Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
Ray Charlesi liked this album. not my vibe, but i dont felt the urge to skip any song. its a good sing. and i can see the influence of some song in others i have been listening
i liked this album. not my vibe, but i dont felt the urge to skip any song. its a good sing. and i can see the influence of some song in others i have been listening
amzing start, but i think is very repetitive in the rest of the album. i loved orion, cause i love song which are just instrumental, a masterpiece, deserve more fame. fav: battery, master of puppets, orion.
a fun album, burst my morning. its something i would LOVE at my 16y and a indie phase. top3: missing pieces, freedom at 21, weep themselves to sleep
um álbum bom e clássico é o que dá pra ouvir e sentir a originalidade e ver quem se inspirou nele. esse tem muito do que os racionais iriam fazer, dá pra ver a influencia. e não tem como não ligar alguns flows a hamilton, da pra ver onde o linn-manuel se inspirou. terminei de ouvir esse e fui ouvir mais rap porque fui inspirada. arte. top 3: ready to die, respect, suicidal thoughts
delicinha de album
nice album. fav: joy
a wonder start point for a band. this have so much rage and sadness, but u can canalize all of this with music. thank u god for make me live in the same period of linkin park. top 3: one step closer, points of authority, a place for my head
nice rock album, i think i liked more of the instrumetal part, is really heavy an rough. top3: children of damned, number of the beast, run to the hills
as vozes harmonizam muito bem. gostei das mais rockers. top3: i cant dance, love hurts, ooh las vegas
3,5. melhor que o ultimo q eu ouvi delas, mas ainda não é minha praia
feels like a dream, i LOVE IT
um bom jazz