.
It's maybe their 4th best album and it's still absolutely amazing. They just knew how to write a song around an amazing groove. Those basslines and funky guitar riffs with David Byrne's wackiness topping it all off. What a band.
Great One!
A remarkable leap forward from ‘77, groove filled with crisp and trend setting production from Brian Eno, and three or four utterly remarkable songs. Extraordinary record
Not my all time favorite Talking Heads, but damn it's good.
Hmmm, wonder what this is like... I was always going to fanboy over this album. I love it, particularly The Big Country, which to me is up there with Take Me To The river.
Before I start - have I listened to Talking Heads most of my life, being brought up on Stop Making Sense? Yes. Does this make my review biased? Yes. Will that stop me? Hell no! But does this stand up as an actually good album? Still yes - it's a great mix of high-energy, jangly post-punk goodness that still feels fresh and interesting 40 years on, and David Byrne is a strange strange man writing songs about nothing and everything that somehow remain compelling. Faves: Artists Only, The Big Country, Thank You For Sending Me an Angel
When I first saw them on Saturday Night Live, I was maybe 12 and I thought they were the weirdest band I had ever seen. They played "Take Me to the River" and "Artists Only," from this album. I've been a huge fan ever since and this record is part of the reason why.
1 million stars. But i'm biased, this is my favorite band.
This record sounds like what happens when a fantastic band is on a manic high together. They get going with pace and tension and they never let up. The intro to \"I'm Not in Love\" hints at a possible respite and then it takes what, being now eight songs in, ought to be the predictable turn. There must have been a mantra hung in the studio impacting every creative decision shouting a bias for high energy and conflict - \"Take Me to the River\" could have gone a different way (and covers have) but they never fully let it out from the cage. \"The Big Country\" at first seems like a kindness to the listener - a recognition that you can't go back into the world the way listening to this record has made you - but it is deliberate still and calibrated with a military style precision to only just allow you to walk amongst others again. And this band accomplished this in 1978 - wow.
This album was not what I expected at all, having never listened to a whole Talking Heads album at once, but this thing is a real banger.
Nothing places you squarely in the modern western world and makes you feel comfortable and displaced at the same time like “More Songs about Buildings and Food.” The range of emotions anyone may feel throughout any given day are musically expressed as naturally as work tension and family disruptions with delightfully relevant effect. For every note you ever sang in rage along with Joey Ramone and Sid Vicious, you sing right along with David Byrne except that it seems more personal, probable, and poignant. Musically, this album features a delightful variety of style without compromising its purpose. In fact, its diversity of sound seems to its purpose. Byrne’s outlook on life and work leave no stone unturned to refreshing effect. Whether belting out and anthem of hope in the form of a hint of supernatural and spiritual figure or waxing eloquently about where one hopes to make a home Byrne and the band connect immediately through voice and music. The most joyful thing for me, however, is that for the first time in a long time, all of the catharsis I enjoy through listening to music finally feels more tangible. I may not be up for toppling a corrupt government or taking down big corporations or other institutional giants, but I feel like I can tackle cleaning my own house, enjoy my family, and start to build something meaningful… maybe even produce a new TV show, or finally feel good about moving into the city. This review is for Kenny. He knows far more about Talking Heads than I do, and because of him, I now enjoy their music as well.
Talking Heads are just so damn good at making music weird and fun. This album is entertaining from start to finish, David Byrne bringing such great weird energy and the band is right there backing him up with such tight brilliance. My favourite new discovery on this one was Artists Only, I just love the absurdity of it all and again, the band just rips. The energy here is remarkable and this is an easy 5
While this is not as strong a record as "Remain in the Light" it still has some excellent songs anchored on a fantastic rendition of Al Green's "Take Me to the River". The record's first half is pretty good and gets stronger as it progresses.
Love it
Still feel pure unadulterated love for this. 5 stars
Bright and poppy and serves David Byrne’s weird vocals very well. It’s clearly what all other inferior New Wave bands tried to emulate. This is the kind of music I’d dance to!
There’s a lot of interesting things going on with the percussion and strumming. Well produced. And then there’s Byrne’s vocals. 4.5
Great album. Mostly new to me songs except Take Me to the River. I was wavering between a 4 and 5 and went to a 5 when I realized I wanted to listen again immediately after the album finished.
Thank you for sending me an album (like this one). I have so much work to do these days that I don't have the time to listen to records I never listened to before. Plus, playing *More Songs About Buildings And Food* makes a nice soundtrack to my self-alienated predicament. A bit of a hellish feeling, but it adds to the topical weight of the album's snarling lyrics. And the music is great, as usual with the Talking Heads (with so many subtle, nice touches created by Brian Eno's production). Wish I could write a proper review for this one, which ends with "The Big Country", one of my most favourite Talking Heads songs ever. Maybe one day... Number of albums left to review: 46 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 411 (including this one) Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 239 Albums from the list I won't include in mine: 305
Great album!
1. If you can’t groove to this rhythm, I fear your groover is broken. 2. If you have only heard “Take Me to the River” you haven’t heard this album. You have heard one of the lesser tracks. It’s great, but it’s part of the tempo change that helps you cool down after all that’s come before. 3. The last song, “The Big Country,” is satire at its wittiest, catchiest, and quirkiest. 4. Jerry Harrison was in Modern Lovers before Talking Heads. I highly recommend checking out their self-titled, ahead of its time album if you want another window into early alternative/punk inspired (of course) by The Velvet Underground. 5. Each of the first five Talking Heads studio albums should be on this list, not to mention Stop Making Sense. And the film SMS - oh the joy! Five out of five stars, fully deserving each one.